JJ sound in Could You American English Pronunciation

Do you hear a J sound in this phrase? “Could
you? Could you?” There’s no J sound written,

but that does happen sometimes in American
English pronunciation. In this video, we’ll

look at why.

I’ve had several people ask me about when
the word ‘you’ follows a T or a D

sound. First, let’s look at some examples.
Could you, could you. Could you be there?

Want you, want you. I want you to come. Do
you notice the JJ sound in ‘could you’, or

the CH sound in ‘want you’? The JJ and CH
sounds that you’re hearing are coming in because

of the mouth position. The shape of these
sounds – JJ, CH – is similar to the ‘oo’

as in ‘boo’ sound. So what’s happening is
the lips are beginning to move for the oo

vowel sound, even as they’re making the T
and the D consonants. And these things blending

together make more of a JJ or CH sound. Let’s
look at some more examples. What would you

do? [3x] It doesn’t have to be pronounced
this way. Could you? Could you? Where you

make a separate D and Y sound: totally appropriate,
and you will hear that. However, in more casual

conversation, the JJ and CH sound does tend
to come into play. Let’s look at some more

examples. I want to know what you thought.
I want to know what you – I want to know

what you thought. Would you hand me that?
Would you, would you. Would you hand me that?

I hope this helps to clear up what many of
my students hear and find confusing.

That’s it, and thanks so much for
using Rachel’s English.

你在这句话中听到 J 音吗? “
你可以吗?你可以吗?” 没有写出 J 音,

。 在本视频中,我们将


“你”这个词什么时候跟在 T 音或 D

音后面。 首先,让我们看一些例子。
你能,你能。 你能在吗?

想要你,想要你。 我希望你来。
你注意到’could you’中的JJ音,还是

‘want you’中的CH音? 您听到的 JJ 和 CH

由于嘴的位置而传入的。 这些

“boo”中的“oo”。 所以发生的事情

发出 oo 元音,即使他们正在制作 T
和 D 辅音。 而这些东西混合

在一起,会产生更多的 JJ 或 CH 声音。 让我们

你会怎么做? [3x] 不必这样发音
。 您可以…吗? 您可以…吗? 你在哪里

发出单独的 D 和 Y 声音:完全合适
,你会听到的。 然而,在更随意的

谈话中,JJ 和 CH 的声音确实
会发挥作用。 让我们再看一些

例子。 我想知道你是怎么想的。

知道你的想法。 你能把那个递给我吗?
你愿意,你愿意。 你能把那个递给我吗?


使用 Rachel 的英语。