English Listening Comprehension Asking about a Restaurants Opening Hours in English

hi everyone I’m Gabriella
how are your English listening skills in

this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an

image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see

if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready

a man is going to have dinner at a
restaurant what time will the restaurant

close excuse me how late are you open
we’re open until 11 p.m. but the kitchen

closes at 10 p.m. is that okay yes sure
thanks it’s pretty late so I thought you

were already closed we used to close
this place at 10:00 p.m. but we pushed

it back oh I see but we closed the
restaurant at 9:00 on Sunday got it

what time will the restaurant closed

a man is going to have dinner at a
restaurant what time will the restaurant

excuse me how late are you open we’re

open until 11 p.m. but the kitchen
closes at 10 p.m. is that okay yes sure

thanks it’s pretty late so I thought you
were already closed we used to close

this place at 10:00 p.m. but we pushed
it back oh I see but we closed the

restaurant at 9:00 on Sunday got it
did you get it right I hope you learned

something from this quiz let us know if
you have any questions see you next time




看看你是否 能答对会
在最后告诉你答案 你准备好了吗

餐厅吃饭 餐厅几点

关门 对不起,你开到多晚
我们营业到晚上 11 点 但厨房

在晚上 10 点关门。 可以吗 是的 确实
谢谢 太晚了 所以我以为

你已经关门了 我们过去常常
在晚上 10:00 关门。 但是我们


9:00 关门


营业到晚上 11 点 但厨房
在晚上 10 点关门。 可以吗 是的 确实

谢谢 太晚了 所以我以为
你已经关门了 我们过去常常

在晚上 10:00 关门。 但我们

周日 9:00 关闭了餐厅