How to say thank you and express appreciation in English

this week’s lesson we are going to talk

about how to say thank you and express

appreciation so this week is of course

the thanksgiving holiday in the usa and

so for this week’s live lesson i want to

talk about some ways that you can

express gratitude and appreciation to

others so as you joined please please

please make sure to hit the like button

and of course share this video so that

other people can find today’s lesson i

hope it’s a very useful one

especially for this week so while we

wait for everyone to join us live a

couple of quick quick quick

announcements first is about this banner

at the bottom of the screen there is a

black friday sale our team has a black

friday sale if you want to study english

with us check the link below the video

if you’re watching on youtube or above

the video if you’re watching on facebook

there is a 51

off sale on the english class

website so if you click the link you

will find this page right here and you

can compare the different plans the

different study plans that we have so

you can choose the one that is best for

you so if you want to study with us

definitely definitely check out the link

this week there is our massive massive

huge black friday sale so please check

that out if you want to study english

with us okay that is announcement number

one announcement number two is as always

if you have questions for me

if you have questions for me about

grammar about vocabulary about culture

about whatever you can send them to me

for our weekly question and answer

series called ask alicia this is a very

old screenshot so send them to me at

ask hyphen alicia i will definitely read

your question i will definitely read

your question and maybe

i will choose your question to answer so

please take a look at this if you have

questions after today’s live stream uh

or just you think of something in your

studies and you’re like i wonder and if

you can’t find the answer in google you

can send it to me i love it that’d be

great so

all levels are okay too and also

sometimes if you search on the youtube

channel you can find the answer uh

before you message me too maybe that

will save you time anyway this is our

announcements for this week these are

our announcements for this week so uh

make sure you send them to me uh the

link is there’s also a link to this in

the youtube description so check that

out too okay uh all right it looks like

facebook and youtube both are looking

pretty good excellent fantastic okay so

that’s all for announcements also if you

want to find me on social media this is

my social media handle so check it out

there uh i can’t see today it’s very

very bright it’s a nice day but it’s

very hard to see so okay now that

everything is running

today uh today’s topic is how to express

thanks how to show appreciation to

others so uh while i have everybody here

make sure if you haven’t already please

hit the like button and share this video

so other people can find the lesson i

will do that right now

but um okay cool cool okay so now i’ve

done that so let’s take a look at the

lesson flow next i think everyone is

here nayeli hello

juan car juan ricardo eric hi haydee

alaratam hello israel cabrera hello hi

everybody okay good youtube hi youtube

dynam on facebook jannatulfurtis hi i

hope i said your name correctly and why

get hello hyun ma billy hi everybody

okay welcome everyone is here

okay everything looks good so today’s

lesson flow let’s go to today’s lesson

flow i can’t see today sorry everybody

okay today’s lesson flow here are the

lesson boards for today if you want to

take a screenshot we are going to review

first some basic thank you expressions

basic thank you expressions then we are

going to practice making compliments so

we are going to review some basic

grammar patterns for compliments lastly

we are going to talk about questions

that show interest and appreciation and

a couple of other little expressions at

the end okay so let’s get started all

right let’s start with saying thank you

so basic thank you expressions

begin okay so of course we have thank

you basically the most basic expression

thank you thank you or thank you very

much right okay so thank you very much

it’s a little more more of a thank you

than just thank you we also have thanks

a lot thanks a lot

okay but we do not say we do not say

thank you a lot we don’t say thank you a

lot someone asked me this once and i

thought no that’s interesting no we

don’t say that no thank you a lot

okay so thank you very much thanks a lot

another good one i appreciate it i

appreciate it so someone gives you

something or someone does something for

you someone makes a nice comment or

someone sends you a nice message i

appreciate it i appreciate it so thank

you i appreciate it you can put them

together ah thank you so much i really

appreciate that so you can use that in a

in place of it here so thank you very

much i appreciate that if someone gives

you a gift maybe okay i appreciate that

okay now let’s talk about the first


here the first grammar pattern i want to

practice today it’s i’m grateful so i am

grateful for

noun or

i am grateful to

verb i am grateful for noun or i’m

grateful to verb so there are two

grammar structures here



if it’s helpful you can break this down

to like i’m full

of feeling like happy and thankful for

something yeah so to feel grateful this

emotion to be grateful means to

appreciate something so you feel

thankful for that thing this word is

grateful it’s like a thanking feeling

okay so what do we do with this so to

make this grammar pattern work

we have to consider our preposition i’m

grateful for noun phrase for example i’m

grateful for my family

or for a job i’m grateful for this


yeah so we use i’m grateful for before

the noun we don’t use this before a verb

we use to before a verb

okay so you can send example sentences

with this pattern if you like okay so

i’m grateful to and then the verb form

it’s very common to use the verb be in

this pattern for example i’m grateful to

be here today for example if you give a

speech or like a presentation a work

presentation at a conference maybe i’m

grateful to be here today or i’m

grateful to participate i’m grateful to

participate in this conference maybe so

we often use a be verb or some kind of

like a participation

or like a verb that’s related to

like the privilege of being part of

something else this is kind of the

feeling when we use this one this

pattern so i’m grateful to be here today

or for another one i’m grateful to have

great friends i’m grateful to have great

friends okay so

we can use these two patterns here

okay uh gia says i’m grateful for your

live lesson awesome that’s super nice

thank you okay i appreciate that okay

uh thank you for your special advice

very nice very nice okay uh sushi says

i’m grateful for being here and taking

your class i would say i’m grateful to

be here i’m grateful to be here i know

you’ve got that the being and that’s

good i think i probably would say i’m

grateful to be here

what’s opportunity opportunity means

chance chance chance but more formal we

use opportunity

for uh like um like a new job for

example like a new job or maybe you are

included in a special group that’s an

opportunity like a professional chance


okay i’m really grateful for this class

says jonathan oh you guys are nice super

nice oh i appreciate that you guys are

great okay

uh all right others on facebook uh liz

says i’m grateful to be listening to

your english classes okay good i think

maybe two and you got smooshed together

there liz great i’m grateful to be

listening good okay uh abdullah i’m

grateful on my job close i’m grateful

for my job four so your preposition

should be four

plus noun for my job i’m grateful for my



uh someone i can’t read your name on

facebook says thanks i think tqs thanks

for your class good okay

uh other examples okay sophomore says

i’m grateful for my girlfriend very nice

good examples everybody okay good so

keep in mind your preposition i’m

grateful for noun phrase i’m grateful to

verb this is the grammar pattern we can

use here cute

okay let’s go to the next couple

the next couple are just fair another

some some more very very nice

expressions okay so the first one here

is that’s very kind that’s very kind or

that’s very kind of you that’s very kind

of you so this is a nice polite way to

say oh that’s so nice that’s so nice so

you can use this on like internet

comments like if someone says wow great

photo or something you can write that’s

very kind of you or that’s so kind of


so and very are

okay to use in this position that’s so

kind of you kind means like very nice

but also

nice nice plus like there’s kind of a

genuine feeling when we say someone is

very kind we get the feeling that person

is very genuine right so a nice person

is like they’re they’re maybe polite to

you right but kind a kind person we feel

is very genuine so oh that’s very kind

of you or that’s so kind of you or

that’s so kind of you to say you might

see that as well so these are all good

ways to express thank you thank you all


okay last one then

i can’t thank you enough i can’t thank

you enough so i can’t yes this is the

negative here this means it’s not

possible for me

to say thank you enough times so this

means you helped me a lot i want to say

thank you thank you thank you thank you

thank you i can’t say it enough times to

repay you for your help or for your

for your kindness yeah so i can’t thank

you enough thank you okay

cool i’m looking for your questions and

comments uh

first time attending your live but third

time to listen to you hello jazz me and

you cool welcome to the live sessions

okay uh some people are writing these i


great uh to be part of your classes

ahmed i am grateful

i’m grateful to be part of your class so

not gray but grateful grateful okay i’m


i can’t thank you enough for all the

birthday wishes says tammy yeah that’s a

great one so on like facebook or

instagram or twitter if it’s your

birthday and lots of people send you

messages you can use this i can’t thank

you enough for all the birthday wishes


cool all right

okay uh looks good looks good all right

oh cool j n said uh super chat well

thanks very much jan that’s super

awesome thank you okay

uh all right uh let’s take a quick break

and then we’ll go to part two okay so if

you missed it there is a huge the team

has a huge black friday sale here there

is 51 off at for this week

for the black friday special so if you

want to study with our lessons take a

look at the link below the video if

you’re watching on youtube or above the

video if you’re watching on facebook you

will find this page so you can check the

different plans

the premium the basic and the premium

plus and find the plan that’s best for

you and the courses and the topics and

the tools you want to get for your

studies so check that out

uh and if you find something you like

grab it because this is this is a big

sale 51 off so check it out if you want

to study with us okay cool all right so

let’s go to the next uh the next part

let’s go to part two and if you haven’t

please please please make sure to hit

the like button and share this video so

that other people can find today’s

lesson okay cool so let’s go to part two

compliments compliments so we’re going

to cover uh some compliment patterns

here again so you can send your examples

live in the chat i will try to check

but there are quite a few today

so let’s go

to compliments so a compliment what is a

compliment with an i here a compliment

is a nice comment you make to someone

else like oh nice shirt i love your

haircut and so on so a compliment we

should all know how to give people


here’s a basic one great job great job

you can use it at work you can use it at

home so great job well done or nice job

so this isn’t just for work you can use

this at home and with your friends great

job very good nice job okay

all right next one is this is or that’s


this is great or that’s great so used

for good news or something that someone

did very well so that’s great

this is great okay very very basic

compliments right

so how do we make our compliments more

specific okay so we can use one of these

very simple patterns yeah i like or i

love your noun phrase i like your

sweater i love your cooking i like your

house so use a noun phrase here noun

phrase so in this case i’ve chosen these

three you can send your own in the chat

yeah okay so i like or i love we

typically use these verbs i like and i


maybe you’ll find some others

that people use from time to time but we


use these two to give a compliment so

love is stronger for sure so if it’s a

little too strong just use like i like

your sweater or i like your new

hairstyle or i like your

uh dessert that you made for the for the

party okay

people are writing i love your hair i

love your hairstyle i like your ideas

good uh

on facebook thanks for a job well done

says tammy facebook uh

i love your teaching way ah i love the

way you teach i love the way you teach

okay that’s that’s a natural way to

express that okay i like your class very

nice okay good

okay good good good nice job everybody

nice job great job okay so we have this


and let’s talk now about this one and

two so

to use this one we are going to we’re

going to complement someone’s skills

okay so this is one you use to

complement someone’s like talents or

abilities for example you’re a really

good title so title here is the title of

like the person

who has that skill so what do i mean for

example you’re a really good

photographer you’re a really good

photographer so that means your pictures

are really nice yeah you’re a really

good photographer or you’re a really

good cook

or you’re a really good musician

so use these kind of title

words so if your friend shows you some

cool pictures or maybe they are a really

talented artist like they draw really

well or they made some food for you you

can compliment them you’re a really good

cook you’re a really good title

here okay you can send your examples uh

in the chat uh people are writing i like

your teaching i love your advice i like

your teaching style good you’re a really

good speaker okay you’re a really good

teacher okay good uh you’re a good liar

says alaran whoa that’s typically not a


i don’t know lying is generally not a

good thing so maybe you don’t need to

use liar here you’re a really good liar

so maybe choose something positive yeah

something that’s a little bit more


we usually don’t use that that was funny

though okay

uh good good good so let’s continue on

people are writing you’re a really good

teacher okay cool you’re very nice to me

thank you for being very nice to me

that’s very kind of you to say but

please remember to practice this for use

in other parts of your life not just

with the

live lessons yeah

okay oh there’s one tammy says you’re a

really good singer good good i’m

definitely not so

let’s go to the last one okay the last

parts here so like last compliments so

when you finish an event like you spend

time with your friends you see your

family members maybe you go on a date

whatever you can use this at the end

to give a compliment i had past tense i


a great time i had a great time i had an

awesome time i had a nice time you can

change this adjective but this one is

nice i had a great time i had a great


okay eric says you are a really good

christmas tree that doesn’t make any

sense eric

okay i had a great time all right and

this one too you can use again at the

end of a gathering or the end of some

kind of meetup let’s get together again

soon let’s get together so get together

means meet right let’s meet again soon

but this sounds much more casual and

friendly let’s get together again soon

yeah okay

so i had a great time let’s get together

again soon or i had a great time let’s

do it again soon

okay make sure past tense i had a great

time some people are writing have not

have i had is the past tense past tense

so the event has finished we are done we

are talking about the past i had a great

time yesterday i had a great time last



all right

that’s it for part two

all right i’m looking for your questions

i do not see any questions lots of good

example sentences i had a great time


all right

okay let’s take one more quick break and

then we’ll practice some questions uh

that you can use to show interest and

appreciation okay all right

lots of people are writing i had a nice

time oh dixon says i had a nice time

with my family yesterday very nice one



good let’s go to part three if you

haven’t please please please make sure

to like

and share this video so people can find

today’s lesson

okay let’s go to the last one the last

part questions that show interest and


so these are just a few questions uh

that you can ask people to show you are

interested in something they’re doing so

you don’t have to say wow that’s great

or i love that but these questions show

that you want to know more right so they

show that you appreciate something or

that you’re interested in something okay

so let’s talk about these first one

where did you get that

where did you get that so get means buy

or just receive maybe two so this is

good for like uh clothing so if you say

i love your sweater where did you get

that means where did you buy that right

so this shows you want to know where the

other thing came from like maybe you

want to buy it right where did you get

that or oh my gosh i love that painting

where did you get that

all right so this is a really good one

you can use for like uh clothing for

physical objects yeah where did you get

that where did you get that okay i like

i like that picture where did you buy

that you can change get to buy if you

know it’s something the other person


where did you get that car okay good

says gaurav aria good good good where

did you get that car

okay sorry where did you get this car

good good good okay

all right uh the next one is where did

you learn that where did you learn that

so you can use this one for a skill so

if someone shows you like a really cool

skill they’re super talented in

something maybe they can draw really

well or whatever you can say where did

you learn that or where did you learn

how to do that where did you learn that

so this shows you respect their skills

you respect their abilities and you want

to know how did they learn this like

maybe i can learn how to do it too

that’s the feeling here where did you

learn that


all right next one this next one is good

for food use this one for food this is a

very common way to complement someone’s

cooking skills can you send me the


can you send me the recipe

so this means i want to make that that’s

what this is saying i want to make that

food you made for me can you send me the

recipe or can you please send me the



all right and another one is this can

you show me or can you teach me how to

do that can you show me or can you teach

me how to do that

so this is a good one that means i want

you to teach me something but be careful

with this one use this for short simple

actions so for example i get a lot of

messages that say please teach me

english which is my job right so

that’s my job right so i i that’s part

of my job i do that anyway so make sure

sorry noisy make sure when you ask this

question can you show me how to do that

it’s just a quick short

activity right not asking someone to

work for you right not a long term

project so use this for short quick

action like hey can you show me how to

do that cooking thing you just did

what’s that like it takes five minutes

to teach someone something so use this

for things that are not

people’s jobs right that’s i recommend

that i recommend that okay so now can

you teach me how to build websites it’s

like that’s their job maybe right so

make sure you use this to give people

compliments yeah not to ask them to work


all right good so can you teach me how

to do that or can you show me how to do


what is a recipe a recipe

is how to cook something how to cook

something so a recipe is the ingredients

the food that you mix together to create

like a dinner or a lunch a recipe it’s a


list of food to make food

a recipe


all right so that is

our questions and of course there are

other questions we can use to show

interest basically

if you ask someone questions about their

skill or about their talent you will

show that you appreciate them


let’s go to the last part because time

is running out it’s so hard to see today

okay time is running out definitely so a

couple other expressions you can use to

show your appreciation for someone

you’re really talented you’re really

talented so maybe someone’s a great

musician or maybe they have really great

skills in something you’re really

talented you’re really talented so not

talent not your really talent you’re

really talented

adjective you’re really talented okay

and finally this one you can use for

your friends too i thought this was a

happy way to end today uh so wholesome

today’s very wholesome lesson content

okay so i’m so glad we’re friends i’m so

glad we’re friends so that means i

really like that you are my friend i

feel happy about that i’m so glad we’re


okay uh rocky says if i were to say i’m

a cooker is a cooker a word or not no

for for a person who makes food

no we say we have the title chef or we

say cook you’re a good cook we don’t say

cooker okay you’re a good cook

all right so we can use these other

expressions to complement as well all

right cool all right so these are some

ways to say thank you and to express

your appreciation for someone else i

hope that you found some good

expressions that you can use in your

life as well such wholesome internet

content today okay so if you want to

take a picture here is today’s let’s see

here are today’s lesson boards you can

take a screenshot

so we

practiced saying thank you we talked

about some grammar patterns to use when

you say thank you we talked about some

compliment patterns and we talked about

some questions and other expressions

that show you are interested and

appreciative of something that someone

else has done

okay cool so that’s it for this week

that was that was very nice very very

nice lesson thanks for your great

questions and your example sentences too

uh i have to end today’s lesson so here

is next week’s lesson information so

hard to see today

next week’s lesson oh my gosh december

it’s already december next week i’ll be

back december 1st wednesday december 1st

at 10 pm eastern standard time that is

new york city time if you don’t know

your local time please use your google

skills to find it so you can set a

reminder on youtube or on facebook on

our event page or i also always post a

link and a topic reminder in my

instagram stories too so if you follow

me on instagram you will find it there

next week i’m going to talk about how to

use could and should for suggestions and

advice could and should we love to

practice good and wood right so

next week we are going to focus on could

and should

in these uses for suggestions and advice

so please join me again next week to do

that okay cool so we have to finish

today’s lesson here but as i said

earlier please please please if you want

to study with us

uh if you want to get our lessons or

courses make sure today to check out the

black friday sale the 51 off sale check

the link below the video on youtube or

above the video on facebook and take a

look at that it’s the i think it’s the

biggest one of the year maybe i think so

so check that one out uh if you want to

study with us

and maybe you can find something that

works for you okay so i will say goodbye

for this week thank you so much for

joining me thank you for liking and

sharing the video you can follow me on

social media from the links below the

video on youtube have a good day have a

good week and i will see you again next

本周的课程我们将讨论如何表达感谢和感谢,所以本周当然是美国的感恩节假期,所以对于本周的现场课程,我想谈谈表达感谢和感谢的一些方法 给其他人,所以当你加入时,请确保点击喜欢按钮,当然分享这个视频,以便其他人可以找到今天的课程,我希望这是一个非常有用的课程,尤其是本周,所以在我们等待大家加入我们的同时 直播几个快速快速的公告首先是关于屏幕底部的这个横幅有一个黑色星期五促销我们的团队有一个黑色星期五促销如果你想和我们一起学习英语,请查看视频下方的链接如果你是 如果您在 facebook 上观看,请在 youtube 或视频上方观看,English class 网站上有 51 折优惠,所以如果您点击链接,您会在此处找到此页面,您可以进行比较 不同的计划 我们有不同的学习计划,因此您可以选择最适合您的学习计划,因此如果您想与我们一起学习,请务必查看本周的链接,那里有我们大规模的大型黑色星期五特卖,所以请查看 出去 如果你想和我们一起学英语 好吧 那是第一个公告 如果你有问题要问我 如果你对我有疑问 关于语法 关于词汇 关于文化 关于任何你可以发送给我的每周 问答系列叫做问艾丽西亚这是一个非常古老的截图,所以把它们发给我englishclass101.com问连字符艾丽西亚我一定会读你的问题我一定会读你的问题,也许我会选择你的问题来回答所以请拿一个 如果您在今天的直播之后有任何问题,或者只是您在学习中想到一些事情,然后您就像我想知道,如果您找不到答案,请看这个 在谷歌你可以把它发给我我喜欢它会很棒所以所有级别也都可以而且有时如果你在 youtube 频道上搜索你可以在你给我发消息之前找到答案也许这会节省你的时间 无论如何,这是我们本周的公告 这些是我们本周的公告,所以请确保您将它们发送给我,嗯,链接在 youtube 描述中也有指向此的链接,所以请检查一下,好吧,好吧,看起来像 facebook 和 youtube 看起来都非常好 非常棒 美好的一天,但很难看到今天一切都很好,今天的主题是如何表达感谢如何表达对他人的感激,所以呃,虽然我有每个人都在这里,但如果你还没有,请点个赞 e 按钮并分享此视频,以便其他人可以找到课程 汽车 juan ricardo eric hi haydee alaratam 你好 israel cabrera 你好 大家好 好的 youtube 你好 facebook 上的 youtube dynam jannatulfurtis 嗨 我希望我说的你的名字是正确的 为什么要问好 hyun ma billy 大家好 欢迎大家都在这里 一切看起来都很好 所以今天 课程流程让我们进入今天的课程流程我今天看不到对不起大家好吧今天的课程流程这里是今天的课程板如果你想截图我们将首先回顾一些基本的感谢表达基本的感谢表达然后 我们将练习赞美,所以我们将回顾一些基本的赞美语法模式最后我们将讨论表现出兴趣和认可的问题 eciation 和最后的其他几个小表达 好的,所以让我们开始吧 让我们从说谢谢开始,所以基本的谢谢表达开始好了,所以当然我们有谢谢,基本上是最基本的表达谢谢谢谢谢谢或谢谢 非常正确 好的 非常感谢 不仅仅是感谢 更多的是感谢 我们也非常感谢 非常感谢 非常感谢 但我们不说 我们不说 非常感谢 我们不说 非常感谢有人问过我一次,我认为不,这很有趣,不,我们不说不,非常感谢,好的,非常感谢,非常感谢另一个好人,我很感激我很感激,所以有人给了你一些东西 或者有人为你做了某事 有人做了很好的评论 或者有人给你发了一个很好的信息 我很感激 我很感激 所以谢谢 我很感激 你可以把它们放在一起 啊谢谢你 我真的很感激所以你可以使用我 na 在这里代替它所以非常感谢我很感激如果有人给你礼物也许可以我很感激现在让我们在这里谈谈第一个模式我今天要练习的第一个语法模式我很感激所以我 我很感激名词或我很感激动词 感谢某事是的,因此感到感激 这种情绪是感激的意思是感激某事,所以你对那件事感到感激 这个词很感激 这就像一种感谢的感觉 还可以,所以我们该怎么做才能使这种语法模式发挥作用 考虑我们的介词我很感激名词短语例如我很感激我的家人或工作我很感激这个机会是的所以我们在名词之前使用我很感激我们之前不使用这个 版本 b 我们在动词 Ok 之前使用 to,因此如果您愿意,您可以发送带有这种模式的例句 今天在这里,例如,如果您在会议上发表演讲或喜欢演示文稿,也许我很感激今天来到这里,或者我很感激参加我很感激参加这个会议也许所以我们经常使用 be动词或某种类似于参与或类似于与喜欢成为其他事物的一部分的特权有关的动词,这是我们使用这个模式时的感觉,所以我很高兴今天能来到这里或为 另一个我很感激有好朋友 我很感激有好朋友 好吧,我们可以在这里使用这两种模式 呃谢谢你的特别建议 非常好 非常好 好吧 呃 寿司说我很感激能来到这里并参加你的课 我会说我很感激来到这里 我很感激来到这里 我知道你有那个存在,我认为这很好 我可能会说我很高兴来到这里什么是机会机会意味着机会机会机会,但更正式的是,我们使用机会,嗯,就像一个新工作,例如新工作,或者你可能被包括在一个特殊的群体中,这是一个机会 就像一个专业的机会是的,我真的很感谢这门课,乔纳森说,哦,你们很好,超级好哦,我很感激你们很棒,好吧,好吧,脸书上的其他人,呃,莉兹说我很感激能听你的 英语课 好 好 我想可能有两个 你在那儿很顺利 丽兹太好了 我很感激能听好 我的工作的名词我是 感谢我的工作 好吧 呃 某人我在 facebook 上看不懂你的名字 说谢谢 我认为 tqs 感谢你的课程 注意你的介词我很感激名词短语我很感激动词这是我们可以在这里使用的语法模式可爱好的让我们去下一对接下来的一对只是公平的另一个一些更非常非常好的表达好吧所以 这里的第一个是非常好,非常好,或者你非常好,你非常好,所以这是一种很好的礼貌方式,说哦,太好了,太好了,所以你可以在互联网评论上使用它,就像有人说 哇 很棒的照片或者你可以写的东西,你非常友善,或者你非常友善,所以非常适合在这个位置使用,你非常友善,意味着非常好,但也很好,加上就像有一种 真诚的感觉 当我们说某人很善良时,我们会觉得这个人很真诚 你真好,你真好,或者你真好 ‘谢谢你,所以我不能是的,这是负面的,这意味着我不可能说足够的次数,所以这意味着你帮了我很多,我想说谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢 你我不能说足够的时间来报答你的帮助或你的好意是的,所以我不能感谢你,谢谢,好吧,很酷,我正在寻找你的问题和评论,嗯,第一次参加你的现场,但是 第三次听你你好爵士我和你很酷欢迎来到现场 sessio ns 好吧 呃有些人正在写这些 我很高兴 呃 成为你课程的一员 ahmed 我很感激我很感激能成为你课程的一员 所以不是灰色但感激感激 好吧我很感激 我感激不尽 对于所有的生日祝福都说 tammy 是的,这是一个很棒的祝福,比如 facebook 或 instagram 或 twitter,如果这是你的生日,很多人给你发消息,你可以使用这个,我非常感谢你所有的生日祝福,好吧,很酷 对 好吧 呃 看起来不错 看起来不错 好吧 哦 酷 jn 说 呃 超级聊天 非常感谢 jan 那太棒了 谢谢你 好吧 呃 好吧 让我们休息一下 然后我们会去第二部分 好吧 如果你错过了 它有一个巨大的团队在这里有一个巨大的黑色星期五特卖 本周在 有51 折黑色星期五特价所以如果你想学习我们的课程,请查看视频下方的链接 在 youtube 或 vi 上方观看 deo 如果您在 facebook 上观看,您会找到此页面,以便您可以查看不同的计划、高级版、基本版和高级版,并找到最适合您的计划以及您想要获得的课程、主题和工具 你的学习,所以检查一下,如果你找到你喜欢的东西,就抓住它,因为这是一个大减价 51 折,所以如果你想和我们一起学习,那就检查一下,好吧,好吧,让我们去下一个,嗯,下一个 部分让我们进入第二部分,如果你还没有,请确保点击“赞”按钮并分享此视频,以便其他人可以找到今天的课程,好吧,很酷,让我们进入第二部分,恭维恭维,所以我们要 在这里再次介绍一些赞美模式,以便您可以在聊天中实时发送您的示例,我会尝试检查但今天有很多所以让我们去赞美,所以赞美什么是赞美与我在这里赞美是一个不错 你对某人的评论 没有其他人喜欢哦,漂亮的衬衫,我喜欢你的发型等等,所以恭维我们都应该知道如何给别人赞美这是一个基本的,一个伟大的工作,你可以在工作中使用它你可以在家里使用它,如此出色的工作做得好 或者干得好,所以这不仅仅是为了工作,你可以在家里和你的朋友一起使用,干得好,非常好,干得好,好吧,下一个是这个,或者那个很好,这个很好,或者那个很好,所以用于好消息或 某人做得很好的事情,那太好了,这很好,很好,非常基本的恭维,所以我们如何让我们的恭维更具体,所以我们可以使用这些非常简单的模式之一是的,我喜欢或我喜欢你的名词短语我喜欢你的 毛衣 我喜欢你的烹饪 我喜欢你的房子 所以在这里使用名词短语 名词短语 所以在这种情况下我选择了这三个你可以在聊天中发送你自己的 我爱也许你会找到一些 人们不时使用她的,但我们通常用这两个来表示赞美,所以爱肯定会更强烈,所以如果它有点太强烈,就像我喜欢你的毛衣或者我喜欢你的新发型或者我喜欢你的甜点一样使用 你为派对做的 好吧人们在写 我喜欢你的头发 我喜欢你的发型 我喜欢你的想法 在 Facebook 上很好 谢谢你的工作干得好 tammy facebook 呃我喜欢你的教学方式 啊我喜欢你的教学方式 我喜欢你的教学方式 好吧 那是表达这一点的自然方式 好吧 我喜欢你的课 非常好 所以要使用这个,我们将要使用这个,我们将补充某人的技能,好吧,这是你用来补充某人的天赋或能力的一个,例如,你是一个非常好的头衔,所以这里的头衔是喜欢这个人的头衔 w ho有这个技能所以我的意思是什么







或 你是一个非常好的音乐家,






可以赞美他们,你是 一个非常好的






好的演讲者好吧你 是一个非常好的

老师 好的 好的 呃

你是一个很好的骗子 好骗子,


ing 这更积极一点,

我们通常不使用 那很有趣,





谢谢你 对我














夸奖我是过去式 我

玩得很开心 我玩得很开心 说你是一棵非常好的

圣诞树 没有任何













好吧,确保过去时,我有一个 美好

时光有些人正在写作 我

没有过去 第二

部分 好的 我正在寻找你的问题

我没有看到任何问题 很多很好的

例句 我玩得很

开心 显示 inte 休息和

欣赏 好的 好的

很多人都在写 我

玩得很开心 哦,迪克森说

我昨天和家人玩得很开心 非常好的一个


好的 让我们去第三部分 如果你


确保 喜欢







对他们感兴趣的东西感兴趣 这样做













所以这笑 如果你想知道






你可以用来 像呃

实物服装 是的,你从哪里得到的,你从






,就去买你从哪里得到那辆车 好的好的

说 gaurav 咏叹调 好的 好的 好的


哪里弄来的那辆车 好的 抱歉 你从哪里

弄来的 一项技能,所以







所以 这表明你尊重他们 r 技能



学会这个的 对于食物,这是







你为我做的食物,你能做到吗? 把菜谱发给我,


吗 好的,这意味着我希望






工作,所以 ii 这

是我工作的一部分,无论如何我都会这样做,所以我 确保

抱歉 吵 确保 当你问这个

问题时 你能告诉我怎么做吗


活动 不是要求某人

为你工作 不是一个长期的

项目 所以用它来做短期的快速

行动 嘿你可以吗 告诉我如何




人们工作的事情上吧 我


可以教我如何建造 网站







? 菜谱 菜谱

是如何烹饪某样东西 如何烹饪某样

东西 所以菜谱是配料


如晚餐或午餐 菜谱 它

是食物清单 让食物


一世 这是









时间不多了 今天很难看到

好吧 时间肯定不多了 所以




才华 ‘真的

很有天赋 你真的很有天赋 所以不是

天赋 不是你的天赋 你


天赋 形容词 你真的很有天赋


好的 所以我很高兴我们是朋友 我很

高兴我们是朋友 所以这意味着我

真的很喜欢你是我的朋友 我

很高兴我是 很高兴我们是






说你是厨师 a good cook we don’t say

cooker 好吧,你是个好厨师










练习 说谢谢我们讨论









下周的课程很难看到哦,我的 天哪

12 月 下周已经是 12 月了 我会在

12 月 1 日星期三 12 月 1

日晚上 10 点东部标准时间晚上 10 点回来,




在我们的活动页面上的 youtube 或 facebook 上的提醒,


在我的 instagram 故事中发布链接和主题提醒,


在 instagram 上关注我,你会在下周找到它,


使用 can 和 should 来提供建议和

建议 could 和 should 我们喜欢


下周我们将专注于 can

和 should



t 好吧,很酷,所以我们必须在






黑色星期五促销 51 折扣 查看


上视频下方或 facebook 上视频上方的链接,




,也许 你可以找到




分享视频你可以从 youtube 上视频下面的链接在社交媒体上关注我祝你一切

顺利 今天有一个
