American English Letter S Pronounced z

This video comes to you from Dillon, Colorado,
where I’m spending Christmas with my family.

I’m going to introduce you to my cousin and
my cousin’s husband. Do you notice anything

interesting about how those words are pronounced?
If not, stay tuned.

Hi, I’m Rachel’s cousin Nikki.
I’m Rachel’s cousin’s husband, Steve.

Did you notice how they pronounced the
words ‘cousin’ and ‘husband’? Listen again.

Hi, I’m Rachel’s cousin Nikki.
I’m Rachel’s cousin’s husband, Steve.

Did you notice how they pronounced the S as
a Z sound? This is actually quite common in

American English. I’ve done a video on how
to pronounce plural nouns. There are many

cases there where the final S will be pronounced
as a final Z. The same rules apply to third

person verb conjugations. But in the words
‘cousin’ and ‘husband’, they’re not plural

nouns, and they’re not third person verb conjugations.
They’re simply words where the S is pronounced

as a Z. Unfortunately, there are no rules
to tell you why the S is pronounced as a Z.

But there are a whole slew of words where
this is the case, and they just have to be

Two days ago, my cousin’s husband Steve took

me snowboarding. Unfortunately, because I’m
not very good at it, I fell many times. And

I’ve ended up with a huge bruise on my knee.
Both knees, actually. Did you notice? Because,

with a Z. But also, did you notice, bruise.
Spelled with an S, pronounced with a Z.

Don’t believe her, she did an excellent
job. Do believe her about the bruise, though.

Yes, the bruise is, is not a lie.
Other words where the S is pronounced as a

Z: is, his, use. Now, let’s stop for a minute
and talk about use. In verb form, the S in

‘use’ is pronounced as a Z. But when it’s
a noun, use, it’s pronounced as an S. So that’s

one way you can differentiate between which
form of the word is being used. This also

applies to a few other words, for example,
house. As a noun it is an S, and as a verb,

house, it is a Z. Was, design, lose. These
are just some of the many words where the

S will be pronounced as a Z. Special thanks
to my cousin and her husband for being in

this video with me. That’s it, and thanks
so much for using Rachel’s English.


我表弟的丈夫。 你


你好,我是 Rachel 的表弟 Nikki。

“堂兄”和“丈夫”这两个词的吗? 再听一遍。

你好,我是 Rachel 的表弟 Nikki。

您是否注意到他们如何将 S 发音
为 Z 音? 这实际上在

美式英语中很常见。 我做了一个关于
如何发音复数名词的视频。 有很多

情况下,最后的 S 将发音
为最后的 Z。同样的规则适用于第三

人称动词变位。 但在

它们只是 S 发音

为 Z 的单词。不幸的是,没有规则
可以告诉你为什么 S 发音为 Z。

都是这种情况,他们只是有 被


我去滑雪。 不幸的是,因为我

实际上,两个膝盖。 你注意到了吗? 因为,

有一个 Z。而且,你注意到了吗,瘀伤。
拼写为 S,发音为 Z。

很好。 不过,请相信她关于瘀伤的事。


Z的其他词:是,他的,使用。 现在,让我们停下来
谈谈使用。 在动词形式中,

“use”中的 S 发音为 Z。但是当它
是名词时,use 发音为 S。因此,这是

正在使用的单词的哪种形式的一种方法。 这也

房子。 作为名词,它是 S,作为动词,

house,它是 Z。Was,设计,失去。 这些
只是 S 发音为 Z 的众多单词中的一部分


与我一起观看这个视频。 就是这样,
非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。