This is the Rachel’s English 30-Day Challenge!

Learn 30 phrasal verbs in 30 days!

Jumpstart your vocabulary in 2017.

Today is Day 16 and we’re studying “head” phrasal verbs.

Head. The noun head is this.

That’s one of the meanings. You probably know that.

As a phrasal verb, it has meanings completely unrelated to the body part.

Head back. Well, it has nothing to do with the back of the head.

It means to return to start the journey back to where you were.

Maybe you’ve gone out for walk and you say “I’m starting to feel tired. Why don’t we head back?”

I’m going to head back around 7.

Head out has a similar meaning. It means to leave,

but it refers to the place that you are, not the place that you’re returning to.

If you say “I’m going to head out”, no one has to know where you’re going.

But if you say “I’m going to head back,” then you’re returning somewhere,

and whomever you’re talking to knows where you’re going.

I think it’s time to head out, I don’t want to be late.

Head for or towards. Again, movement, a direction.

You can use it literally: Let’s head for the lake.

You can also use it figuratively: I’d like to head towards a solution to this problem.

“Head off” has nothing to do with “off with his head!”

It means to prevent something from happening. They’re trying to head off the publication of my article.

You can also use it with people, to prevent them from going somewhere.

Try to head her off at the door, I don’t want her to see the painting until I’m done with it.

We can also use ‘head off’ just like ‘head out’, to leave.

Well, I guess it’s time to head off.

Head up, head down. Head down means, similar to head out or head back, movement in a direction.

We use it with road, path. If you’re giving directions, you might say, “You want to head down I-95 to exit 40.”

We also use it figuratively: Let’s say you’re visiting a town where someone you know lives,

but you don’t know that person well, maybe you don’t like that person all that much.

A friend asks you if you want to give that person a call when you arrive.

You could say, I don’t want to head down that road. I don’t want to have to visit her every time I’m in town.

Head up doesn’t have anything to do with movement or direction.

We use it to mean to be in charge of something.

She’s going to head up our marketing division.

You can also use this without up: She’s going to head the team.

Head. H sound a very light sound of air passing through the vocal cords.

Hh– Hh– Head. Head.

Then the EH vowel. Jaw drops, tongue tip stays down, middle part of the tongue lifts a bit

Eh– eh– hea– head.

And the D sound. Tongue goes to the roof of the mouth, dd–

we voice the vocal cords, –dd and you can release lightly, head.

Some native speakers won’t release this. They’ll say ‘head-head-head’ instead of ‘head’.

Leaving the tongue in position and a little bit of the d sound in the throat.

Head. Or released, head.

To catch all of the videos in this 30-day challenge,

be sure to sign up for my mailing list. it’s absolutely FREE.

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This 30-day challenge is leading up to a phrasal verbs course

that will be available on my online school on February 1.

Rachel’s English Academy is a collection of online courses focusing on English conversation,

pronunciation, and listening comprehension.

You will understand Americans better and speak better English with these courses.

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这是瑞秋的 30 天英语挑战赛!

在 30 天内学会 30 个短语动词!

在 2017 年快速开始你的词汇量。

今天是第 16 天,我们正在学习“头部”短语动词。

头。 名词头是这个。

这是意义之一。 你可能知道这一点。


返回。 好吧,它与后脑勺无关。



我将在 7 点左右返回

。Head out 具有相似的含义。 它的意思是离开,






前往或前往。 再次,运动,一个方向。




意思是防止某事发生。 他们试图阻止我的文章发表。



我们也可以像“head out”一样使用“head off”来表示离开。


抬头,低头。 头朝下意味着,类似于头朝外或头朝后,朝一个方向移动。

我们将它与道路、路径一起使用。 如果你在指路,你可能会说,“你想沿着 I-95 走,从 40 号出口出来。”




你可以说,我不想走那条路。 我不想每次在城里都去看她。





头。 H 音 空气通过声带的非常轻的声音。

哼——哼——头。 头。

然后是 EH 元音。 下巴下垂,舌尖下垂,舌

中部微微上扬 呃——呃——嘿——头。

和 D 音。 舌头到上颚

,dd–我们发出声带,–dd 你可以轻轻放开,head。

一些母语人士不会发布这个。 他们会说“head-head-head”而不是“head”。


头。 或者释放,头。

要在这个为期 30 天的挑战中观看所有视频,请

务必注册我的邮件列表。 它是完全免费的。

并且一定要订阅我的 YouTube 频道和在 Facebook 上喜欢 Rachel 的英语。


这个为期 30 天的挑战将导致一个短语动词课程

,该课程将于 2 月 1 日在我的在线学校提供。




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