English Listening Comprehension Ordering a Pizza in English

how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end

a man is ordering a pizza over the phone
what does he order thank you for calling

this is pizza station hi can I have a
garlic tomato pizza a garlic tomato

pizza okay which size a large please and
cut it into eight pieces sure do you

want anything else yes
I’ll have four breadsticks and two cans

of coke all right we’re going to deliver
it in about 40 minutes

what does he order

a man is ordering a pizza over the phone
what does he order thank you for calling

this is pizza station hi can I have a
garlic tomato pizza a garlic tomato

pizza okay which size a large please and
cut it into eight pieces sure do you

want anything else yes
I’ll have four breadsticks and two cans

of coke all right we’re going to deliver
it in about 40 minutes did you get it

right I hope you learned something from
this quiz let us know if you have any

questions see you next time

首先你会看到一张图片 然后是一个

问题 接下来是一个简短的对话

正确回答 我们会

他点了什么 谢谢你叫

这里是比萨站 嗨,我可以吃
大蒜番茄比萨 大蒜番茄

比萨 好的,请大号的,然后
切成八块 你还

想要别的吗 是的,

两罐可乐 好的,我们
将在大约 40 分钟内

送达 他点什么

他点了什么 谢谢你打电话给

这里是比萨站 嗨,我可以吃
大蒜番茄比萨吗 大蒜番茄

比萨 好的 请选大的
切成八块 你还

想要别的吗 是的

两罐可乐 好的 我们
会在大约 40 分钟内送达 你收到了吗 是的,

