How to Pronounce OUGH American English

the letters Oh ugh went together in a

word are quite an interesting case in

American English sometimes they make a

vowel sound sometimes a diphthong sound

and sometimes a vowel and consonant

sound first the Oh as in no diphthong

for example doe Thoreau although I’m not

gonna go to the party although my best

friend is going to be there the next

case is the ow as in now diphthong

samples of this case bow plough drought

we lost our crop to the drought last


next the ooh as in boo vowel through

throughout I check my email throughout

the day the aw as in law vowel sound

thought thought but I bought it

yesterday those are the four vowel or

diphthong sounds now there are three

cases in which these four letters make a

vowel sound plus a consonant sound in

the first case it makes an oo as in

father and F sound cough trough I have a

terrible cough and a headache it can

also make the UH as in butter with the F

consonant sound rough enough that is

enough roughhousing and finally a word

that is an alternate spelling and as far

as I know this is the only case for this

pronunciation of oh ugh and that is the

word hiccup it is more commonly spelled

H I CC you P but it can be spelled with

an O ugh and then it takes the schwa

with the P sound hiccup

hiccup I’ve had the hiccups for three

hours so to recap the seven ways these

four letters can be pronounced went

together in a word our oh ow

ooh off off up though bow through

thought cough enough hiccup

字母 Oh ugh 在一个



元音 有时发出双

元音 有时首先发出元音和

辅音 哦 没有双元音

例如 doe Thoreau 虽然我不是



案例是 ow,因为现在



接下来的 ooh,就像在

整个我的 boo 元音中一样 全天查看我的电子邮件

aw as in law 元音

思想 思想 但我昨天买了


双元音 现在有三种


在第一种情况下发出元音加辅音 它使 oo 像

父亲和 F 声音咳嗽槽我有一个

可怕的咳嗽和头痛 它

也可以使 UH 像黄油中的 F


足够粗暴 最后



oh ugh 发音的唯一情况,这就是

单词 hiccup 它更常见的拼写是

HI CC you P 但它可以拼写

为 O ugh 然后它需要

带有 P 音的 schwa 打嗝




一起出现在一个单词中,我们的 oh ow

ooh off up 虽然低头

思考咳嗽 打嗝够了