Syllabic Consonants How to Pronounce l m n

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to talk about syllabic consonants.

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Thanks so much for this question. It’s an
important one. A syllabic consonant is a consonant

that replaces a vowel in a syllable. We have
four consonants in American English that can

do this: L, R, M, and N. This is good news:
it simplifies syllables where the schwa is

followed by one of these sounds.

Let’s start with the R consonant and the
sample word ‘father’. This is how it looks

in IPA. The tongue position for the TH is
thh, with the tip through the teeth. The position

for the R is rr, with the tongue tip pulled
back. And the tongue position for the schwa

is the tongue tip down, lightly touching the
back of the bottom front teeth, uh, uh. But

we don’t have to put the tongue tip down
into the position for the schwa between these

two sounds. The R overtakes the schwa. So
just go straight from the position for the

TH to the position for the R, th-rr, th-rr.
Not th-uh-rr. If I tried to make the schwa,

it would sound something like this: fath-uh-r,
fath-uh-r. We don’t want that. Just ‘father’,

-thr [3x], father.

So any time you see the schwa followed by
the R in the same syllable, just go straight

into the position for the R.

Now let’s look at the M and the example
word ‘bottom’. We have a Flap T followed

by the schwa-M. But you don’t need to try
to make a schwa before the M. As your tongue

bounces against the roof of the mouth for
the Flap T, t, you can start closing your

lips for the M. If I tried to make the schwa
sound first, it would sound something like

this: bott-uhm, bott-uhm. We don’t need
that. Bottom, bottom. Simpler, quicker.

Any time you see the schwa followed by the
M in the same syllable, just go straight into

the position for the M.

N is the same. Let’s look at the example
word ‘human’. As I part my lips for the

M, I start to lift my tongue for the N: -man,
-man. If I tried to make a schwa sound first,

it would sound like this: hum-uhn, hum-uhn.
Not necessary – just go straight into the

N sound, -man [3x]. Human.

Any time you see the schwa followed by the
N in the same syllable, just go straight into

the position for the N.

Finally, the L sound. This is a little trickier
because the L after a vowel in a syllable

is a Dark L. The Dark L has a vowel-like sound
in it anyway. To make the Dark L, pull the

back of the tongue back. Uhl, uhl. Leave the
tongue tip forward and down, the middle down

too. Uhl, -uhl. So that’s the sound we want
when we see schwa-L. Let’s take, for example,

the word ‘people’. We want to go from
the P straight into the Dark sound, where

the tongue is pulling back. Not a schwa. In
a schwa, the tongue is neutral. Uh, but we

want uhl, -ple, -ple, -ple. People.

Any time you see the schwa followed by the
L in the same syllable, just make this dark

sound, pulling the back part of the tongue
back, -ple. People.

All of these syllabic consonants make it possible
to make these unstressed syllables even shorter.

That’s a good thing.

I hope this video has cleared up what a syllabic
consonant is and how to use them in your speech.

If there’s a concept you need help with,
please put it in the comments below.

Also, I’m very excited to tell you that
my book is now on sale. If you liked this

video, there’s a lot more to learn about
American English pronunciation, and my book

will help you step by step. You can get it
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That’s it, and thanks so much for using
Rachel’s English.

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非常感谢这个问题。 这是一个
重要的。 音节辅音

是代替音节中元音的辅音。 我们

做到这一点:L、R、M 和 N。这是个好消息:
它简化了 schwa


让我们从 R 辅音和
示例词“父亲”开始。 这就是它

在 IPA 中的样子。 TH 的舌头位置是
thh,尖端穿过牙齿。 R 的位置

是 rr,舌尖
向后拉。 而施瓦的舌位

下门牙的后部,嗯嗯。 但是

放在这两个声音之间的 schwa 位置

。 R 超过了 schwa。

TH 的位置到 R、th-rr、th-rr 的位置。
不是th-uh-rr。 如果我尝试制作 schwa,

fath-uh-r。 我们不希望这样。 只是“父亲”,

-thr [3x],父亲。

在同一个音节中看到 schwa 后跟 R 时,直接

进入 R 的位置。

现在让我们看看 M 和示例
单词“bottom”。 我们有一个 Flap T,然后

是 schwa-M。 但是你不需要
在 M 之前尝试做一个 schwa。当你的舌头

在 Flap T, t 的上颚弹跳时,你可以开始

为 M 闭上你的嘴唇。如果我试着做 schwa

这样:bott-uhm,bott-uhm。 我们不需要
那个。 底部,底部。 更简单,更快。

在同一个音节中看到 schwa 后跟 M 时,直接进入

M 的位置即可

。N 是相同的。 让我们看一下示例
词“人类”。 当我为

M 分开嘴唇时,我开始为 N 抬起舌头:-man,
-man。 如果我试着先发出 schwa 的声音,


N 音,-man [3x]。 人类。

在同一个音节中看到 schwa 后跟 N 时,直接进入

N 的位置。

最后是 L 音。 这有点棘手,
因为音节中元音后面的 L

是 Dark L。无论如何,Dark L 都有类似元音的
声音。 要制作 Dark L,

请将舌头的后部向后拉。 呃,呃。 让

向下。 呃,-呃。 这就是
我们看到 schwa-L 时想要的声音。 让我们以

“人”这个词为例。 我们想
从 P 直接进入黑暗的声音

,舌头向后拉。 不是施瓦。
在施瓦语中,舌头是中性的。 呃,但我们

想要呃,-ple,-ple,-ple。 人们。

在同一个音节中看到 schwa 后面跟着 L,只要发出这个黑暗的

回来,-ple。 人们。





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