Plural nouns in English. Now we do actually 
have rules for these. But there’s a trick,  

there’s a catch, there always is in English 
pronunciation. We’ll get to that.

A noun in English is made plural when we 
add an S or ES to the end of the word.  

Guess what - this is the third person conjugation 
of verbs too. So everything you learn here for  

the pronunciation plural nouns also applies to 
the 3rd person conjugation. Yay! Two for one!

For S, we add a letter and a sound. Cat becomes 
cats. Dog becomes dogs. But listen: catsssssss,  

dogzzzzzz, two different pronunciations of 
that plural S. But then with certain words,  

like ‘beach’, the plural is an -es and it’s 
an extra syllable, beaches. BEACH-iz, iz, iz.

When to use which pronunciation? And what’s 
the trick I told you about at the beginning?

Use the ‘s’ sound, like ‘cat’ becoming‘cats’, if 
the final sound of the noun is p, t, k, f, or th.  

Did you notice what all of those 
sounds have in common? p, t, k, f, th.  

They’re all unvoiced. There’s no vibration 
in my vocal cords making that happen. [ð] –  

that’s a voiced th. Th. these are all unvoiced. 
The S is also unvoiced. So is also unvoiced  

so the unvoiced S pronunciation goes 
with these unvoiced sounds.

Cats, ships, books, coughs. Now look there, 
the final letter was an H and that’s not in  

our list. But we’re talking final sounds. 
And the final sound of ‘cough’ is F. Cough,  

coughs. “There were quite a few coughs 
in the audience, but I think we got a  

good recording of the concert.” And finally, 
the unvoiced TH, like in ‘paths’. Paths.

THS is a tricky combination and one that I 
get questions about quite a bit. Ths, ths.  

Tongue tip just out to tongue tip just in. For 
the S the tongue tip can be pointing down or up, I  

find it feels more natural to point down, ths,ths. 
One of the most common plural nouns THS ending is  

months, and good news, it has a shortcut. Instead 
of saying ‘months’, most native speakers change  

that TH to a T and say ‘months’. He’s six months 
old. “Months”. A little easier than ths.

Cough is a noun or a verb. 
Third person conjugation,  

coughs. He coughs a lot. Remember, the third 
person conjugation follows the same rule.  

So since the verb ends in F, this 
S is unvoiced sss. Coughs.

One final thing to say about case 1: Next 
words. If the next word begins with an S,  

you’re just making 1 S sound to link 
there. For example, the students sit here.  

Students sit, students sit. 1 S 
to link to connect those words.

If the next word begins with a Z, that 
beginning sound takes over the plural  

and we more or less drop the S sound. For 
example, the cats zipped around the house. Cats  

zipped become ‘cazipped’, just 
link with the 1 z sound.

Ok, case 1, done. Case 2 is where it 
gets a little tricky with our habits.  

Before we get into that, I want to call 
your attention to a new YouTube feature,  

Superthanks, that allows you to give a 
small donation to my channel for a specific  

video. This allows me not only to feel 
your support and appreciation but to know  

what videos are the most valuable to YOU, so the 
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hit that Superthanks button. Proceeds will be 
going towards a new camera for my channel.

In case two, the final sound 
is any vowel or diphthong,  

or one of these consonants, and that 
plural is pronounced as a Z sound.

So let’s take ‘chairs’ as our example, “chairz.” 
Ending sound is a Z. Do you hear that? The  

vocal cords vibrate, making the difference 
between Z and S. I’ll alternate for you:

sss,zzz, sss,zzz sss,zzz.

So this ending here, in case 
2 is a Z, zzz. Chairzzz.  

Except we don’t actually pronounce it that 
way. It’s written in IPA with the Z sound,  

and yet it’s not really a Z sound. Let’s explore. 
I’m using a voice recording app on my phone.  

I’ve recorded the word ‘chair’ with a clear, 
strong Z sound, chairzz, also a clear, strong  

S sound, chairss. Both sound unnatural, then 
I’ve recorded it the way we say it: chairs.

Now what we see here, these blue lines,  

are the pitch. The note of the vibration of my 
vocal cords. When a sound is unvoiced like sssss,  

you don’t see any blue line. But if we see 
a blue line, it’s voiced, it’s zzz, a z.

This first one here is me saying ‘chairz’ 
with an exaggerated z sound, zz,zz,  

a really strong clear z. Let’s listen.

And if I bring my cursor here to the very end of  

that line of pitch right here and I play it, 
you’ll see that there’s not really any sound.  

So there’s no S there ending. Now, in this 
next one I really exaggerated the S sound.


So we would not say it that really 
strongly. Let me bring the cursor back here  

to the end of the vocal vibration 
and let’s see, do we hear an S?

Definitely, we hear a clear S.

So, when I exaggerate the S,  

we can definitely hear it and see 
that there is no vocal cord vibration.

Okay now, the 3rd time I’ve recorded 
me saying chairs the way that it’s  

more normal in conversational 
to say it, let’s listen.

So the question is: Does that ending sound have 
a Z quality or is it an S quality? Do we have  

an S sound with no voice in it? Let’s see.

Yeah we do. It’s super fast though 
isn’t it? It’s not sss. That was s,s,s.  

So fast so weak but definitely not a z, that’s an 
s, a short quick S. That’s the weak ending Z.

So the way we actually pronounce case 2, S 
as [z] sound, is really an S, but a weak S,  

not a full S. Case 1, plurals 
are pronounced as an S,  

you make a clear S. Case 2, plurals are pronounced 
as a Z, but you make a WEAK S. Confusing,  

but true. The voiced ending Z sound is 
weak. So weak that it sounds like a weak S.  

By making the S really weak, it sounds like 
a Z in these endings. I know. It’s crazy.

Let me just say a few of these plurals 
for you. Notice you’re not hearing zzz,  

a strong Z or Ss, a strong S.




The ending is: [weak s] A very 
weak without much hearing it.

So where does that leave us with case 3? We’ll 
get to that in a second, but first a general  

note on weak ending sounds. This strong/weak 
thing is true of all paired ending consonants.  

Let’s take for example the word ‘judge’. 
It begins and ends ends in the J sound. JJ.  

The first one is clear, the second 
one isn’t because it’s an ending J.

Jj. Judge. Jj. This ending is weak 
especially if we compare it with the CH  

sound, the match. CH. CH. So the ending of 
judge isn’t Jj and it’s not CH. It’s ch,ch.  

A really weak version of the 
unvoiced sound the CH. Judge.

Let’s talk about linking it to another word.

If the next word after these 
plurals begins with a Z,  

we link with one Z sound and it 
does sound like a full clear Z.

For example, “the cars 
zipped along” carzzzzzipped.  

Strong Z because it also begins 
the next word. Cars zipped,  

the cars zipped along. So there is no feel 
of an S in the plural ending here, just Z.

But, if the next word begins with an S, 
then you just hear a single S sound to link,  

no Z. For example, “the cars stopped.” 
Carsssssstopped. Just an S sound.

Okay, Case: 3 for plural noun pronunciation. 
In case 3, we don’t just add a sound,  

we add a syllable. It’s unstressed, and it’s 
IH, Z. You already know what I’m going to say  

about that ending Z. It’s a weak ending 
sound, so it’s actually more like weak  

S, without, zzzz, that vibration in 
the vocal cords. This ending is ss, ss.

This is the plural noun pronunciation 
if the final sound of the noun is S,  

like “base”. Base becomes bases.

We need to cover all our bases.

Bases, iz, iz, weak ending sound. This is so 
similar yet different from the word ‘basis’. There  

the ending sound is the S sound, it’s a little 
stronger. Basis. So we have bases and basis.

To make things extra confusing, 
the plural of ‘basis’ is this word,  

spelled like the plural of ‘base’, but pronounced 
with an EE vowel in the second syllable, baseez.  

So the plural of ‘base’ is ‘bases’, and the 
plural of ‘basis’ is ‘bases’, spelled the same as  

‘bases’ but pronounced slightly 
differently. Oh goodness.

Our other ending sounds for case 
3 are zz, sh, zh, ch, and jj.  

So Rose, ending with a Z sound, becomes 
roses. Two syllables. Rash becomes  

rashes. Garage becomes garages. Batch 
becomes batches, and judge becomes judges.

Just like in case 2, if we link into a 
Z it sounds like a Z. The judges zoned  

out during the boring presentation. Judges 
zoned, Here we hear the Z, zz. Judges zoned.  

Judges zoned. If these words link into a word that 
begins with an S, we hear an S. Judges saw. Judges  

saw The judges saw everything.
There they are. Your three cases for pronouncing  

plural nouns. Case 1, the noun ends in one 
of these sounds, the plural is pronounced as an S.

Case 2, the noun ends in one of these 
sounds, the plural is pronounced as a S which  

is really more like a weak Z. Case 
three, the noun ends in one of these  

sounds and we add ‘iz’ at the end of the word, 
another syllable, again with the weak ending Z  

sounding like a weak S. Practicing 
the pronunciation of plural nouns,  

what could be more fun? Nothing, I think.   

Thank you so much for joining me here and please

do like the video and subscribe with 
notifications. We discuss interesting  

things about English, mostly about American 
English pronunciation here on this channel  

every week and I’d love to see you back. That’s it 
and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.

英语中的复数名词。 现在我们确实
有这些规则。 但是有一个技巧,

发音。 我们会解决的。

当我们在词尾添加 S 或 ES 时,英语中的名词会变成复数形式

变位。 因此,您在这里学到的

于第三人称变位。 耶! 两人合一!

对于 S,我们添加一个字母和一个声音。 猫变成
猫。 狗变成狗。 但是请听:catsssssss,

,复数 S 的两种不同发音。但是对于某些单词,

例如“beach”,复数是 -es,它是
一个额外的音节,beach。 海滩-伊兹,伊兹,伊兹。


名词的最后发音是 p、t、k、f 或 th,则使用“s”音,例如“cat”变成“cats”。

声音的共同点了吗? p,t,k,f,th。

我的声带没有振动使这种情况发生。 [ð] –

这是一个浊音。 钍。 这些都是清音的。
S也是清音的。 So 也是清音,

所以清音 S 的发音

猫、船、书、咳嗽。 现在看那里
,最后一个字母是 H,这不在

我们的列表中。 但我们正在谈论最终的声音。
“咳嗽”的最后一个声音是 F. Cough,

咳嗽。 “

的音乐会录音很好。” 最后
是清音 TH,就像在“路径”中一样。 路径。

THS 是一个棘手的组合,我
对此有很多疑问。 这,这。

对于 S,舌尖可以朝下或朝上,我

最常见的复数名词之一 THS 结尾是


将 TH 改为 T 并说“月”。 他六个月
大。 “月”。 比这容易一点。


咳嗽。 他经常咳嗽。 请记住,第三

因此,由于动词以 F 结尾,所以这个
S 是清音 sss。 咳嗽。

关于案例 1 最后要说的一件事:接下来的
话。 如果下一个单词以 S 开头,

则您只是发出 1 个 S 音来链接
那里。 例如,学生坐在这里。

学生坐,学生坐。 1
S 链接以连接这些单词。

如果下一个单词以 Z 开头,则该

,我们或多或少会放弃 S 声音。
例如,猫在房子周围溜达。 Cats

zipped 变成了“cazipped”,只需
与 1 z 的声音联系起来。

好的,案例1,完成。 案例 2 是

提醒您注意 YouTube 的一项新功能


视频。 这让我不仅能感受到


点击 Superthans 按钮。 收益


复数发音为 Z 音。

结尾的声音是 Z。你听到了吗?

区分 Z 和 S。我会为你交替:

sss,zzz,sss,zzz sss,zzz。

2 是 Z,zzz。 主席。

。 它是用 IPA 写的,带有 Z 音

,但它并不是真正的 Z 音。 让我们探索一下。

强烈的 Z 音、chairzz 和清晰、强烈的

S 音、chairss 录制了“chair”这个词。 两者听起来都不自然,然后


就是音高。 我的声带振动的音符
。 当声音像 sssss 这样清音时,

您看不到任何蓝线。 但如果我们看到
一条蓝线,它就是浊音,它是 zzz,a z。

用夸张的 z 音说“chairz”,zz,zz

,非常强烈的清晰 z。 让我们听听。



所以那里没有 S 结尾。 现在,
在下一个中,我真的夸大了 S 音。


强烈。 让我把光标带回到这里

,让我们看看,我们听到 S 了吗?

当然,我们听到一个清晰的 S。

所以,当我夸大 S 时,




是 Z 品质还是 S 品质? 我们

有没有声音的 S 音吗? 让我们来看看。

是的,我们有。 虽然它超级快
,不是吗? 这不是sss。 那是s,s,s。

So fast so弱但绝对不是az,那是一个

所以我们实际上发case 2,S

不是完整的 S。案例 1,
复数发音为 S,

您清楚 S。案例 2,复数发音
为 Z,但您发音为 WEAK S。令人困惑,

但确实如此。 浊音结尾 Z 音
较弱。 弱到听起来像弱 S。

通过使 S 非常弱,
在这些结尾听起来像 Z。 我知道。 这很疯狂。

。 请注意,您没有听到 zzz

、强 Z 或 Ss、强




结尾是:[weak s] A

那么,案例 3 给我们留下了什么? 我们稍后

关于弱结尾声音的一般说明。 这种强/弱的

它以 J 音开始和结束。 JJ。

个不是因为它是结尾 J.

Jj。 法官。 杰。 这个结尾很弱,
特别是如果我们将它与 CH

声音(匹配)进行比较。 CH。 CH。 所以
judge的结尾不是Jj,也不是CH。 这是ch,ch。 清音 CH 的

。 法官。


以 Z 开头,

我们将连接一个 Z 音,它
听起来确实像一个完全清晰的 Z。

例如,“the cars
zipped along” carzzzzzipped。

强 Z,因为它也
开始下一个单词。 汽车拉上拉链

,汽车拉上拉链。 所以
这里的复数结尾没有 S 的感觉,只有 Z。

但是,如果下一个单词以 S 开头,
那么你只会听到一个 S 音来连接,而

不是 Z。例如,“the cars stop. ”
Carsssss停了下来。 只是一个S音。

好的,案例:3 表示复数名词发音。
在第 3 种情况下,我们不只是添加声音,

我们还添加了一个音节。 它没有重音,而且是

结尾 Z 说什么了。这是一个弱结尾的

。 这个结局是ss,ss。

如果名词的最后发音是 S,则这是复数名词发音,

例如“base”。 基地变成基地。


Bases, iz, iz, 弱尾音。 这

结尾音是 S 音,
稍强一些。 基础。 所以我们有基础和依据。




不同。 我的天啊。

案例 3 的其他结尾声音
是 zz、sh、zh、ch 和 jj。

所以以 Z 音结尾的 Rose 变成了
roses。 两个音节。 皮疹变成

皮疹。 车库变成车库。 批次

就像在案例 2 中一样,如果我们链接到
Z,它听起来像 Z。

在无聊的演示过程中,评委们分心了。 法官
分区,我们在这里听到 Z,zz。 法官分区。

法官分区。 如果这些词链接到一个
以 S 开头的词,我们会听到一个 S。Judges 看到了。 评委

他们在那里。 你的复数名词发音的三种情况

。 情况 1,名词以其中一种
音结尾,复数发音为 S。

情况 2,名词以其中一种
音结尾,复数发音为 S

,实际上更像是弱 Z。情况
三 , 名词以其中一个

另一个音节,同样弱结尾 Z

听起来像弱 S。练习

还有什么比这更有趣的呢? 没什么,我想。


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,我很乐意见到你。 就是
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