Why English Is So Hard The Solutions You Need To Finally Speak With Confidence
there are five reasons why English is so
hard five reasons why when you speak in
English you get nervous five reasons why
you can’t seem to think in English and
speak like a native English speaker but
today I’m gonna give you the solutions
I’m teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in
reason number one it requires lots of
speaking practice but the problem is you
have no one to practice with now very
quickly you’ll notice that my voice is
kind of gone actually I was sick all
last week and I debated about recording
this video and then I thought about you
I knew that you would need this video so
I apologize for my voice but I
definitely wanted to record this video
just for you so let’s keep going now you
have no one to practice with and that’s
a big issue I’ve had a lot of students
who have spoken to me throughout the
past few months and have sent me
messages saying teacher I really want to
speak English like a native English
speaker but I have no one to speak with
I don’t have a partner I don’t have a
way to practice my English and I know
this is probably the same thing you are
experiencing but don’t worry I have a
solution for you so here’s what you need
to do first start conversations online
visit blogs Instagram accounts Facebook
groups YouTube channels and other
English sites then start commenting and
sending messages this happened last week
one of my students who is also a member
of my Academy actually had a
conversation with one of my friends
that’s right he is one of my Instagram
students as well and my friend follows
me on Instagram my friend is an American
they were talking via Instagram to each
other without me you see all you have to
do is I know I know you feel shy and I
know you may be nervous but the internet
opens up so
doors so people that you follow on
Instagram people that you follow in
Facebook groups go to those pages go to
those groups and just start commenting
and then if you see someone you want to
talk to send them a message the worst
that can happen is they don’t respond
but just like my friend she started a
conversation with my student and that
can happen to you so again going back to
my screen start conversations on line
don’t be shy you can do it next practice
with other English learners find other
English learners in the comment sections
of posts in facebook groups in YouTube
comments or other places message them
and start practicing together now I’m
gonna take a second guys you’re gonna
see me do this a lot during this video I
need to drink some water thank you for
understanding all right so again this
video alone when I upload this video and
as soon as I post it many of you start
commenting in the comment section and
I’ve noticed that some of you have said
hey I’m looking for a partner anybody
want to talk to me on whatsapp that’s
amazing I want you to do that because
you guys are all learning practice
together when I was studying Korean I
was in a class with other students
studying Korean and we practiced
together don’t worry about being alone
or being the only one in your country or
in your environment you can access the
internet in the comment section again
type hey anybody want to practice with
me and I guarantee someone will respond
okay all right now let’s move on to the
next reason here we go the second reason
is you must use real-life English now
the main problem is book English is
different now many of you have also told
me this I’ve talked to some of you and
again those of you there in my Academy
and some of you have had conversations
with me via zoom
videochat and you told me teacher I love
your classes but I realized that what I
learned in class in my own country was
different from the way that you speak
you see they realized that wait a minute
book English is not the same as spoken
English now I want to clarify book
English is very important because you
need to learn the grammar but do you
remember that video a few weeks back
where I taught you stop saying I’m fine
thank you and you if you haven’t seen it
click the link it popped on the screen
right now you see in English while I’m
fine thank you and you we say that
honestly I I don’t say that often but
students learn that in books so every
English student I’ve had in the past
when I was in Korea said I’m fine thank
and you how are you I’m fine thank you
and you and students start to sound like
well real-life English is different and
that’s the problem you experience you
feel frustrated you’ve studied but then
when you go to speak you don’t sound
like a native English speaker don’t
worry I have a solution okay so here’s
the solution first watch programs and
write expressions what you’re going to
do is watch various television or online
English programs as you watch them write
down the new English expressions you
hear in a notebook now I want to show
this to you so for example this is one
of my favourite notebooks you can see
it’s very small but in this notebook I
can write down notes you need to get
your own notebook when you watch this
video videos that I produce where I’m
teaching you guys English during the
time while I’m teaching you I use a lot
of natural expressions because I’m
American and my first language is
English so if you hear something hey
teacher Tiffany said that but I didn’t
learn that write it down find out what
it means you can ask me in the comment
sections and then practice so again you
want to start speaking like a Native
American like an English speaker native
speaker write down the things that we
say or if you’re following me on my
Instagram now some of you don’t know
that I have an Instagram let me show it
to you guys on the screen here we go you
can follow me on Instagram every day I
post two lessons so Sunday to Friday I
post two lessons I teach slang and I
teach English vocabulary well a lot of
the slang a lot of the students that are
already following me are learning very
useful English slang terms so they’re
starting to sound more like a native
English speaker and it’s so funny
because I’ve actually sent my friends
messages because the students that are
following me on Instagram have started
to sound so natural that it blows my
mind I send the messages to my friends
like hey look at what my students said
it sounds so natural so again write down
the expressions that you hear or that
you see us use from different videos
now the next solution here we go let me
take this off the screen for you guys
the next solution to this issue or this
problem is study body language and take
notes so while watching television or
online English programs study the body
language of the people speaking English
the facial expressions the hand gestures
etc so once again you are watching me
once again I need to get some water guys
you can kind of hear my voice hold on
one second hi my voice sound a little
bit raspy again because I was sick last
week so we say raspy the way my voice
sounds right now we say raspy in English
okay alright so again the solution I
said body language as I’m talking to you
you see that I’m using my hands I’m
doing this a lot and I naturally speak
with my hands a lot but again this is a
part of expressing yourself in English
you can start to mimic me you can start
to copy what I’m doing so for example
you can say ah when teacher Tiffany
talks about herself she normally points
to herself so again these little things
will actually help your English in
prove and help you have more confidence
when you speak in English okay all right
now let’s see the next reason why
English is so hard number three you have
to organize your thoughts but the
problem is you keep thinking in your
language now man so many of you have
messaged me about this issue teacher I
want to speak English but every time I
go to speak English I only think in my
mother tongue I only think in my native
language so let’s say for example you
are from Brazil or you’re from China or
you’re from Korea when you go to speak
in English hold on excuse me you start
thinking in Chinese or you start
thinking in Korean or you start thinking
in Portuguese and that stresses you out
I get it
I totally understand when I was learning
it was difficult because I also was
thinking in English but then I had these
solutions so here are the solutions
first practice using the five W’s method
what you’re gonna do is find images and
create stories about them you can do
this by using the five W’s method who
what when where and why now if you’ve
been following me for a long time you
already know this method but again if
you don’t you can just watch the video
the link is up in the top okay so what
you’re gonna do is what’s happening the
reason why you’re having a hard time
thinking in English is because your
brain has never been given the
opportunity to build that muscle right
so what you’re gonna do is go online
find images let’s see for example I’m
gonna find an image really quickly right
now and show you exactly how you can do
this so let’s say I go on Google really
quickly and let’s say I want to find a
picture of a puppy I don’t know if you
guys like puppies or not but puppies are
really cute right so I have my image and
this is the image I found oh I got a new
phone guys all right this is the puppy
very cute puppy right okay but I need to
find out whose dog this is what is the
dog doing when was this picture taken
where was it taken and why was it taken
again looking at that picture very cute
but I’m trying to think in English and
that’s what you’re gonna do find images
and try to creatively think about the
picture make a story about the picture
okay all right now the second thing you
can do is using the number three
practice using threes three is a good
number to remember as you practice how
to think in English you can find
questions and answer them by giving
three reasons three examples or three
details when I say this right here is
gonna help you so much the five W’s is
that’s my favorite method but the three
the number three is my second favorite
method because it will help you in so
many ways let’s say for example someone
asks you hey what’s your favorite food
and you say oh my favorite food is pizza
well they’re gonna look at you because
they want more information three reasons
you see the number three came up right
or three details tell me the type of
pizza you like cheese pizza only or do
you like vegetable pizza or do you like
potatoes on your pizza when I was in
Korea they had potatoes sweet potatoes
on their pizza it was delicious I never
had that before because in America we
don’t put sweet potatoes on pizzas but
in Korea they do and man is a delicious
but again you see I used the number
three to give you three details right or
to give you three different examples or
types of pizza okay all right so now
let’s move on to the next reason why
English is so hard here we go
reason number four you have to use a lot
of vocabulary now this is a problem
because you don’t know enough vocabulary
hey I get it I totally understand again
when I was studying Korean I would have
to get up at 4 in the morning trying to
learn hundreds of
you Larry words before our exams because
you need vocabulary in order to express
yourself so I get it so what’s the
solution I got you don’t even worry okay
so here’s the solution commit to
learning five ten or fifteen words a day
so you’re gonna choose five ten or
fifteen English vocabulary words to
learn each day now here’s the key I want
you to pay attention there’s a reason
why I said five ten or fifteen because
you may be too busy to learn fifteen
word today but you may have time to
learn five just five and again you have
your notebook write five words maybe a
word you heard during this class or a
word that you learned from my Instagram
page it’s up to you right but maybe you
have extra time you can choose fifteen
words what you’re gonna do is in the
morning here we go in the morning you’re
going to first write the word in your
notebook write all of the words in your
notebook then throughout the day use
each one at least once and then the
evening you’re going to review them
again now don’t worry all of these
solutions are in the PDF again the free
PDF so click the link in the description
if you want to get your free pdf so
don’t worry you can still follow along
with this lesson okay now we get in the
morning first you’re going to write the
words in your notebook then throughout
the day I want you to try to use the
words okay
figure out ways to use the words again
this is gonna help you to think in
English as well and then in the evening
come back and you’re gonna review what
you wrote down all right okay now let’s
move on to number five here we go need
to speak with confidence in English but
you feel nervous and shy it’s true
English is hard and when you get in
front of someone and you have to speak
in English and all you’re thinking about
is the mistakes that you’re gonna make
the fact that your grammar may not be
perfect you may start to shake and the
words suddenly don’t come out I get it I
understand I was the same and I
still experiences sometimes when I speak
in Korean I totally understand but I had
some solutions for you so don’t worry
all right so here’s the first solution
record yourself speaking in English pick
a topic and then video or record
yourself speaking about it for at least
one minute the first time will be
difficult but keep trying that’s right
take your phone take your camera and I
want you to hold it up and record
yourself speaking in English now you may
feel weird at first because you’re
talking to yourself but there’s
something that happens when you record
yourself and then you watch it back it
will help you to stop feeling so nervous
but the next solution is also key you
see after you record yourself you then
need to show the video to two people
what that’s right you need to show the
video to two people now you feel nervous
because you don’t want to make mistakes
in front of other people but your
confidence will grow as you show your
video clips to more and more people it’s
so true students that are in my course
to speak like a native English speaker
course have to upload videos each week
or every two weeks but they have the
opportunity every week to upload their
video in the very beginning many of them
said they were super nervous but now
they’re more comfortable because other
people are looking at them and they say
hey it is what it is if you don’t know
that one check out my Instagram page I
taught that slang term it is what it is
just means hey it’s a fact I can’t
change it so upload it once it’s
uploaded you can’t change anything but
they start to get more confident as the
week’s go on
okay so again record yourself and upload
your videos either to a group or you can
show them to your friends okay now
remember to speak English but also
remember to watch the next video lesson
I’ll see you next week
you still there it’s story time
all right so you know that this past
week was Christmas and I want to tell
you this really quickly my dad growing
up would always kind of give us whatever
we asked for it so my mom would also
give us whatever we asked for but my
sister and I so just my sister and I and
our house growing up and I remember one
time I wanted this CD you guys may know
Mariah Carey Mariah Carey I love her
music I can’t sing for you guys today
because my voice is kind of gone but
I’ll do it for you guys next time and
Mariah Carey had a song and to this day
I love this song
and all I want for Christmas was the
song and I know you guys know that song
so anyways I wanted the CD and I asked
my mom but she said no you can’t have
that CD so I left it alone but I knew
that my dad would get it for me so
without my mom knowing I went up to my
dad said daddy you know there’s
something I really really want he said
what do you want baby girl so my dad
calls me baby girl I’m the youngest to
my family’s head baby girl what do you
want so well there’s this CD by Mariah
Carey I really like her music but I
don’t know if I can have it for
Christmas or not but I really would like
that CD I said okay I said it one time
now I know that I’m my dad’s weakness
well actually both my sister and I my
dad is he’s a very loving man and he
really took care of us really well and
again we’re his daughters so daddy’s
girls so anyways Christmas Day comes and
you know we’re all opening our gifts and
everything and there’s one more gift
under the tree my mom looks at my dad
like did you get that it was for me so I
got the gift and again it was the size
of a CD now for those that are too young
I know you’ve seen a CD before but when
I was there they had CDs so I unwrapped
the CD and oh it was a Mariah Carey’s CD
and I was so happy I ran a gave my dad a
I was so happy because I love Mariah
Carey but my mom’s face really my dad’s
name is EJ
really EJ really and we got a good laugh
out of it but that’s kind of how I used
to do when I was younger you know if one
parents said no you just kind of go to
the women let’s say yes but anyway that
mom laughed about it after a while and
then I started singing the songs for
them so let me know about your Christmas
memories I hope you enjoyed this story
and I’ll talk to you next week