hey you want to speak english

confidently fluently like a native

english speaker right well there are

five tips that i have for you five tips

that you must understand in order to

speak english fluently and i’m going to

give you those tips today are you ready

well then i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump

right in all right tip number one tip

number one is stop



apologizing actually affects your

english fluency that may surprise you

you may think hey

i don’t want the person to to look at me

funny or i don’t want the person to

judge me so i’m going to say sorry i’m

not really good at english

but this affects you more than you

realize you see let me explain this a

little bit clearer

the thing is

when you say sorry i’m bad at english

you lose confidence

in your ability to speak english


when you lose confidence in yourself you

will not move forward i’m going to say

that again

when you lose confidence in yourself not

other people when you lose confidence in

yourself your english will not improve

so you must stop saying sorry i’m bad at


or saying sorry my english pronunciation

is not good you see when you say this

you’re actually telling the person

listening to you that you are not

confident in yourself you all know how

many times i emphasize confidence and

confidence is important when you want to

speak english fluently

so when you start a conversation

with oops sorry my pronunciation is not

good you’re telling the person


i’m not confident in myself i want to

emphasize another point when it comes to

pronunciation yesterday true story i

actually went to the store i live in

america i’m a native english speaker i

went to walmart to pick something up and

the lady that helped me

she had a very strong accent did it

affect me no

she and i had a long conversation we

actually found out we live in the same

apartment complex but as i was speaking

with her i thought about you she didn’t

care about her pronunciation because she

was speaking english fluently and i

understood and there was no problem so i

don’t want you to feel so insecure about

your pronunciation yes you can improve

when there are certain sounds that may

be difficult for people to understand

when you’re speaking but don’t apologize

for your pronunciation

just like me when i was speaking to the

worker at walmart i continued with the

conversation and it didn’t bother me at

all be confident in yourself

the other thing is when you say sorry

about my english

you are telling your brain

that it is bad to make mistakes


when you say sorry about my english

you’re saying brain

how dare you make a mistake you should

not make mistakes but the truth is when

you are learning a language mistakes are


how can you improve if you don’t make

mistakes and then tweak certain things

so when you make a mistake it’s okay

that’s how you learn think about

children when they’re growing up they

have to make mistakes and learn to

continue growing the same is true about

your english

so the first tip is


stop saying sorry now i want to tell you

the second tip another one that’s very

important i need you to remember that

you should not


about every vocabulary word

knowing more words will not

automatically make you fluent i’ve had

so many students during my time as an

english teacher and you all know how

much i love teaching you english but

during my time as an english teacher

i’ve had so many students ask me this

question teacher

what does this word mean what does this

word mean what does this word mean when

we’re watching a program now this is

when i was in south korea we’ll be

watching a program or doing something

together and every single word they

didn’t know they would ask me now as a

teacher i love helping my students i

love helping you but over time i

realized that the students were focusing

on small details instead of the bigger


you don’t have to know every single word

let me explain this a little more

in a clearer way


thousands of vocabulary words does not


you will speak english fluently let me

say that again

memorizing thousands of english

vocabulary words does not mean you will

automatically speak english fluently now

vocabulary is very important don’t

misunderstand vocabulary is very

important but you have to use it

i experienced the same challenge when i

was studying korean there were points in

time where i would memorize 50 to 100

korean vocabulary words on a daily basis

but my korean fluency was not improving

i had all of these words in my mind that

i could not use so again

memorizing does not equal fluency

you must

understand the context understanding the

context the idea of what is being said

or presented is more important than

understanding every single word think

about it at the end of every lesson what

do i do

story time right it’s coming don’t worry

but i give you a story about my life now

every single word i use you may not

understand but you’re so engaged you’re

so interested in the story i’m telling

that you understand the context and your

brain is actually able to guess certain

words to guess certain expressions or

idioms that i use during story time

it is so important for you to understand

that context is more important than

vocabulary words

point number three

focusing only on the words will cause

you to stop enjoying english

if you’re sitting there again i did the

same thing

if you’re sitting there when you watch

an english drama or a television show or

a movie and you have your notebook which

is good at times

but every time you watch a show you push

pause and write down the word play pause

write down the word if you do that every

single time remember pay attention

sometimes that is important but if you

do it every time you’ll never understand

the words in context your brain is


english is your second third fourth or

fifth language so you are already smart


to learn this language

trust your brain trust that your brain

will understand words in context so

number two tip number two

don’t worry about every vocabulary word

now point number three

tip number three is i want you to

remember this tip number three is

remember that you are intelligent i just

said it a while ago you are already

fluent in one language and for maybe

your situation you’re fluent in two

three four or even five or six languages


you must remember that you my friend are

already intelligent

so this is something i want to emphasize

right here

english again is your second third

fourth and maybe even fifth language

your brain is amazing you are already

able point number two to express


confidently in your own language

think about that

you can express your thoughts your ideas

in your own language so as you’re

learning english and trying to become

fluent you don’t have to be discouraged

because you are already amazing you are

intelligent and point number three is

you can understand what i’m saying

think about that

i am a native english speaker you’re not

you’re learning but you are able to

understand me you are awesome your brain

is amazing i need you to remember that

you are intelligent tip number three

these things are important in order for

you to finally speak english fluently

now tip number four is also important

this is something that many students

struggle with you must apply

what you learn


the faster

you use it

the easier it will be to remember

here’s the thing remember earlier we

were talking about the tip dealing with

vocabulary tip number two and i said

just memorizing will not equal fluency

this touches on the same thing you must

apply what you learn immediately so when

i was learning 50 to 100 vocabulary

words korean words in one day it was

impossible for me to immediately apply

all of those words


when i switched and i started memorizing

a smaller number of words and i

immediately started using them and

applying them in my real life then

my korean fluency started to go up like

this so i want you to remember these

points right here


this helps you

understand what you are learning even


when you memorize a word when you learn

a concept an idea or watch one of my

lessons and you immediately apply what

you learned maybe you teach it to your

friend or family member maybe you make a

sentence using the lesson or the word or

expression maybe you actually go out and

start talking to someone in english

applying what you learned your brain

says okay

all right we have new information now

it’s time for us to stick it in there

and say hey we learned it now we have to

use it you must use it immediately

the other point is

it will create triggers in your brain

when you first learn something you only

have one thing to connect it to either

the book you learned it from the video

you learned it from maybe you look at

the phone or on the internet but when

you apply what you learned now there are

multiple triggers in your brain your

brain is amazing there are different

triggers going off all the time if i say

apple juice

something pops in your head right maybe

you enjoy apple juice and you remember

the first time you had apple juice or

maybe you remember two weeks ago when

you were drinking apple juice with your

daughter or son there are certain

triggers already in your brain connected

to situations experiences and other

things you have to create triggers by

applying what you learn immediately

again this will help you speak english

fluently point number three your

confidence in your english ability

english speaking ability will increase

faster when you start using what you’re

learning you’ll kind of start oh

patting yourself on the back like well i

guess i am pretty good at english and

that’s okay that is wonderful

use and apply what you learn

immediately you will shock yourself you

will gain so much confidence your

shoulders will go back you’ll walk a

little bit straighter when you speak in

english you’ll speak with more


when you apply what you learn


and this fifth tip is so important i

want you to remember this i need you to

think about your wins not your mistakes

it’s important to remember your

accomplishments here’s the thing

as an english learner you are going to

make mistakes it’s inevitable it is

going to happen it happened with me when

i was learning korean and even now i

make mistakes when i’m speaking in

korean sometimes because i have not been

in the country in a while in korea

however for you instead of focusing on

oh my gosh

i can’t believe i didn’t know that

grammar rule oh my goodness i forgot the

word when i was speaking to my friend or

oh man i wrote that comment on facebook

or or youtube and i think i maybe use

the wrong english word stop

what i want you to remember is that you

have some amazing wins think about your

wins what did you do that was amazing

maybe you learned a new word on

instagram from my lesson or hear from

one of my lessons and you used it think

about that

i used what teacher tiffany taught me

that’s a win focus on your wins here’s

point number one to help you with this

one your confidence

your english speaking ability will

increase faster it will shock and amaze

you focusing on your mistakes point two

will make you feel discouraged and

nervous when you speak english if every

time you make a mistake you focus on it

over and over and over again the next

time you go to speak in english you will

feel discouraged and nervous

and finally in order to gain more

confidence in your abilities you must

remember all that you have accomplished

i’ll say it again you are amazing you

are learning another language and tip

number five is you have to remember you

have to think about your wins and stop

focusing on your mistakes

i believe in you i know that you are

amazing and i believe that you can speak

english fluently i hope you enjoyed this

lesson i hope it helps you watch it over

and over again share it with somebody

else that wants to speak english

fluently i truly care about you and i

can’t wait to see you in the next lesson

talk to you next time

you still there

you know what time it is here we go it’s

story time

a i said it’s story time

all right

now today’s story guys is connected to

what i was teaching you in the tips that

i gave you today we’re talking about

confidence speaking english fluently and

i want to tell you about a time that i

did not have confidence in myself until

i remembered something


many of you know and maybe you do maybe

you know as well i love sports when i

was in high school i was voted the most

athletic female in my high school when i

got to college i was voted the most

athletic female out of all the females

in my college so as you can tell i’ve

always loved sports very athletic i like

taking care of myself and my favorite

sport has always been basketball i’ve

been playing it since i was a child and

i remember when i was in college you

know college basketball is harder than

high school basketball of course but

right before i went to college there was

a gentleman mr rayford if he ever

watches this and mr rayford

actually coached me a little bit on the

side not

officially but he would give me tips and

he would help me with some of the steps

i needed to master to get to the basket

you know the hoop faster and properly

and some things with dribbling to kind

of avoid my opponents he really gave me

some good basketball tips so when i was

around mr rayford

i felt confident in my basketball skills

now fast forward i remember the day it

happened i was a freshman in college and

we were in basketball practice and my

coach when i was in college he was good

he was a little bit i yelled a lot more

than i was used to but you know he’s a

nice guy so anyways we’re in practice

and i played the point guard i was the

number one or the number two uh number

one being the point guard that brings

the ball down and hands it out to the

team the players or number two being the

one that helps the point guard and also

as a shooting guard

so anyways i at the time i was playing

the point guard during practice but i

was getting a little bit nervous the

coach was yelling i wasn’t able to see

the floor properly i wasn’t getting the

passes off properly and the more

mistakes i made the less confident i was

getting in myself i was focusing on my

mistakes and not my wins

so practice continued coach again still

yelling i was feeling bad about myself

even though i could play basketball i

wasn’t doing well and all of a sudden

the door behind me opened we we’re in a

big gymnasium but you know when the

doors open you can hear and i turned

around and it was mr rayford i remember

it like it was yesterday this was

literally about 20 years ago 20 or so

years ago


i remember like it was yesterday i

turned around now mr rayford was not

from i was in alabama that’s my

university college was but i’m from

maryland and mr rayford is also from

maryland so i was shocked that he was in


mr rayford opened the door and he walked

in he didn’t say

man it’s so powerful y’all he didn’t say

anything but he looked me in my eye he

just walked in he didn’t know that i was

making mistakes over and over again so

he walked in i looked at him and he kind

of smiled like hey tiff i was in

practice he wasn’t gonna interfere he

smiled i looked at him and i smiled and

he sat down

and something happened now i didn’t

recognize it immediately but my coach

recognized it remember throughout the

entire practice my coach was yelling

tiff what are you doing come on so i

kept making mistakes and i was focusing

on my mistakes and i wasn’t getting


but all of a sudden

the dribbling got better my passes got

smoother my shot got better i was

playing like i knew i could and i only

realized that when my coach stopped us

from practice and said tiff i don’t know

what just happened but what you’re doing

right now yes

keep going keep doing it and at that

moment i realized it was because mr

rayford had walked into the gym

i associated winds with mr rayford i

associated my ability to achieve mr

rayford always told me tiff there’s

nothing you can’t do you can play

basketball you’re good so it really

sorry my nose is running guys


at that moment i realized wow your

mindset what you focus on affects you so


now the rest of the practice went really

well mr rayford was there i felt

confident in myself and i want you to

realize i want to be your mr rayford i

believe in you i have confidence in your

abilities the only reason i create these

lessons and anything i create is to help

you realize that you can do it

don’t focus on your mistakes focus on

your wins

remember that

if you really want to speak english

fluently apply what you learn

immediately remember all the tips that

i’ve taught you today and i want to be

your mr rayford i love you all i

genuinely want you to speak english

fluently and i’ll see you next time

嘿,你想像一个以英语为母语的人一样自信地说流利的英语,我为你准备了五个技巧 为了说一口流利的英语,你必须了解五个技巧,我今天将给你这些技巧你准备好了吗 好吧,我是蒂芙尼老师,让我们跳吧 提示一 提示一是停止说对不起 道歉实际上会影响您的英语流利程度 这可能会让您感到惊讶 您可能会认为 嘿 我不想让那个人看着我很有趣 或者我不想让那个人评判我,所以我要说对不起,我的英语不太好,但这对你的影响比你意识到的要大,让我解释得更清楚一点,当你 说对不起,我的英语很差,当你对自己失去信心时,你对自己说流利英语的能力失去信心,你不会前进,当你对自己失去信心时,我会再说一遍,而不是别人,当你失去合作时 对自己充满信心 你的英语不会提高,所以你必须停止说对不起,我的英语不好或说对不起,我的英语发音不好 当你这样说时,你实际上是在告诉听你的人你不自信 在你自己身上,你们都知道多少次我强调自信和自信在你想流利地说英语时很重要,所以当你开始与 oops 对话时,对不起,我的发音不好,你是在告诉那个人啊,我对自己没有信心 我想在发音方面强调另一点 昨天真实的故事 我真的去了商店 我住在美国 我是一个母语为英语的人 我去沃尔玛买东西 帮助我的那位女士非常强壮 口音对我有影响吗 不 她和我进行了长时间的交谈 我们实际上发现我们住在同一个公寓大楼但是当我和她说话时我想到了你 她不在乎他 r 发音,因为她说流利的英语,我听懂了,没有问题,所以我不希望你对自己的发音感到如此不安全,是的,当某些声音在你的时候人们可能难以理解时,你可以改进' 重新说话,但不要像我一样为你的发音道歉,就像我在沃尔玛和工人说话时一样 当你对我的英语说对不起时,你是在告诉你的大脑,再犯错误是不好的 如果你不犯错误,然后调整某些事情,你怎么能改进所以当你犯错误时没关系,这就是你学会的方式想想孩子们长大了,他们没有 o 犯错误并学习继续成长 你的英语也是如此,所以第一个提示是请停止说对不起现在我想告诉你第二个提示另一个非常重要的我需要你记住,你不应该担心每一个 词汇 单词 知道更多的单词不会自动让你流利 在我担任英语老师期间,我有很多学生,你们都知道我多么喜欢教你英语,但在我担任英语老师期间,我有很多 学生问我这个问题 老师这个词是什么意思 这个词是什么意思 当我们在看一个节目时这个词是什么意思 现在这是我在韩国的时候 我们会一起看一个节目或一起做某事 一个词他们不知道他们现在会问我作为一名老师我喜欢帮助我的学生我喜欢帮助你但随着时间的推移我意识到学生们关注的是小细节而不是大局 你不必知道每一个单词让我更清楚地解释一下记住数千个词汇并不意味着你会说一口流利的英语让我再说一遍记住数千个英语词汇并不意味着你会 自动说流利的英语现在词汇很重要不要误解词汇很重要但你必须使用它我在学习韩语时遇到了同样的挑战有时我会记住50到100个韩语词汇单词 每天的基础,但我的韩语流利度没有提高我脑子里有所有这些词,我不能再使用所以再次记住不等于流利你必须了解上下文理解上下文的想法是所说或呈现的更重要 比理解每一个单词在每节课结束时都想一想我该怎么做故事时间对了它来了别担心b 但我现在给你一个关于我生活的故事 某些单词来猜测我在讲故事时使用的某些表达或习语 了解上下文比词汇单词更重要对你来说非常重要 第三点只关注单词会导致你在坐着时停止享受英语 如果你坐在那里看英语戏剧、电视节目或电影,我也做了同样的事情,你的笔记本有时很好,但每次看节目时,你都会按下暂停键并写下 文字游戏暂停写下单词如果你每次都这样做记住有时注意这很重要但如果你每次都这样做你永远不会理解上下文中的单词你的大脑很棒英语是y 我们的第二、第三、第四或第五语言,所以你已经足够聪明,可以学习这门语言相信你的大脑相信你的大脑会理解上下文中的单词所以第二个提示第二个不要担心每个词汇现在点第三个提示第三个 我想让你记住这个提示第三个是记住你很聪明我刚刚说过你已经精通一种语言,也许你的情况你已经精通二三四甚至五六种语言 你必须记住你我的朋友已经很聪明所以这是我想在这里再次强调的一点英语是你的第二第三第四甚至第五语言你的大脑很棒你已经能够第二点自信地用你自己的语言表达自己 语言 想想你可以用你自己的语言表达你的想法 你的想法 所以当你学习英语并努力变得流利时 不必气馁,因为你已经很了不起,你很聪明,第三点是你能理解我在说什么,想想我是一个以英语为母语的人,你不是在学习,但你能够 了解我,你很棒 你的大脑很棒 我需要你记住你很聪明 提示第三这些事情很重要,以便你最终能流利地说英语 现在提示第四也很重要 这是许多学生与你斗争的事情 必须立即应用你所学的东西你用得越快就越容易记住这里的东西记住前面我们谈论的是处理词汇技巧的技巧二,我说只是记忆不等于流利这涉及到同样的事情 你必须立即应用你学到的东西,所以当我在一天内学习 50 到 100 个韩语单词时,我不可能立即应用所有的 ose words 但是当我转换并开始记住较少数量的单词时,我立即开始使用它们并将它们应用到我的现实生活中,然后我的韩语流利程度开始像这样上升,所以我希望你首先记住这些要点 当您记住一个单词时,当您学习一个概念,一个想法或观看我的一堂课时,可以帮助您更好地理解您正在学习的内容 课程或单词或表达也许你真的出去开始用英语与某人交谈应用你学到的东西你的大脑说好吧好吧我们有新信息现在是时候让我们把它贴在那里并说嘿我们现在学到了 我们必须使用它 你必须立即使用它 另一点是当你第一次学习一些东西时它会在你的大脑中产生触发器 你只有一件事可以将它连接到 你从视频中学到的书 你从视频中学到的 也许你看手机或在互联网上,但是当你应用你现在学到的东西时,你的大脑中有多个触发器你的大脑是惊人的,有不同的触发器一直在触发,如果 我说苹果汁你脑子里突然冒出什么东西,也许你喜欢苹果汁,你记得你第一次喝苹果汁,或者你记得两周前你和女儿或儿子喝苹果汁时,你的大脑中已经有某些触发因素 大脑与情境 经验和您必须的其他事物相关联 通过立即应用您所学的知识来创建触发器 这将帮助您说一口流利的英语 第三点 您对自己的英语能力的信心 当您开始使用您所学的知识时,英语口语能力会提高得更快 学习你会开始哦,拍拍自己的背,我想我的英语很好,没关系 非常好用,立即应用你学到的东西 你会震惊自己 你会获得如此多的自信 你的肩膀会后退 你会走得更直 当你说英语时 你会更有信心 应用你所学的东西 马上,这第五个技巧非常重要,我希望你记住这一点 发生在我学习韩语时发生在我身上,即使现在我说韩语时有时也会犯错误,因为我在韩国有一段时间没有去过这个国家了,但是为了你而不是专注于哦,天哪,我可以' 我不相信我不知道那个语法规则哦,天哪,当我和我的朋友说话时,我忘记了这个词,或者哦,我在 Facebook 或 youtube 上写了那个评论,我想我可能会使用 错误的英语单词停止我想让你记住的是你有一些惊人的胜利想想你的胜利你做了什么太棒了也许你从我的课上学到了一个新单词或者从我的一堂课中听到并且你使用了它 想一想我用了蒂芙尼老师教我的那是一场胜利 专注于你的胜利 这是第一点来帮助你实现这一点 你的信心 你的英语口语能力会更快地提高 它会让你震惊和惊讶 专注于你的错误 第二点会让你感到震惊 当你说英语时你会感到沮丧和紧张如果每次你犯了一个错误你一遍又一遍地专注于它下次你去说英语你会感到沮丧和紧张最后为了获得更多的信心 你的能力 你必须记住你所取得的一切 我再说一遍 你太棒了 你正在学习另一种语言 秘诀五是你必须记住你必须 想想你的胜利,停止关注你的错误我相信你我知道你很了不起,我相信你能说一口流利的英语希望你喜欢这节课我希望它能帮助你一遍又一遍地观看它与他人分享 其他想要流利说英语的人我真的很关心你,我迫不及待地想在下一课见到你,下次你还在那里的时候和你谈谈你知道现在几点了 好吧,今天的故事与我在今天给你的技巧中教给你的内容有关,我们谈论的是自信地说流利的英语,我想告诉你一个我对自己没有信心的时间,直到我 记得你们很多人都知道的事情,也许你们也知道 我在高中时喜欢运动 我上大学时被选为高中运动能力最强的女性 我被选为运动能力最强的女性 在我大学的所有女性中,你可以看出我一直很喜欢运动 非常有运动感 我喜欢照顾自己 我最喜欢的运动一直是篮球 我从小就开始打篮球 我记得我什么时候 在大学的时候,你知道大学篮球当然比高中篮球难,但就在我上大学之前,有一位绅士 rayford 先生,如果他看过这个,rayford 先生实际上并没有正式在一边指导我一点,但他会 给我一些提示,他会帮助我掌握一些我需要掌握的步骤才能到达篮筐,你会更快、更准确地了解篮筐,还有一些关于运球的事情,以避开我的对手,他真的给了我一些很好的篮球技巧,所以当 我在雷福德先生身边 我对自己的篮球技术充满信心 现在快进 我记得那一天我还是大学一年级的学生,我们正在练习篮球,我上大学时我的教练很好 他有一点点我比以前大喊大叫但你知道他是个好人所以无论如何我们在训练中我扮演控球后卫我是第一或第二呃第一是重点 后卫将球带到球队并将其交给球队球员或二号球员是帮助控球后卫的球员,也是一名得分后卫,所以无论如何我当时我在练习期间扮演控球后卫,但我得到了 有点紧张 教练大喊大叫 我无法正确地看到地板 我没有正确地传球 我犯的错误越多,我对自己的信心就越低 我专注于自己的错误,而不是我的 赢了,所以继续练习,教练仍然在大喊我对自己感觉不好,即使我能打篮球,我做得不好,突然我身后的门打开了,我们在一个大体育馆里,但你知道什么时候门 打开你可以听到,我转过身来 发现是雷福德先生,我记得就像昨天一样,这实际上是大约 20 年前,大约 20 年前,我记得就像昨天一样,我转身现在雷福德先生不是来自我在阿拉巴马州,那是我的大学学院 但我来自马里兰州,雷福德先生也来自马里兰州,所以我很震惊他在阿拉巴马州,雷福德先生打开门,他走进来他没有说伙计,你们太强大了,他什么也没说 他看着我的眼睛 他只是走进来 他不知道我一次又一次地犯错 所以他走进来 我看着他 他有点微笑 嘿tiff 我在练习他不会干涉 他笑了,我看着他,我笑了,他坐了下来,现在发生了一些事情 我专注于我的错误 s和我并没有变得更好,但是突然之间,运球变得更好了,我的传球变得更流畅了,我的射门变得更好了 不知道刚刚发生了什么,但你现在在做什么,是的,继续做下去,那一刻我意识到这是因为雷福德先生走进了健身房 总是告诉我 tiff 没有什么是你做不到的 练习非常顺利,雷福德先生在那里我对自己充满信心,我希望你意识到我想成为你的雷福德先生我相信你我对你的能力充满信心我创造这些课程的唯一原因,我创造的任何东西都是为了帮助 是的 你意识到你可以

做到 不要专注于你的错误 专注于




流利地说英语 立即应用你所学的


我今天教给你的所有技巧 我想成为

你的 雷福德先生,我爱你,我

