English Listening Comprehension Choosing Travel Insurance in The USA

how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end

a man is choosing an insurance plan
which plan is he going to sign up for

what kind of trip will you be taking I’m
going scuba diving since I’ll be

bringing all my own equipment I’m a bit
worried about getting it stolen very

smart of you insurance against theft is
included in all of our plans since scuba

diving equipment is an unusual type of
baggage only plan a can cover it though

alternatively you can get insurance
specifically for scuba diving equipment

and add it to other plans plan a is the
most expensive one right what’s the

difference between plan B and Plan C
okay for example if you happen to stay

in a hospital abroad Plan B covers
flight tickets for your family to visit

you but Plan C doesn’t I see if I get
the SPECIAL contract or scuba diving

equipment and add it to Plan B or Plan C
would it be more expensive than plan a

with plan B that would make it a little
more expensive but with Plan C it would

be less expensive okay by the way is
there any plan that’s cheaper than Plan

C yes we have plan D but it doesn’t
cover accomodation if your flight gets

delayed or cancelled so we don’t
recommend this plan got it I agree that

I need coverage but I don’t think I need
coverage for family plane tickets so

I’ll take this plan and combine it with
the insurance for scuba diving equipment

which plan is he going to sign up for

a man is choosing an insurance plan
which plan is he going to sign up for

what kind of trip will you be taking I’m
going scuba diving since I’ll be

bringing all my own equipment I’m a bit
worried about getting it stolen very

smart of you insurance against theft is
included in all of our plans since scuba

diving equipment is an unusual type of
baggage only plan a can cover it though

alternatively you can get insurance
specifically for scuba diving equipment

and add it to other plans plan a is the
most expensive one right what’s the

difference between plan B and Plan C
okay for example if you happen to stay

in a hospital abroad Plan B covers
flight tickets for your family to visit

you but Plan C doesn’t I see if I get
the SPECIAL contract or scuba diving

equipment and add it to Plan B or Plan C
would it be more expensive than plan a

with plan B that would make it a little
more expensive but with Plan C it would

be less expensive okay by the way is
there any plan that’s cheaper than Plan

C yes we have plan D but it doesn’t
cover accomodation if your flight gets

delayed or cancelled so we don’t
recommend this plan got it I agree that

I need coverage but I don’t think I need
coverage for family plane tickets so

I’ll take this plan and combine it with
the insurance for scuba diving equipment

did you get it right I hope you learned
something from this quiz let us know if

you have any questions see you next time

首先你会看到一张图片 然后是一个

问题 接下来是一个简短的对话

正确回答 我们会

哪个计划 他会报名

参加什么样的旅行 我
要去潜水 因为我会

带上我自己的所有设备 我有点

你很聪明 包括防盗保险

只有计划 a 可以承保,不过


,并将其添加到其他计划中,计划 a 是
最昂贵的,对 有什么

区别 计划 B 和计划 C

在国外的医院,计划 B 包括

您的机票,但计划 C 不知道我是否获得

设备并将其添加到 计划 B 或 P lan C
会比 plan a



推荐这个计划 得到它我同意


我会采取这个计划并结合 它与



要去水肺潜水,因为我' 我会

带上我自己的所有装备 我有点

被偷 可以获得
专门针对水肺潜水 eq 的保险 uipment

并将其添加到其他计划 计划 A 是

计划 B 和计划 C 有什么区别

在国外的医院 计划 B 包括

您的机票,但计划 C 我不知道我是否获得

设备并将其添加到 B 计划或 C 计划中
,它会比 A

计划和 B 计划

便宜 好的 顺便说一句
有没有比 Plan C 便宜的计划



