English Listening Comprehension Talking About Your Schedule in English

how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end

a man is talking with a woman about his
upcoming trip when is he coming back to

Salt Lake City you’re going on a trip
next week right yes I’m going to Hong

Kong on Tuesday and we’ll stay there for
two nights then you’re going to Taipei

yes I’m going to Taipei on Thursday and
we’ll stay there overnight and then I’ll

come back home so you’ll be at the
meeting on Saturday right yes that’s


when is he coming back to Salt Lake City

a man is talking with a woman about his
upcoming trip when is he coming back to

Salt Lake City you’re going on a trip
next week right yes I’m going to Hong

Kong on Tuesday and we’ll stay there for
two nights then you’re going to Taipei

yes I’m going to Taipei on Thursday
and we’ll stay there overnight and then

I’ll come back home so you’ll be at the
meeting on Saturday right yes that’s

right did you get it right
I hope you learned something from this

quiz let us know if you have any
questions see you next time

首先你会看到一个图片 然后是一个

问题 接下来是一个简短的对话

回答正确 我们会

即将到来的旅行 他什么时候回

盐湖城 你下周要去旅行
是的 我

周二要去香港 我们会在那里住
两晚 然后你要去台北

是的 我 我星期四要去台北,



一个男人正在和一个 女人关于
他即将到来的旅行 他什么时候回

盐湖城 你下周要去旅行
是的 我

周二要去香港 我们会在那里住
两晚 然后你要去台北


会议了 星期六 对 对

对对 你做对了吗
