NTH Cluster Practice Tip American English Pronunciation

Hi, I’m Tom Kelley, a Rachel’s English teacher.
And today’s Practice Tip deals with that challenging

NTH cluster.

When I’m working with my students in my private
lessons, I’m always really excited when this

topic comes up because it’s something that
can really make this cluster a lot easier

for people. And when they learn it, it’s really
exciting. So, when you have the N come before

a TH, for instance, in the word ‘month’, month,
it can be challenging to make that N the way

we normally make the N, with the tongue tip
up to the gum ridge, nn, and then slide it

down the teeth to the TH. TH, nnth, nnth.

So instead, what most native speakers will
do, is they’ll make the N with the tongue

tip out between the teeth. Nn, nn. What’s
happening there is just behind the tip of

my tongue is raising to the gum ridge for
the N, and my tongue tip is already prepared

for that TH sound. Nth, nth, nth. So, month,
month, becomes much easier.

Practice with me: month, month

tenth, tenth

nineteenth, nineteenth

And you can practice with a whole lot more
words as well. I’ll put a list down in the

description below of other words you can use
for your practice.

That’s all for today’s practice tip. You can
learn more about taking private lessons with

me here. I also offer pronunciation evaluations,
where I help you identify and focus on your

specific pronunciation challenges.

Keep practicing, have fun, and thanks for
watching Rachel’s English.


NTH 集群。



对人们来说更容易。 当他们学习它时,这真的很
令人兴奋。 所以,当你把 N

放在 TH 之前,例如,在单词“month”,month 中,
用我们通常做 N 的方式来做那个 N 是很有挑战性

向上到牙龈脊, nn,然后将其

滑下齿向 TH。 TH,第 n 个,第 n 个。


舌尖在牙齿之间发出N。 嗯,嗯。

我的舌尖后面正在为 N 上升到牙龈脊

为那个 TH 声音做好了准备。 第n个,第n个,第n个。 所以,一个月,




十九 你也可以用更多的
词来练习。 我将在下面的


这就是今天的练习技巧。 您可以在此处

。 我还提供发音评估


观看 Rachel 的英语。