English conversation Booking a hotel room


good morning welcome to capital hotels

hi good morning I’d like to make a

reservation for the third weekend in

December do you have any vacancies yes


we have several rooms available for that

particular weekend and what is the exact

date of your arrival the 24th how long

will you be staying I’ll be staying for

two nights how many people is the

reservation for there will be two of us

and would you like a room with twin beds

or a double bed a room with one bed

please all right it looks like we have

several rooms available would you care

for a room with a balcony a single room

with no balcony will suit our needs just

fine I did notice on your website that

you have a pool and an exercise room are

these facilities available for all hotel

guests yes all hotel guests are allowed

access to those facilities the hotel

stay also includes breakfast we have a

restaurant on site that also serves

lunch and dinner but those meals are not

included in your lodging fee okay that’s

fine your room is five hundred and

eighty dollars per night now what name

well the reservation be listed under

Charles Bennet could you please spell

your last name for me sure B E n n E

tea and is there a phone number where we

can call you yes my cell phone number is

five five five seven six two eight three

great now I’ll need your credit card

information to reserve the room for you

what type of card is it visa the number

is six two six one three five four seven

two and what is the name of the

cardholder Charles T Bennett alright mr.

Bennett your reservation has been made

for the 24th of December for a room with

a double bed chicken is at two o’clock

if you have any other questions please

do not hesitate to call us great thank

you so much my pleasure we’ll see you in

December mr. Bennett enjoy the rest of

your week


what is the name of the hotel where mr.

Bennet plans on staying Kennedy hotels

Lincoln hotels capital hotels Washington

DC for how long does mr. Bennet plan on

staying at the hotel overnight two

nights three nights a week


what kind of room does mr. Bennett

request to stay in a single room with

the balcony a single room without a

balcony a double room with a balcony a

double room without a balcony


all of the following are amenities the

hotel offers its guests except a

swimming pool a massage room an exercise

room free breakfast at what time can mr.

Bennett check into the hotel before 11

a.m. before noon after 2 p.m.





早上好 欢迎来到首都酒店

早上好 我想

预订 12 月的第三个周末

有空房吗 是的


那个周末我们有几个房间可以预订 你


日期是什么时候 24 号到达

你会住多久 我要住

两晚 有多少人


人 你想要

一张单人床的房间还是一张双人床 一张单人床的房间

请大家帮忙 是的 看起来我们有

几个房间可用 你会喜欢


吗 没有阳台的单人间很适合我们的

需要 我确实在你的网站上注意到


这些设施可供使用吗 所有酒店

客人 是的 所有酒店客人都可以

使用这些设施 酒店

住宿还包括早餐 我们在酒店内设有



包含在您的住宿费用中 e 好的,那


每晚 580 美元现在是什么


Charles Bennet 下,你


吗? 是的,我的手机号码是






二和 持卡人的名字是什么?

Charles T Bennett 好吧,先生。

Bennett 您

已于 12 月 24 日预订了一间





十二月先生。 Bennett 享受






特区停留多长时间。 班纳特打算



先生住什么样的房间? Bennett


阳台的单人房 不带

阳台的单人房 带阳台的

双人房 不带阳台的双人房


] 以下都是


游泳池 按摩室


Bennett 上午 11 点前入住酒店

,中午 2 点后入住酒店。

