How to Say Happy Birthday American English Pronunciation

Today we’re going to go over the phrase ‘happy
birthday.’ »Happy Birthday HaQuyen. »Thanks,

Rachel. »Happy Birthday HaQuyen. »Happy
Birthday Rachel. »Aw, that’s sweet. Thank you.

This phrase, though just two words, can be
kind of difficult. It has the ‘ur’ as in ‘her’

vowel / R consonant sound. That can be tough.
Happy begins with an H. Sometimes people’s

tendency is to drop beginning H’s. And it
also has the TH sound. It’s very common to

replace this unvoiced TH sound with the S
sound. But we’re going to learn today how

not to do that. Happy. Happy birthday. So,
in both of these words, it’s the first syllable

that is stressed. Happy. Birthday. Let’s begin
with happy. It starts with the H consonant

sound: hh, hh, hh. It’s quiet, it’s subtle,
but you do need to let air pass through your

vocal cords to make that sound. Hh, hh, ha-,
ha-. The first vowel sound is the ‘aa’ as

in ‘bat’ vowel: ha-, ha-, where the lips will
pull up a little bit, exposing those top teeth

somewhat. Ha-, ha-. And you can see a lot
of tongue here, aa, as it is more raised in

the back and then coming down in the front.
Ha-, ha-, happy. You then have the P consonant

sound which will open into the ‘ee’ as in
‘she’ vowel: -py, -py. Happy. As this is the

unstressed syllable, make sure it is lower
in pitch and a little more subtle, a little

quieter, than ha-. Happy, happy. Birthday
begins with the B consonant sound where the

lips are together, bb, bb, and the vocal cords
are making some sound, bb, bb, bir-. It opens

into the ‘ur’ as in ‘her’ vowel sound followed
by the R consonant sound. These two sounds

will blend together into just one sound, rr,
rr. Bir-, bir-. For that sound, the corner

of the lips will come in, bir-, bir-, so the
lips will come away from the face a little

bit. Bir-. The tongue position, rr, rr: it’s
pulled up and back a little bit, pressing

against the insides of the top teeth here
in the middle. The front part of the tongue

then hangs down, pulled back just enough so
it’s not touching anything within the mouth.

Rr-th. The unvoiced TH. For this sound, the
tongue tip must come through the teeth. So,

rr, th, the tongue tip has to come forward.
And it will just lightly touch between the

teeth there, th, as you let air pass through
for the unvoiced sound. Birth-, birthday.

To make the D sound, the tongue tip must come
back in and reach up to the roof of the mouth,

just behind the front teeth. Birthday. It
will then stop the sound in that position

and come down, -day, into the ‘ay’ as in ‘say’
diphthong. Birthday, birthday. Happy birthday. [2x]

Happy birthday day to you. Happy
Birthday dear Rachel, happy birthday to you.

Thanks guys!

I think I’m going to have some ‘Birthday Cake’.
While you’re getting

that, I’ll get this, and then we can swap.
Did you hear the word ‘swap’? Swap means to

switch or to exchange. »And then we can swap.
Rachel, who was getting one kind of yogurt,

wanted to swap with Kara afterwards so she
could also get the other kind of yogurt. Swap

begins with the S-W consonant cluster. So
it will begin with the teeth together and

the lips parted for the S sound, ss, ss. Then
the lips will come in to make the W sound,

sw-, sw-, and the teeth will part. From this
tight circle for the W, the mouth will open

into the ‘ah’ as in ‘father’ sound, swa-.
And finally, the P consonant sound, where

the lips come together. Swap, swap. Listen
again. »While you’re getting that I’ll get

this, and then we can swap. And then we can
swap. In New York at the moment, there are

several chains of these frozen yogurt stores,
where you pick your frozen yogurt. You can

get more than one kind. And then there is
a sea of toppings to choose from. One of my

friends who was at this birthday party chose
some toppings that the rest of us thought

were a little bit weird. In the following
exchange about that, you’ll hear two idioms

that we’ll go over.

Spill the beans. Now,
I’ve already done a video on this idiom, so

I won’t go into detail its pronunciation.
It means to tell someone’s secret to someone,

or to reveal something about someone that
they wouldn’t have wanted you to reveal. When

I said it, the final S in the word ‘beans’,
which should be voiced as a Z, sounded like

an S because I’d started laughing.

The second idiom, It is a free
country, or, It’s a free

country. Basically this means, I can do what
I want, even if it’s not a popular thing to

do. It is a free country. So here, the word
‘is’ and ‘a’ both start with vowel sounds,

and the words before end with consonant sounds.
So we really want to link those up with the

consonants that came before. It-is-a. It is
a, it is a. The T here is pronounced as a

D because it comes between two vowel sounds.
It is a, it is a. Now, if you were to say

It’s a, It’s a, make sure you get a good strong
TS sound there, it’s a, where there’s a stop

between the vowel and the S, designating the
stop T. It’s a, it’s a. ‘Free’ begins with

the F-R consonant cluster. So the bottom lip
must move up to the top teeth, ff, to make

that F sound. Then the lips come into a tight
circle for the R, fr, free, before opening

into the ‘ee’ as in ‘she’ vowel, where the
corners of the lips will pull wide. Free country.

The K consonant sound followed by the ‘uh’
as in ‘butter’, the N consonant sound, coun-,

coun-. And the second syllable, unstressed,
will be lower in pitch, with the T-R sound,

-tr-, -tr-. Now, this can sound like a CHR
sound, chr, chr. And finally, the ‘ee’ as

in ‘she’ vowel sound. Country, country. It’s
a free country.

Let’s see the whole exchange one more time.

That’s it, and thanks so much
for using Rachel’s English.

Happy Birthday Rach!
Thank you! This is a great birthday.

。 »哈奎恩生日快乐。 »谢谢,

雷切尔。 »哈奎恩生日快乐。 »
生日快乐瑞秋。 »噢,这很甜蜜。 谢谢你。

有点困难。 它具有“她”

元音/R辅音中的“ur”。 这可能很难。
Happy 以 H 开头。有时人们

倾向于放弃 H 开头。 它
也有 TH 声音。

用 S 音代替这种清音 TH 音是很常见的
。 但我们今天要学习如何

不这样做。 快乐的。 生日快乐。 因此,

。 快乐的。 生日。 让我们
从快乐开始。 它以 H 辅音开头

:hh,hh,hh。 它很安静,很微妙,

声带才能发出这种声音。 嗯,嗯,哈-,
哈-。 第一个元音是“aa”,


。 哈哈-。 你可以

哈-,哈-,开心。 然后你会得到 P

辅音,它会像 ‘she’ 元音一样打开到 ‘ee’
:-py,-py。 快乐的。 由于这是非


比 ha- 更低,更微妙,更安静。 开心快乐。 生日

声带发出一些声音,bb,bb,bir-。 它

以 ‘ur’ 开头,就像在 ‘her’ 元音后面
跟着 R 辅音一样。 这两个声音

rr。 比尔-,比尔-。 对于那个声音,


。 比尔-。 舌头的位置,rr,rr:它

。 然后舌头的前部


Rr-th。 清音 TH。 对于这种声音,
舌尖必须穿过牙齿。 所以,


。 出生-,生日。

要发出 D 音,舌尖必须

就在门牙后面。 生日。

双元音中一样。 生日,生日。 生日快乐。 [2x]




你听说过“交换”这个词吗? Swap的意思是

交换或交换。 »然后我们可以交换。

也能得到另一种酸奶。 交换

从 S-W 辅音簇开始。 所以

,嘴唇张开,发出 S 音,ss,ss。

sw-,sw-,牙齿会分开。 从
W 的这个紧圈开始,嘴巴会

最后是 P 辅音

,双唇合拢的地方。 交换,交换。
再听一遍。 »当你得到这个时,我会得到

这个,然后我们可以交换。 然后我们可以
交换。 目前在纽约

您可以在那里挑选冷冻酸奶。 你可以

得到不止一种。 然后有
大量的配料可供选择。 我的一个


。 在接下来的


走漏消息。 现在,


他们不想让你透露的关于某人的事情。 当

我这么说的时候,“beans”这个词的最后一个 S
应该发为 Z,听起来像

一个 S,因为我开始笑了。

第二个成语,It is a free
country,或者,It’s a free

country。 基本上这意味着,我可以做

事情。 这是一个自由的国家。 所以在这里,单词


之前的辅音联系起来。 它是一个。 它是
一个,它是一个。 这里的 T 发音为

它是一个,它是一个。 现在,如果你说

It’s a,It’s a,确保你在那里得到一个很好的强
TS声音,it’s a,在

停止T。它是a,它是a。 “免费”

以 F-R 辅音簇开头。 所以下唇

发出F音。 然后嘴唇
在 R, fr, free 的时候变成一个紧密的圆圈,然后

嘴唇的角会拉宽。 自由国家。

K 辅音后跟“uh”,
如“butter”,N 辅音,coun-,

coun-。 第二个音节,非重读
,音高较低,带有 T-R 音,

-tr-,-tr-。 现在,这听起来像一个 CHR
声音,chr,chr。 最后,

“她”元音中的“ee”。 国家,国家。 这是


感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。

谢谢! 这是一个很棒的生日。