Why You Get Tired Of Studying English Tired of Learning English
several weeks ago one of my students
said TIFF I’m just tired I’m tired of
studying English and I don’t know why I
don’t know what to do and I could see
the frustration written all over his
face because I had felt the same way
before when I was studying Korean
and I think you felt that way before -
that’s why I created today’s lesson I’m
gonna tell you the reasons why you feel
that way and also give you the solutions
to overcome that feeling but before I
start I need you to do three things for
me you see my goal is to help 1 billion
students learn English and feel
confident but in order to do that I need
these lessons to spread so three things
I need from you I need you to like this
video I need you to share this video and
I need you to subscribe one more time
like share subscribe come on I said like
share subscribe last time I say like
share subscribe you can help me help
others just like you I’m teacher Tiffany
let’s jump right in alright so you feel
tired of studying English sometimes you
feel like you’re studying non-stop or
maybe you’re getting bored with learning
English or maybe you feel like it will
never end or you feel like you’re
studying the same things over and over
or maybe you even feel like English is
impossible to learn I have felt each and
every one of these things before - when
I was studying Korean so I understand
where you are but let’s kind of take a
look at each of these reasons so the
first one right here is talking about
why you get tired it’s because you have
been studying non-stop in other words
you have been pushing yourself to
constantly input information but the
problem is your brain never gets a
chance to rest and as a result you get
tired of studying English and sometimes
feel frustrated so I want you to think
about it you kind of get excited right
maybe you get a new book you get a new
course and you’re just in it you’re
ready to learn English and you’re going
nonstop every single day over and over
and over and over and then suddenly you
get this feeling of overwhelmed you
don’t want to do it anymore and you see
there’s a reason the reason is because
doing something non-stop is actually not
good you see Russell Eric dope does says
taking a break can lead to breakthroughs
that’s right periodic breaks in your
studies periodic breaks when you’re
working those breaks actually help you
to grasp and process information or
ideas now here’s the solution that I
have for you so that you don’t have to
keep studying non-stop what you actually
need to do is create a schedule that
will give you an opportunity to take
periodic study breaks this will give
your brain a chance to actually process
information you know I remember when I
was studying Korean I would study you
know for many hours at a time and I
started to realize that I was getting
overwhelmed and I came upon this this
system called the Pomodoro a system
right now Pomodoro is basically where
you set a timer and you choose the
amount of time you want to study so I
would study for 25 minutes and then have
a 5-minute break and then 25 minutes and
a 5-minute break and what I realized was
that during that 25 minutes because I
knew I had a break coming up my brain
was more focused and then when that
5-minute break came I would just relax
but I also realized that what I learned
during the previous 25 minutes started
to kind of go around in my mind and it
was like my brain was starting to make
triggers and connections on its own
that’s the power of taking breaks and
the same is true for you so instead of
going non
stop you need to create a schedule
whether it be a weekly schedule or a
monthly schedule where you set aside
time to take a break alright so what
about the second reason why you feel
tired here we go the second reason why
you get tired of studying English is
because you are bored with your study
method that’s right you feel a little
bit bored now in other words you have
been studying English in the same way
for years the problem is the monotony of
your study method is taking away the joy
of learning English and as a result you
get tired of studying English so
monotony just means one way or doing one
thing right just the same not changing
now you see my voice normally goes up
and down I use my hands when I speak
today my voice is a little bit gone I’m
okay but just like last week in the
morning in the morning my voice is a
little bit ah it cracks a little bit
right so but again imagine if I just
talked like this the entire time and
taught you the lesson you’d probably
click off of this video because you
don’t want the same level you need to
change it up sometimes I go high
sometimes I go low but I’m always
changing it up and that keeps it
interesting the same is true for you as
you learn English if you do the same
thing over and over again your brains
gonna say hey we don’t like this I don’t
like what you’re doing alright so it’s a
quote that I want to tell you so this is
actually a study that was done and it
stated that monotony and boredom can
actually be serious sources of stress as
an RI FAC rain that’s right
doing the same thing over and over again
can actually cause you to feel more
stressed so you’ve been wondering why am
I getting tired of studying English you
actually may be stressed because you’re
not changing up your study method so
here’s the solution I want you to look
at decide on a series of study patterns
that you can alternate this will make
your English Studies more
interesting and exciting I’ve created
many videos on this channel that you can
watch totally for free explaining
different study plans but think about it
let’s say for example for me I wanted to
do a study pattern and I said the first
part is vocabulary memorizing vocabulary
second I want to read an English book
third I want to watch English movies
fourth I want to have a conversation
online via a comment section so you see
these are all very different and if I
alternate them my brain gets kind of
stimulated in different ways that’s what
you need to do figure out a series of
study patterns and alternate them that
will help you not to feel so bored and
get tired of English now what about the
third reason the third reason is also
thing that’s very something that is very
common the third reason why you get
tired of studying English is because you
feel like it will never end you feel
like it will never end in other words
you feel like you will never reach your
the problem is by focusing only on the
destination you never give yourself the
opportunity to enjoy the journey and as
a result you feel like you’re fighting a
losing battle now fighting a losing
battle is a very common expression in
English basically you feel like you’re
doing something that you can’t achieve
or doing something that will not have a
positive result so if you’re studying
and you’re only focused on the
I will speak English fluently eventually
you’re gonna have a problem now follow
speaking English fluently is an amazing
goal but in order to reach that goal you
have to follow certain steps there have
to be certain points leading up to that
destination so there’s a quote that I
want to explain to you I read it to you
from the white D Eisenhower
accomplishment will prove to be a
journey not a destination
now with the journey
like I mentioned there are different
spots so let’s say for example yes you
want to speak English like a native
English speaker well one of your
destinations are one of your stops on
your journey is to give a five minute
speech you get there you accomplish that
oh you feel good the next one is you
want to have a thirty minute
conversation with a native English
speaker well you get that you feel good
and you put these spots along your
journey and when you recognize them
you’ll remember that this is a journey
not just a destination and remembering
and recognizing those spots along your
journey will actually help you stay
motivated and help you improve your
English so what’s the solution for you
here we go
come up with three to five specific
goals you would like to accomplish again
these represent special locations or
stops along your English journey you got
all right now what’s the next reason why
you feel tired of studying English the
fourth reason why you get tired of
studying English is because you feel
like you keep studying the same thing in
other words you feel like you aren’t
learning anything new this feeling gets
magnified when you watch English
programs and realize that you can’t
understand certain situations as a
result you feel like there is no way you
can improve I can’t tell you how many
times I receive messages from students
just like you saying teacher
I’ve been studying English so long but
when I watch American television when I
read English books I feel like I don’t
know anything well again that goes back
to feeling like you’re not learning
anything new and that affects you when
you watch these programs and read these
books so this is from Ralph Waldo
Emerson unless you try to do something
beyond what you have already mastered
you will never grow
don’t keep learning the same thing once
you’ve learned something move on to the
next thing and you need to apply so how
do you do this here’s the solution find
an America
program and watch it three times that’s
right three times first focus on
listening that means just watch it enjoy
it don’t worry about writing any notes
just enjoy listening to the program
second I want you to focus on learning
new words third focus on comprehending
the situations and you can repeat this
cycle weekly or monthly so again you’re
watching the programs three times first
just listening enjoying what you’re
seeing and hearing second write down new
words or expressions you’re focused on
the content now and third focus on
comprehending or understanding the
situations why did she laugh when he
said that why did he cry when she said
that you’re understanding the situations
so there will be a sense of excitement
as you’re studying because you’re
constantly learning something new and
something that is really applicable to
real life all right now what about the
next reason why you get tired here we go
the next reason is you feel like it is
an impossible goal speaking English in
other words you feel like you will never
be able to express yourself fluently in
English this feeling gets deeper every
single time you have trouble learning
something new as a result you feel like
you should give up completely now in our
last reason right number four I told you
it’s important to learn something new
well sometimes you feel overwhelmed
right and this makes you feel like you
want to give up there’s a quote that I
really like there is nothing impossible
to him who will try from Alexander the
Great so when you’re learning something
new you can’t get discouraged realize
that the fact that you’re trying to
stretch your brain and expand it is a
good thing that means you are learning
so don’t give up now how do you do this
here’s the solution find a group of
students who are studying English just
like you as you learn new things share
it with the group and practice what you
learn alright you
share those things with the group
whatever you learn share it with the
group you see what’s gonna happen is
even though it seemed impossible like
I’m trying to learn new things but
they’re so difficult the moment you
switch and realize I have to teach this
new thing to somebody else your brain
starts to process the information in a
different way so it’s important for you
to find a group of other students and
teach them what you are learning and
they will teach you what they’re
learning this is gonna help you to stop
feeling so bored and to stop feeling so
tired when you’re studying English it’s
gonna help you be motivated now I just
wanted to make this video very quickly
because I understand that many of you
probably are getting tired of studying
English sometimes and feeling frustrated
but I don’t want you to feel that way
follow the solutions I gave you in this
lesson and I promise you will enjoy
studying English now as always I provide
part two in part two you will learn more
about my personal story you all know
I’ve studied Korean I speak Korean and
you also know that I’ve struggled just
like you’re struggling right now so I
want to give you some more details about
my personal story you can watch it in
part two if you’re already a member of
the Academy all you have to do is click
the link in the description below if
you’re not please join us become a
member join our family and you’ll also
be a part of a private community of
other students who like learning just
like you well guys I hope you enjoyed
today’s video lesson I hope you continue
studying English remember to Like share
and subscribe this video so that you can
join me in my desire to reach 1 billion
students I hope you have an amazing week
and I’ll see you next time but as always
remember to speak English
you know what time it is it’s story time
hey I said it’s story time
alright guys so today’s story time is
all about food I’ll tell you this story
about when I was younger so when I was
in elementary middle and high school you
know my parents used to pick my sister
and I up they would drop us off in the
morning and pick us up in the evening in
the morning my dad was the one that
usually drought to my sister and I off
at school but in the afternoon or
evening my mom would pick us up and I’ve
told you all in a previous video how
hard my parents worked they are an
amazing example of sacrificial love they
gave up everything just so that my
sister and I could have a wonderful life
so I remember the sacrifices and I
remember the long hours they had to work
and I remember you know having to make
sure that the money was used properly or
that we ate the food that we had in the
cupboards and the cabinets and made sure
we didn’t waste anything and I always
valued hard work because of my parents
but every once in a while they would
splurge now splurge just means to kind
of spend more than you usually do or to
do something more than you normally do
and on Fridays Fridays that were pay
days every other week or either once a
month or every other week on Fridays my
mom would pick me up and man you talking
about excited y’all so I can remember my
mom would pick me up from school and my
sister to pick us up we get in the car
and you know we didn’t know if it was
pay day or night we were kids and she
said hey guys we say hey mommy how you
doing you know we were kind of waiting
to see what she would say she said I’m
doing really good um I’m a little hungry
we said oh we’re hungry too mommy what
you thinking she said I think we should
stop and get something to eat I said are
meant we would get pizza fries and ice
cream you’re talking about a happy child
man old man and again we would do that
once a month or once every two weeks and
I can just remember the excitement you
know getting out of school get into the
car and being able to eat that food it
was like the best thing since sliced
bread oh there’s an expression for you
guys the best thing since sliced bread
that just means something amazing and
you know I was a child but that memory
hasn’t stuck with me even up till now
and I want to do the same thing for my
children something that was so simple
was just food but it really made my day
and I know it made my mom happy to give
us food because I actually do the same
thing when I have my nieces if I have
the money at the moment in my pocket
I’ll buy them something special whether
it’s french fries or something else and
they’re so excited so I just wanted to
tell you guys that story because you
know when you do little things you don’t
realize the impact they’ll have on
people now and also in their future so
always remember to do something nice
whether it be for your friends your kids
or even for someone when you may not
know well alright guys I’ll talk to you
next time have a great week