Learn English through story The Locked Room Audiobook with subtitle


the locks room 1 where am I


where am I I don’t know I’m in a

beautiful room in an old house there’s a

bed an expensive chair and a beautiful

table I can’t see anything from the

window only a green field the sun is

shining on the field I can hear music

quiet music it’s Mozart why am I here I

don’t know oh my head is hurting I can’t

open the door and I can’t open the

window I’m wearing grey trousers and a

grey shirt I’m not wearing any shoes I’m

angry and I’m thirsty

there isn’t any food in the room

there isn’t a drink either there’s a pen

and some paper on the table there isn’t

anything on the paper Who am I

I can’t remember I can’t remember my

name I can remember anything oh my head

hurts a lot I’m very tired I’m going to

sleep it’s morning

I’m on the bed I’m wearing the grey

clothes I’m very hungry and very thirsty

I can hear music again it’s the Mozart

again my head doesn’t hurt now but I

can’t remember my name I can’t remember

anything I can hear someone there’s

someone outside the

room the doors opening he’s in the room

he’s wearing black trousers and a black

shirt I don’t know him

hello how’s your head

my head it’s okay it doesn’t hurt now

good where am I you don’t know no are

you thirsty

yes I’m hungry and thirsty drink this

he’s got a glass in his hand I drink

from the glass I’m very tired again I’m

going to sleep

what time is it my head’s hurting again

I’m on the bed and the room is dark I

can’t hear music now I’m going to turn

on the light now I can see there’s a

glass on the table I’m thirsty again I’m

going to drink from the glass sleep I’m

going to wake up what oh my head

I’m going to ask you some questions who

are you I don’t know what’s your name I

don’t know I’m going to ask you again

what’s your name I can’t tell you I

don’t know where are you from I don’t

know drink this

no I can’t this you’re going to drink it

you understand there’s a gun in his head

I drink from the glass the room is dark

two questions

I’m awake again it’s quiet outside the

sun is shining outside the window

there’s food and water on the table I’m

not tired now and my head’s okay

someone’s coming the door opens it’s the

man in black clothes you want to talk

though what about okay who are you who

are you I’m asking the questions why are

you here you tell me ahh he eats me he

hits me across the face we’re going to

start again who are you

I can’t remember well don’t hit me but

he does then he opens

door and he goes is a bump on the back

of my head

it doesn’t hurt now but my face hurts a

bump I can remember something I can

remember I’m in a field I’m lying under

a tree I’ve got some binoculars in my

hand I’m watching a house it’s a

beautiful old house then there’s a noise

behind me it’s a man with a dog a fake


the man’s holding a gun then the man’s

hitting me he’s hitting me on the head

with the gun then everything’s going

dark I’ve got a bump on my head hell why

why am I in that field

Who am I am I a policeman am i a spy and

who is the man is he a policeman is he a

spy or is he a criminal I don’t know but

now I can remember something tomorrow

tomorrow I’m going to remember some more




three no more time the next day the man

with black clothes is in the room again

well how are you today I’m okay can you

remember anything yes a little who are

you working for I don’t know why are you

watching us

I don’t know how are you tell me then

maybe I can remember very clever I can’t

tell you anything he goes out

I remember again I’m watching the house

it’s evening I’m wearing a blue coat

there are lights in the house a cars

going to the house

it’s a white Jaguar I’m watching

carefully I can see two people they’ve

got a box then then there’s the noise

behind me and a bump on the head

Starck I can hear voices outside the

room well he’s going to talk maybe he

can’t remember anything because at the

bump on his head what about the drinks

no the drinks aren’t helping us okay two

days more then that’s it we haven’t got

any more time how much does he know

that’s the important thing


four out of the locked room I hear icky

they’re putting a key into the lock

they’re turning the key they’re locking

the door they’re walking away but the

key is in the lock two days more and

that’s it what are they going to do I

can’t stay here the keys in the lock

I’ve got some paper from the table now

put the pay floor push the paper under

the papers under the door

now take the pen push the pen into the

lock yes there’s the key it’s ease in

the lock push the key with the pen yes

the key is falling from the lock is it

on the paper oh I don’t know

pull the paper under the door pull it

slowly and carefully very slowly and

very carefully it’s coming under the

door and there’s the key it’s on the

paper I’ve got the key I can open the

door it’s quite outside

I’m opening the door very quietly and

carefully as a corridor it’s empty

now I’m going to and take the key I’m

walking along the corridor it’s a

beautiful house I can hear the music

again the Mozart

there are a lot of doors at the end I

can see stairs I can hear people

downstairs I can’t go down I open some

doors there are bedrooms I open four or

five doors then I open another door

the room is full of paintings sinks but

gas hose Rembrandt’s van Gogh or they’re

beautiful they’re on the floor millions

of pounds in this room millions I look

at a Picasso it’s the famous stolen

Picasso from the London art gallery who

are they they’re art thieves but Who am


I closed the door

how can I get out of this house they’ve

got guns I remember one of the bedrooms

there’s a telephone I can telephone the

police I walk quickly along the corridor

and open the door

the telephone is next to the bed

the number is on the telephone

Bradstreet 35.7 - I take the telephone

carefully nine nine nine

I’m waiting Lee’s fire or ambulance

please quickly

Alysse what’s your number

red street three five nine seven two

quickly I’m a prisoner here I can’t get

out the house is full of stolen

paintings come quickly

what’s your name come quickly

this is Brad Street three five nine

seventy two I can’t

then I hear people in the corridor I put

down the phone I can hear them outside

the locked room will open the door then

I can’t find the key come on I can’t

find it

there’s another key in the kitchen get

it right


by Who am I


five mil I can hear him again

he’s coming with the key he’s opening

the door what he isn’t here well but the

doors locked

find him and take your gun and this time

finish him you understand

okay I’m going I can hear him he’s

opening doors are the police going to

come or not he’s in the next room then I

hear them

police cars a lot of police cars they’re

outside the house it’s the police

what do they want don’t take the gun

with you they’re going downstairs I can

hear voices good evening inspector what

can I do for you we want to look round

the house we’re looking for some

paintings there’s nothing here

nothing we can look then but why a

telephone call a telephone call about

some paintings from we don’t know you

don’t know well inspector the paintings

are up here I could show you follow me

it’s ten minutes later the man and the

woman are in the police cars well Eddie

this is a surprise Eddie he’s hit my

name Eddie come on no I can’t remember

you can’t remember me I can’t remember

my name Eddie Eddie what Eddie Hampton

what are you doing here ready I tell him

I’ll tell him about the field and the

binoculars but tell him about the bumper

my head and the room I’ll tell him about

the paper and the key these laughing at

me okay I’m Eddie Hampton but who’s

Eddie Hampton he’s laughing again you

know me and my policemen no Eddie you

aren’t a policeman then Who am I and

what am I doing here I don’t know but I

can tell you something what Eddie

Hamptons our criminal a thief

not a big thing those two people are big

beads with their famous paintings no

you’re a small thief Eddie you steal

from houses televisions radios videos

pie fires a little money sometimes

you’re a small but thank you for your






] 锁房 1 我在哪里

[音乐] 我

在哪里 我不知道我


床 一张昂贵的椅子和一张漂亮的


只有一片绿色的田野 阳光

照耀着田野 我能听到音乐

安静的音乐 是莫扎特 为什么我在这里 我

不知道 哦我的头好痛 我不能

打开门 我不能打开

窗户 我 我穿着灰色裤子和

灰色衬衫 我没有穿任何鞋子 我很







衣服 我又饿又渴

我又能听到音乐 又是

莫扎特 我的头现在不痛 但我

不记得我的名字 我不记得

任何事情 听到







我在哪里你不 不知道 不


是的 我又饿又渴 喝这个


杯子 我从杯子里喝水 我又累了 我


几点了 我的头又疼了

我在 在床上,房间很黑我




要从杯子里喝水睡觉我 '

我要醒来 oh my head


你是谁 我不知道你叫什么名字 我

不知道 我要再问

你你叫什么名字 我不能 告诉你我





我从杯子里喝 房间很黑


我又醒了 外面很安静


明媚 桌子上有食物和水

我现在不累 头脑还好

有人来了 门开了 是

你要的黑衣人 谈谈吧









记住我在田野里 我躺在

树下 我手里拿着双筒望远镜

我在看房子 那是一座

漂亮的老房子 然后

我身后传来声音 那是一个带着狗的男人 一条假

狗 男人拿着枪 然后是男人的












三 没有时间 第二天


好吧 你今天好吗 我还好 你能

记得什么 是的 一点

你是谁 为我工作 我不知道你为什么在


我不知道你是怎么告诉我的 那

也许我记得很聪明 我什么也不能

告诉你 他出去了

我又记得 我在看房子

已经是晚上了 我穿着一件蓝色外套

房子里有灯 一辆


这是一辆白色捷豹 我在

仔细观察 我可以看到两个人 他们

有一个盒子 然后

我身后有噪音和一个碰撞 头

斯塔克 我能很好地听到房间外的声音

他要说话了 也许


记得了 他的头 那些饮料呢

不 饮料对我们没有帮助


他们正在转动钥匙 他们正在

锁门 他们要走开 但是


就这样 他们要做什么 我

不能留下 这儿是锁里的钥匙

我从桌子上拿了些纸 现在



的钥匙 是的 钥匙从锁上掉下来 是


纸 我有钥匙 我可以

开门 它就在外面

我正在开门 y 安静

小心 就像走廊现在空无一人

我要去拿钥匙 我

正沿着走廊走 这是一座

美丽的房子 我可以再次听到音乐


尽头有很多门 我

可以看到 楼梯 我能听到

楼下的人声 我不能下去 我打开一些

门 有卧室 我打开


扇门 房间里满是画作水槽 但是

煤气管 伦勃朗的梵高 或者它们很

漂亮 他们' re on the floor 数

百万英镑在这个房间里 数百万 我

看着毕加索 这是著名的


他们是谁 他们是艺术窃贼 但我是


我怎么能离开这所房子 他们

有枪 我记得其中一间卧室

有电话 我可以打电话给

警察 我沿着走廊快步走


门 电话在

床边 电话号码在电话上

Bradstreet 35.7 - 我

小心地接电话 九 九九

我是wai ting Lee 的火警或救护车


Alysse 你的电话号码是多少

red street 三五九七二

快我是这里的囚犯 我

出不去 屋里满是偷来的

画 快来

你叫什么名字 快来

这是布拉德三街 五 九


我 听不见 然后我听到走廊里有人 我

放下电话 我能听到他们在

上锁的房间外面会打开门 然后

我找不到钥匙 来吧 我


还有另一个 厨房里的钥匙把

弄好 这次

完成他 你明白

好吧 我要去 我能听到他 他在

开门 警察会

不会来 他在隔壁房间 然后我


警车 很多警车 他们在

屋外 这是 警察

他们想要什么 不要

带枪 他们 我要下楼了 我能

听到声音 晚上好 督察 有什么

能为你做的 我们想

环顾房子 我们正在寻找一些

画 这里

什么都没有 那时我们什么都看不到 但是为什么

要打一个电话 关于

一些画的电话 from we don’t know you

don’t know well 督察 画

在这儿 我可以告诉你跟

我来 来吧,不,我不记得了,


我了 保险杠

我的头和房间 我会告诉他

关于报纸和钥匙的事情 这些在嘲笑

我 好吧 我是 Eddie Hampton 但谁是

Eddie Hampton 他又在笑 你

认识我和我的警察 不 Eddie 你

不是警察 我

是谁,我在这里做什么 我不知道 w 但我

可以告诉你什么 埃迪

汉普顿 我们的罪犯 一个小偷

不是什么大事 那两个人是

他们名画的大珠子 不,

你是一个小偷 埃迪 你从家里偷东西

电视 收音机 视频





