How to Pronounce UNITED STATES American English

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over

how to pronounce ‘United States’.

This week’s Word of the Week is actually two
words: ‘United States’. ‘United’. It’s a three-syllable

word with stress on the middle syllable. United.
So, it begins with the EW as in FEW diphthong.

Then we have the N consonant sound, so the
tongue will lift and touch here: un-. Then

we have the AI as in BUY diphthong: uni-,
uni-. Make sure you drop your jaw enough for

that first sound: uni-, uni-ted. So here we’re
going to have a Flap T because it comes between

two vowel sounds (the AI diphthong and the
schwa). -ted, -ted, -ted. So the tongue tip

will go to the roof of the mouth, -te-, pull
down and go right back up: -ted, -ted. United.


States. This begins with the ST consonant
cluster, ss, ss, ss. So, the tongue tip is

down, the teeth are closed, states, states.
The front part of the tongue can reach up

and touch the roof of the mouth here, rather than
bringing the tip up. It’s a short cut with

the ST cluster. Tongue tip down, front part
to the roof of the mouth. St-, st-, st-, states,

states. Then we have the AY as in SAY diphthong,
so the jaw does need to drop a good bit for

that, sta-, sta-. And finally, the TS consonant
cluster, -ts, -ts, states. United States.

I’m from the United States.

That’s it, your Word of the Week. Try it
out yourself. Make up a sentence with the

word, record it, and post it as a video response
to this video on YouTube. I can’t wait to

watch it.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using
Rachel’s English.


如何发音“United States”。

词:“美国”。 ‘团结的’。 这是一个三音节

单词,中间音节重读。 团结的。
因此,它以 EW 开头,如 FEW 双元音。

舌头会在这里抬起并触摸:un-。 然后

我们有 BUY diphthong 中的 AI:uni-,
uni-。 确保你的下巴足以

听到第一个声音:uni-,unit-ted。 所以在这里我们
将有一个 Flap T,因为它位于

两个元音之间(AI 双元音和
schwa)。 -ted,-ted,-ted。 所以舌尖

往下拉,然后再往上走:-ted,-ted。 团结的。


状态。 这从 ST 辅音
簇 ss、ss、ss 开始。 所以,舌尖


把尖端抬起来。 这是

ST 集群的捷径。 舌尖向下,前
部到嘴顶。 St-,st-,st-,状态,

状态。 然后我们有 SAY 双元音中的 AY,

一点,sta-,sta-。 最后,TS 辅音
簇,-ts,-ts,状态。 美国。


自己尝试一下。 用这个词组成一个句子

到 YouTube 上。 我等不及


Rachel 的英语。