Sound More Natural in English From Home

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most people who learn a foreign language

learn it so that they can one day have

real-life conversations with native


when you start out learning and crack

open your first textbook or listen to

your first podcast

having a real conversation can feel like

a fantasy

when everything about a language feels

new it can be overwhelming

but this couldn’t be further from the

truth while it does take a significant

amount of time and effort to become


having a conversation might not be as

far off as you think

in this video we’ll look at three ways

you can boost your conversational skills

and start talking to native speakers

number one find native speakers and

practice with them

it’s unlikely you live near a big group

of native speakers to practice with

if you happen to be in a major or

international city your chances may be


check and see if your city has a general

language exchange chances are there

could be a native speaker there who is

also trying to learn another language

practicing in person with a native

speaker is probably the most interesting

option for honing your speaking skills

but if you can’t find anyone where you

live the next best option is to look


luckily for language learners the past

10 years or so have seen an explosion in

online language exchange sites

on these websites you can search for

someone who is a native speaker of your

target language and is also learning

your native language

the idea behind a language exchange is

that you communicate with them via video

or text chat

and half of the time they help you

practice your target language

and for the other half you help them

practice theirs

practicing via an online language

exchange is a highly effective way to

practice your conversational skills

number two work on pronunciation

pronunciation is often an overlooked

skill when it comes to learning a

foreign language

most people think of a good foreign

accent as a luxury rather than a


but what most people don’t talk about is

how having a good accent boosts your


and comprehension skills if you can hear

a sound from a foreign language and know

how to make it yourself

then you’re more likely to understand

native speakers when they talk at normal


and you’re also more likely to remember

any new words or phrases you come across

having a good accent means that the

language no longer sounds foreign

instead it sounds familiar maybe even


so how do you go about perfecting your


the best way is to break down the

language into its individual sounds

make note of any sounds that are the

same or similar to your native language

and of those that are different of the

sounds that are different

spend your time practicing the ones that

you find the hardest to say correctly

after you’re comfortable with the

individual sounds you can start linking

together words and phrases

this is where accent practice starts to

get really fun and interesting get your

hands on some native speaker audio from

a tv show

song or podcast play the audio back and

listen closely a few times

take note of how words blend together in

speech then

do your best to imitate what you hear

trying to match the speaker’s emphasis

and intonation

our language learning program’s playback

feature is perfect for this

record yourself and compare it to the

original recording

rinse and repeat until you’re

comfortable with the audio selection

and then move on to something more

difficult this is how you can break

through the accent barrier

and really start to make the language

your own number three

learn phrases not just individual words

learning grammar and individual words is

great but it’s not the only approach you

should take if you want to speak


in addition to your regular grammar and

vocabulary try learning whole phrases

even if you aren’t totally sure how they

work grammatically

learn phrases that are specific to your

needs it’s a good idea to learn phrases

that are grouped around a certain

setting or subject

such as simple greetings or

introductions questions for getting to

know someone or traveling comfortably

you can even learn filler phrases which

you can use so that you have something

to say when

well you don’t know what to say learning

phrases like this will help you become

conversational faster

you may not understand what you’re

saying literally but as long as you know

the general meaning behind the phrase

and know when to use it you’ll be able

to talk like a native

eventually your knowledge of grammar and

vocabulary should catch up with the

phrases you know

learning a new language should feel like

an adventure there will be plateaus and

periods in your learning where it feels

like you’re hitting a wall

but being able to speak with native

speakers and have real conversations

will help you combat language fatigue

after all talking to someone face to

face in a foreign language is one of the

main reasons we start learning in the

first place

and for even more ways to gain

conversation skills check out our

complete language learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button

share the video with anyone who’s trying

to learn a new language and subscribe to

our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye

want to speak real english from your

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whenever i’m ready all right

hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is alicia and today we’re going

to be talking about

10 words for connecting thoughts these

are going to be 10 words that you can


to transition between ideas very useful

in both speech

and in writing let’s go

also also also is a word that you can

use to

add information i went to the store

this morning also i went and got

coffee that’s true however

however however is used to contrast or

to contrast depending on your


to differentiate to show a difference


two pieces of information a good pattern

would be

a however be so

for example i love tonkotsu ramen


it is very high in calories so i don’t

eat it often

also true on the other hand on the other


on the other hand is i feel used more

commonly in

speech than it is in writing again it’s

used to present

like two sides to a story or two sides

to some information

so for example i’m thinking about

visiting taiwan

sometime this year but on the other hand

i’m also thinking about visiting

thailand still so

it might be common to use still with the

word like but or a word like even though

so you’re saying

even though there’s some other factor

like um like i’m really really

tired this week or even though i have a

lot of homework to do

i still want to go out with my friends

or i still want to

see a movie this weekend so there’s this

other there’s this thing that’s maybe


this other action difficult to do or

tough to do or whatever

but even though there’s this you still

have this over here so maybe the two are

kind of used as a pair

i still want to go out later even though

i’m tired

then then yes a very useful word

we use then when telling stories a lot


so for example if i could tell a story

about my morning today

when i got up i brushed my teeth

and then i cooked breakfast

then i did a little bit of work then

i took a shower then i did some cooking

blah blah blah

you’ll often hear and then as well and

then i

and then we and then you and so on so

then is

is really really useful for sequencing

so a useful word i think

besides besides so it’s commonly used in

a pattern like

besides that meaning other than

something else i went out with my

friends this weekend but besides that

i didn’t really do much so another way

to say that sentence is

i went out with my friends this weekend

but other than that

other than that activity i didn’t do

very much

okay meanwhile meanwhile or you might


the similar expression in the mean time

it means

while you’re doing action a at the same

times maybe somewhere else

action b is happening this is used while

telling stories a lot so for example

i was working at my office all week last

week meanwhile

my co-workers across town were having a

party without me

so these two things are happening at the

same time

but maybe separate from one another


likewise okay likewise

i don’t really use this word personally

myself at all

it’s often used after an introduction um

similar to the pleasure is all mine in a

formal situation

so maybe somebody says you know hey

it was really great to see you last

weekend thanks very much for coming to

my barbecue

you can say yeah likewise it was really

good to see you in your family

so likewise means i have the same

feeling or i have the same

idea it’s kind of a friendly phrase but

personally i don’t really use that to

transition between

thoughts um i would just use and i

suppose but

no that’s how i would use it instead

instead so so instead it’s used like

instead of i want to

a instead of be can be used to express

your plans or what you want to do

i want to have chinese food instead of

italian food tonight so

you’re presenting two alternatives


so instead of means in place of or as a

substitute for

so i should have drank a lot of water

this morning but instead i drank a lot

of coffee

that’s true uh i wanted to

have dinner with my friends this weekend


i had dinner at home

in addition in addition this is a really

good word

for more formal situations i like to use

in addition

in writing i don’t really use in

addition in speaking

unless i’m trying to be very formal for

some reason

similar to additionally as well so you

make point a

and point b and then when you want to

make one more point that’s related to

point a and point b

you can say in addition point c so

you’re like

building an argument and in addition can

be used to kind of finish that argument

off a little bit

our new marketing plan worked really

well last month

we noticed increased sales in product a

in addition we’ve gained a lot of new


something like that so just you’re

you’re quickly presenting a series of

ideas that are related to one another

you can use in addition to finish it off

all right

so that’s the end of 10 words for

connecting thoughts i hope you

get to use a lot of these try to mix it

up it’s good to use a variety of

different words

thanks very much for watching this

episode and we will see you again next

time for more fun stuff



whenever i’m ready all right welcome

back to weekly words

i’m alicia and this week

we’re going to talk about commonly

mispronounced mispronounced wow

this week we’re going to talk about

commonly mispronounced words words that

are often

pronounced incorrectly this is funny

i enjoy mispronouncing this first word

the first word is

hyperbole hyperbole um it’s not


though it does sound very funny to say

that hyperbole just means to exaggerate


or to make to blow something up make it

really extreme

my friend uses a lot of hyperbole when

she talks about her life stories i

really don’t think some of those things

happen to her

hyperbole not hyperbole next

antarctic not ah

oh i see antarctic is the correct

pronunciation of this word

some people say and and tar antarctic

really oh i guess when you’re saying

this word quickly you might leave

out that first c in the antarctic

so don’t say that don’t do that say


the the very very cold region the arctic

is the north cold region on the planet

earth the south is the antarctic

they’re sort of like almost a hiccup in

the word they’re antarctic

oh uh in a sentence i’m thinking about

taking a cruise to the antarctic

what do you think i need a penguin suit

etc not etc oh yeah okay i’ve heard i

hear this

ek x thing a lot etc is just used at the

end of a list

to imply that you mean other things

so the list is not exclusive to the

things that you’ve listed

other things can also be included in it

so in a sample sentence

types of fruits are apples oranges

peaches etc

there are others as well so don’t say

etc that’s not correct etc

it’s good the next word is jewelry

what not mones the next word is

jewelry jewelry i think i’m probably

guilty of this mispronunciation

i can’t say that word mispronunciation

where the word kind of gets a little bit

smushed together

and we say jewelry instead we miss that


second e sound in there it should be jew


uh in a sample sentence maybe you would

say i’m shopping for some jewelry for my

mother for her birthday

jewelry we’re too lazy prescription

not prescription okay a prescription is

something that

a doctor gives you when you’re sick and

you require medicine the doctor will

write you a prescription

some people might say prescription

wow okay i didn’t even notice and i was

doing it while i was telling you guys

not to do it

that’s embarrassing prescription a

doctor writes you a prescription not a


uh when you go to the doctor’s office

the doctor might say here is your


end all right well we’ve learned that i

apparently can’t pronounce some words

the way that they’re meant to be


so please work on your pronunciation i

will work on my pronunciation too

thank you for joining us on weekly words

this week i will see you next

time bye bye welcome back to weekly

words my name is alicia and this week

we’re going to talk about

commonly quoted movie lines ooh

i hope i know these i’ll be back a lot

of people like to try and do an arnold

schwarzenegger impression this comes

from the movie terminator

where arnold schwarzenegger plays a

robot from the future and it’s really


you can use this with your friends you

can use this in in common

everyday situations where you have to

leave some place but you want to tell

people in a kind of a funny way that you

plan on coming back

you can say i’ll be back inconceivable

say this with a lisp

inconceivable if you have seen the movie

the princess bride

inconceivable so to conceive of

something something you can think

about putting that in at the beginning

of the word

means can’t con or not able to conceive

of something you can’t even think about

it you can’t believe it in other words

this is one word that means i can’t

believe it or

this is just ridiculous so you can use

this anytime you’re just shocked by

something you just can’t believe that

something is happening you can say

inconceivable this is a very good one a

recent one from the movie anchorman will


says this uh he says i immediately

regret this decision

i immediately regret this decision it’s

a very long phrase

but it means you’ve just made a choice

and you

very quickly immediately realized this

was a bad decision

i should not have done this you can say

i immediately regret this decision

but with kind of like a flat tone to it

it’s a little bit funny

okay next is a very famous quote from

the movie forest gump tom hanks was in

this movie

his character famously says mama always

said life was like a box of chocolates

the next line is you never know what

you’re gonna get

so this refers to picking a piece of

chocolate out of a box of chocolates

maybe you’ve seen kind of the fancy ones

that have a number of different styles

of chocolate in them when you bite into

it oftentimes you don’t know what’s on

the inside

so the character is saying that life is

like that too you might try to do a few

different things

but you never know what’s going to

happen until you actually try to do it

so this is an interesting phrase to use

maybe if your friend is having trouble

in their life in some way

you can maybe try to console them or

cheer them up by saying mama always said

life was like a box of chocolates

the next quote comes from the movie

apollo 13 a very famous space movie

the quote is houston we have a problem

houston refers to the control center

nasa’s control center

and the astronaut is famously quoted as

saying we have a problem

anytime you run across a problem at work

or with your friends

with your family whatever you can say

houston we have a problem meaning you’re

just trying to alert

the other people around you that

something is wrong you need help with

something perhaps

so it’s usually not a very serious

problem though i should say that so

don’t use it for like a medical

emergency use it for something you know

like oh i’m out of eggs houston we have

a problem you know if you’re cooking


very very light-hearted is good and

that’s the end of some famous

movie quotes so try to use a few of

these if you like

they’re kind of fun and if you use them

with the right timing they can be very

very funny

and people will generally appreciate

that you use such

interesting references in your

conversation uh thanks very much for

joining us this week and we’ll see you

again next time bye

here’s looking at you kid what does that

even mean though

a classic goodbye line kind of

welcome back to weekly words i’m alicia

and this week we are going to

do words with strange plural forms this

is good practice i bet let’s start

yeah antenna the plural form of antenna

is antennae

i think i would say antennae antennae

i think i probably actually just say

antennas an

antenna on an old tv set for example

would be

it would kind of look like this we’d

call it bunny ears where you had to

adjust the bunny ears you had to

just adjust the antennae to make the

signal on your tv come in more clearly

bugs they have antennae from their heads

the next word is millennium the plural

is millennia

a millennium is a period of a thousand

years a thousand years is a millennium

a series of thousands of years would be

called millennia

you might say many millennia have passed

since the earth was formed

cactus is the next word a cactus is a


these are the arms of the cactus i

couldn’t make the trunk of the cactus

wow you can put a picture on the screen

instead of my amazing

cactus the plural of cactus is cacti or

cactuses i think i’m more inclined to

say cacti so when you go to the desert

you might say keep an eye out for cacti

if you step on one it could really hurt


the next one is an interesting one i

don’t think i’ve ever used this word in

the singular

like if you have a swimming pool or if

you’ve seen a pond or whatever it’s that

green sort of scummy stuff that

accumulates on top of it or on the sides

of your pool if you haven’t cleaned it

in a while algae

bacterias and things that like to live

in the water there’s a singular form

and i’m just i’m looking at it for the

first time i don’t know how

alga to use the plural then you would

say i need to clean my pool there’s a

lot of algae in it

yeah next is ox ox

uh the plural of ox is oxen these


used to be used for farming i don’t know

that they are very much anymore i don’t

have much personal experience with


um but they’re they look like really

really big cows with huge horns

huge horns yeah okay next is

the end uh plural

words that have weird plural forms so

please keep them in mind when you are

trying to use them in conversation and

use the correct form of the plural

thank you for joining us again this week

for weekly words next time we will see


for more weekly words that was weird

we’ll see you again next week for more

fun information

take care bye

oh no all right welcome back to weekly

words my name is alicia and this week we

are going to talk about

commonly used onomatopoeia this is going

to be a fun one we talked

briefly about an onomatopoeia zoom in a

previous episode of weekly words we’re

going to talk some more about some more

talk some more about some more we’re

going to talk about more today the first

word is

beep oh beep beep is any kind of

electronic sound or a car

sound and was also in a popular american


wiley coyote and the roadrunner the

roadrunner would commonly say meat meat

car sound will usually make a beep or a

honk sound for electronics however the

beep becomes a little bit more robotic

we’ll often see like beep

beep beep beep so in a sentence let’s

say you have a computer problem

you tell your friend the computer won’t

stop beeping at me what do i do

next is the sound jingle jingle is

any kind of light ringing sound this

word gets used a lot

uh in holiday seasons particularly

christmas thanksgiving

new year’s any jingling sound is very

commonly assigned to

bells like the song jingle bells for

example is a perfect example of this

jingle is just the sound that a bell

makes in a sentence

let’s see you might say she has a

small bell attached to her phone so she

jingles everywhere

she walks it’s really irritating okay

the next word is thump a thump is for

something to hit heavily

to give an example the people who live

in the apartment above me

often thump on the floor it sounds like

maybe they’re dropping something heavy

or they’re stepping very heavily all


next is splash anything that falls into


lands in liquid makes a splash it’s that

sort of sound that comes from water or

any other liquid really we refer to that

as a splash

sound there is also a popular tom hanks

mermaid movie called splash

this has nothing to do with that about

him falling in love with a mermaid

i made a big splash when i jumped into

the swimming pool this summer

that has kind of a double meaning oh


next is blurt it means to say something


i blurted out the news as soon as i

heard it like i blurted out the secret i

couldn’t hold it any longer

it means you just say something without

thinking to blurt the first part of the

word what

that blur sound it sounds like something

it just kind of

sort of slips out on accident and then

the harsh

blurt the t at the end is like a

kind of a final like oh my gosh i’ve

just said something

i’ve slipped and then i’ve said

something oh no i didn’t think about


all right that’s the end of that one so

i hope you learned a few new onomatopias

that you can try out

next time thanks for joining us for

weekly words and i will see you again

next time bye bye

want to speak real english from your

first lesson sign up for your free

lifetime account



hey and welcome back to weekly words my

name is alicia and this week we’re going

to talk about

interjections this is going to be fun

let’s start the first word is

ba b-a-h maybe you’re upset about

something or you’re tired of dealing

with something

people will often throw up their hands

like this when they say they’ll go back

and walk away

bo humbug is a very very well-known uh

use of this interjection this from the

story a christmas carol one of the

characters says ba

humbug at all these things that upset


all right the next interjection is aha

is used whenever you feel surprised

about something or when you have a good

idea about something

for example sitting at work actually

maybe you shouldn’t do this at work

because your co-workers will think

you’re crazy

if you’re feeling really excited about

your idea you can go like this with your

finger and go aha

i have an idea for my presentation next

week okay

the next one is meh this one i think is

only become popular in the last

i don’t know it started being used i

think it started more on the internet

and now it has come to be used in

everyday life

men is just when you’re you’re not very

excited about something

um maybe you went to a party your friend

asks you how it was

and you’re like yeah i went it was

pretty meh we use it like an adjective


or you can just use it as a one word

interjection meh

meh meh okay the next word is o

o is a very very useful one you can use


in a number of situations when you’re

surprised when you’re thinking of

something when you want to have kind of

a soft introduction to whatever you’re


i think i tend to use it as a question

or when i’m feeling surprised

so when my friend tells me something

like oh hey i have this great news i’ll


oh just by itself as a question to get

somebody’s attention

i might say oh did you see that new

movie last week a sentence starter for

me anyway okay the next word is hmm

we use when we’re thinking about

something when we need a minute to

consider our thoughts

it can be used at the beginning of a

sentence or just while you’re thinking

on its own

hmm what might be a good example

sentence for

hmm and end

those are all interjections those are

all interjections try to use them if you

use these correctly in your speech

throughout your speech

it’ll help you to sound a lot more

natural and a lot more smooth

uh in your speaking ability so give them

a try thanks again for joining us this

week and i will see you next time for

more weekly words bye

begin hi everybody welcome back to

weekly words my name is alicia and this

week we’re going to look at some common

english idioms let’s begin

the first word or phrase rather is about

to about to means

you’re going to start something you’re

going to begin doing something for

example i’m about to start

explaining this idiom to you hey okay

the next word or phrase idiom the next

idiom is

by the way the word here they’ve used is

incidentally it’s a way to transition to

another topic

that’s related to what you’re talking

about for example

this week i’m going to a party by the

way did you hear about the party


next week so they’re somewhat related


the next idiom is in a way in a way

this is kind of in a way it was a good

thing that the burrito shop was closed

because otherwise i would have eaten way

too much

you can use this to show that there are

maybe two sides to a situation

maybe some things are negative maybe

some things are positive next is on the

other hand i hear this a lot on the

other hand is a way of

just saying however or to share two

different sides to a story

for example i think my co-worker is

really irritating

on the other hand at parties he’s really

funny so you can show

two maybe different sides to a point

with this phrase

next is a matter of fact as a matter of

fact as an idiom

this is a long way to just say actually

or really

it’s a little bit more formal sounding

so you might use it in a business

meeting for example

everybody at the business meeting might

feel a little bit unsure about the

previous month sales

and you can begin your presentation by

saying something like i know everybody

was a little bit

unsure about last week’s or last month’s

sales performance but as a matter of


things improved and that’s the end those

are some common idioms

that you might hear in english give them

a try they’re pretty useful and you

might hear a lot of them

in conversation thanks very much for

joining us this week and we’ll see you

again next time for more information

bye hi welcome back to weekly words my

name is alicia and this week we’re going

to talk about ways to say hi

this should be fun let’s get started

first is yo

this one is a little bit casual in case

you couldn’t tell

used for close friends maybe family

members if you have kind of a silly

relationship with them

just quick short easy to do in a


yo how’s it going howdy howdy uh

traditionally associated with cowboy

culture i suppose you should play a

banjo maybe or you’ve just gotten off a

horse i don’t know i use howdy from time

to time

howdy howdy howdy howdy

that’s my banjo yeah in a sentence you

might say

howdy folks welcome to the

barbecue place

next is hey hey is good friendly phrase

you can usually use hay with a wave and

smile look happy

if you don’t people might think that

you’re down in the dumps people might

think you’re not in a very good mood

in a sentence hey uh i heard you got

engaged last week congratulations

something like that it’s usually kind of

a cheery

happy expression all right next is

what’s up

uh what’s up is the long form of sup

this does not literally mean what is

above you right now

if you want to be funny you can say the

ceiling or the sky but that joke gets

old really fast and chances are the

person you’re talking to has already

heard it before

it just means what are you up to what is

going on with you in a sentence what’s


did you have a good weekend typical

response to what’s up is not much

find out some more responses in english

in three minutes we did an episode on


nothing much how about you that’s pretty

good pretty good

pretty good pretty good

i don’t know what i’m doing the next one

is long time no see you can use this

when you haven’t seen the other person

for a long time you’re at a party or an

event or whatever any

time it’s been a long break you can

decide how long

long is not the day before or the week

before maybe a few weeks or a month

whatever is unusual for you and this

other person

when you see them you can say hey long

time no see how have you been uh that’s

the end so those are a few

different ways to say hi in a few

different situations i hope that you

have a chance to try them out

the next time you meet someone or you

greet someone thanks very much for

joining us this week and we’ll see you

again soon

bye instead of saying stop i like to say


soup hi everybody welcome back to top

words my name is alicia and today we’re

going to be talking about

10 different phrases that you can use to

respond to the question

how are you so let’s go i’m great

the first phrase is i’m great if someone

says how are you

you can say i’m great try to say i’m

great with a kind of an

upbeat voice um so something like how

are you

i’m great i’m feeling bad i’m

feeling bad if you say i’m feeling bad

the other person is probably

if they’re a friend of yours or a

co-worker going to ask you why

what happened so if you want to use i’m

feeling bad

make sure you have an explanation ready

anyway somebody says how are you and you

go i’m feeling bad

maybe i went out for drinks last night

with my co-workers oops

i’m okay i’m okay i feel like this is

one of those

intonation practice ones i’m okay with


ah i’m okay it’s like sort of upward

intonation you’re like

cool but if if someone says how are you

and you’re like i’m okay

they’re like oh no what happened

so you can use your intonation with i’m

okay to make it

a good thing or not it’s a good thing

but either way it’s not like a very

super serious response

thank you for asking yeah i imagine this

would be in a more

formal situation like if my friend said

to me

how are you and i was like thank you for

asking they’d be like

what i would say i’m fine or i’m doing


i’m doing great plus thank you for

asking so

how are you i’m doing very well thank


oh that’s how i would use it and you the

next one is

and you like the least natural response

to how are you

is i’m fine thank you and you like just


out of put it just take it out of your

head nobody says that i always say how

about you that’s a much more natural


how are you how are you how are you can

be a response

again after you have given your answer

to the question

how are you i’m great how are you how

are you i’m good how are you

i’m great how are you i’m okay how are

you how have you been recently

how have you been recently this is only

useful if you haven’t seen the other

person for a while i’m not bad

i’m not bad i’m not bad how are you i’m

not bad i’m not bad

things could be worse i would probably

do this

i’m sleepy the next expression is i’m


it’s like so specific if someone said

how are you i would probably say

i’m okay but i’m a little sleepy

i don’t know that i would just say i’m

sleepy unless it’s a really good friend

of mine

it’s a person close to you you can say

i’m so tired i’m i would say i’m super

tired or i’m really tired

and i feel like that’s a little bit more

natural than just i’m sleepy

i’m good one that i use a lot if someone

says how are you i say i’m

good uh that’s just probably my go-to

response yeah i’m good i’m good

maybe i’ll repeat it while smiling i’m

good i’m good yeah thanks for asking


how are you that is the end those are 10

phrases that you can use to respond to

the question

how are you if there’s one takeaway from

this and from other things that we’ve


over the last few years on this channel

just get rid of that i’m fine thank you

and you

and pick one of these that we’ve talked

about today

of course if there’s another expression

that you use for

a response to how are you

i’d be very interested to learn about

that but

uh in general you’re pretty safe if you

stick with these i think so

thanks very much for watching this

episode of top words and we will see you

again soon bye

that means we’re going to the

movie theater right all right uh hi

everybody my name is alicia welcome back

to top words today we’re going to be

talking about

must-know expressions for agreeing and

disagreeing very useful so let’s

go exactly exactly when you agree

100 with something someone else has said

you can say

exactly for example ramen is one of the

best foods in the world

exactly i don’t agree i don’t agree

you have a different opinion from the

other person they tell you

i think that soccer is the best sport

you can say i don’t agree

but be prepared to provide your own

opinion after this

i think soccer’s the best sport i don’t

agree i think that football is

oh that could cause some problems soccer

football americans say football

when we mean american football but the

rest of the world says football when

they mean soccer

maybe maybe is when you don’t know when

you can’t make a decision or when you’re

not sure about something

okay so someone tosses you an opinion

someone says their their idea to you i

think it’s gonna rain tomorrow you can

say yeah maybe

you don’t know for sure yes or no but

it’s possible

it’s a good sort of in-between

expression but if you use

maybe all the time it’s gonna sound

really strange and it’s going to sound

like you can’t make a decision

so use maybe very sparingly don’t use it

so often

maybe is very commonly used as a soft

nose it’s up to you to figure that out

among the people that you’re talking to


do you want to stay over at my house

this weekend and maybe

i couldn’t agree with you more you

are in complete agreement with the other

person and really want to communicate

that to them

you think that what they have just said

is really really correct super correct

yes you are completely on board with

that idea

you can say i couldn’t agree with you

more i couldn’t the negative form

i could not agree with you more meaning

it’s not

possible that i could agree more with

what you’re saying next week it’s really

important that we have a barbecue

because summer is ending and then your

friend can say i couldn’t agree more

that’s a fantastic idea

i’ll buy stake

i think we’re going to have to agree to


agree to disagree this is a kind of it

seems like a simple phrase agree to


so you’re agreeing with the other person

you agree

that we have a different opinion agree


disagree i would use this expression at

the end of a discussion

so person a and person b have different


and they’ve been discussing those

opinions for a long time

and person a is not changing his or her

opinion person b is not changing his or

her opinion

so you can say at the end of the

conversation okay we have to agree to


let’s just accept our different opinions

and move on in the conversation

you have a point there this is not

necessarily an

agreement or disagreement phrase it’s a

small agreement

within a larger discussion so maybe

you’ve been discussing a topic for

a long time and you’ve disagreed with

the other person

until this this time this person says


and you agree with that ah you have a

point there so there’s one thing

that this person has said that you can

agree with you can say

you have a point there i think that’s

correct or i agree with that point

that’s exactly how i feel that’s exactly

how i feel

meaning my feeling is the same as your


or my opinion is the same as your

opinion that’s exactly how i feel

maybe you can use this if someone

describes your feeling very accurately

for example you can say i feel like the

company is really heading in a nice new


you can say yeah that’s exactly how i

feel i really like the new boss

i don’t think so i don’t think so it’s

soft it’s not so direct it’s not a hard

i disagree but just i don’t think so of

course you can use it to discuss

opinions but you can also use it when

you’re making plans

are you going to that party this weekend

uh i don’t think so

it’s not a disagreement but it can be

used as a negation phrase and a negative

response to something when used as an

opinion i think chinese is the hardest

language to learn you can say i don’t

think so i think that

arabic is the hardest language to learn

yes you’re right

yes you’re right means you’re correct

yes i agree with you

i think that’s the right information i

think that’s the correct opinion just a

very clear

agreement phrase you’re right it also

has the nuance of being correct

so maybe there was there was a

possibility the other person

could be incorrect did you know that

pepperoni pizza

is the most delicious pizza in the world

yes you’re right you could change it too

that’s right for that opinion you can

use your

to talk specifically about the person

itself but that’s right yes that’s right

that information is correct i guess so i

guess so

it’s so it’s an agreement but it’s sort

of a flaky agreement

i guess so it’s like you don’t really

want to make a decision

uh but you don’t feel strongly in one


in agreement or disagreement you can say

i guess so

it’s usually said with this tone of

voice i guess so

you know we don’t really say i guess so

generally it’s like you can’t quite make

a decision or you don’t want to make a


you can say i guess so hey we’re going

to go for chinese food for dinner

tonight do you want to come

yeah i guess so you don’t feel strongly

either way

i guess so i’m afraid i disagree it’s a

rather polite expression that you can

use in a business situation for example

i’m afraid here doesn’t mean i’m

actually scared

or i’m really frightened but just it’s a

softener that’s used at the beginning of

sentences to introduce a negative

opinion so i’m afraid i disagree or i’m

afraid i can’t agree with you for


i think that you need to adopt a new

policy for your company i’m afraid i


it’s a soft disagreement that sounds a

bit more formal

than some of the other phrases we’ve

talked about so far absolutely

absolutely means 100 percent

yes exactly precisely definitely it’s a


and clear and can be polite as well as


um word that means you agree with the

other person hey do you want to go to

the beach this weekend yeah absolutely

absolutely oh that’s the end uh so

those are some phrases that you can use

to agree and disagree with other people

there are a lot of them so and you can

kind of mix and match them

as you see fit so give them a try thanks

very much for watching this episode of

top words and we’ll see you again

soon bye flyers beach okay

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想从第一节课开始说真正的英语 在 注册您的终身免费帐户 大多数学习外语的人都会学习外语,以便他们有一天可以在您开始学习和破解时与母语人士进行真实的对话 打开你的第一本教科书或收听你的第一个播客 进行真正的对话会感觉像是一种幻想 当关于一种语言的一切都感觉很新鲜时,它可能会让人不知所措,但这与事实相去甚远,因为它确实需要大量的时间和 努力变得流利进行对话可能并不像您想象的那么遥远 在本视频中,我们将介绍三种提高对话技巧并开始与母语人士交谈的方法 第一找到母语人士并与他们一起练习 住在一大群以母语为母语的人附近,如果你碰巧在一个主要或国际城市,你的机会可能会更好检查和观察 如果您的城市有一般语言交流机会,那里可能会有一个母语为母语的人,他也在尝试学习另一种语言,与母语者亲自练习可能是磨练您的口语技能的最有趣的选择,但如果您找不到 下一个最佳选择是在过去 10 年左右的时间里在网上寻找语言学习者,这些网站上的在线语言交换网站呈爆炸式增长,您可以搜索以您的目标语言为母语的人,并且是 也学习你的母语 语言交流背后的想法是你通过视频或文字聊天与他们交流,一半的时间他们帮助你练习你的目标语言,另一半你帮助他们通过在线语言交流练习他们的练习 是一种非常有效的方式来练习你的会话技巧 第二个关于发音的工作 发音经常被忽视 d 学习外语的技能 大多数人认为良好的外国口音是一种奢侈,而不是必需品,但大多数人没有谈论的是,如果你能听到,良好的口音如何提高你的听力和理解能力 来自外语的声音并且知道如何自己制作,那么当他们以正常速度说话时,您更有可能理解母语人士,并且您也更有可能记住您遇到的任何具有良好口音的新单词或短语 意味着该语言不再听起来很陌生,而是听起来很熟悉,甚至可能很自然,所以你如何完善你的口音最好的方法是将语言分解成单独的声音记下任何与你的相同或相似的声音 母语和那些不同的声音 不同的声音 花时间练习那些你觉得舒服后最难说正确的声音 使用单个声音,您可以开始将单词和短语连接在一起 这是口音练习开始变得非常有趣和有趣的地方 获得一些来自电视节目歌曲或播客的母语人士音频 播放音频并仔细聆听几次 注意单词如何在语音中融合在一起,然后尽力模仿您听到的内容,尝试匹配说话者的重点和语调我们的语言学习程序的播放功能非常适合您自己录制这张唱片,并将其与原始录音进行比较冲洗并重复直到您' 对音频选择感到满意,然后继续做更困难的事情,这就是您可以突破口音障碍并真正开始使语言成为您自己的第三大语言的方法 学习短语不仅仅是单个单词 学习语法和单个单词很棒,但它 除了常规语法之外,如果您想流利地说话,这不是您应该采取的唯一方法 和词汇 尝试学习整个短语,即使你不完全确定它们是如何在语法上工作的 学习特定于你需要的短语 学习围绕特定环境或主题分组的短语是个好主意,例如简单的问候或介绍问题 结识某人或舒适地旅行 您甚至可以学习可以使用的填充短语,以便在您不知道该说什么的时候有话要说 ‘是字面意思,但只要您知道短语背后的一般含义并知道何时使用它,您就可以像本地人一样说话,最终您的语法和词汇知识应该赶上您知道的短语学习新的 语言应该是一种冒险,在你的学习中会有高原和时期,感觉就像碰壁但能够加快速度 与母语人士交流并进行真正的对话将帮助您消除语言疲劳毕竟与外语面对面交谈是我们首先开始学习的主要原因之一,以及更多获得对话技巧的方法,请查看 我们完整的语言学习计划通过单击描述中的链接注册您的终身免费帐户,获得大量资源,让您用您的目标语言说话,如果您喜欢这些技巧,请点击“赞”按钮与任何尝试分享视频的人分享 学习一门新语言并订阅我们的频道 我们每周都会发布新视频 下次见 大家好,欢迎回到最重要的词我的名字是艾丽西亚,今天我们将讨论 10 个用于连接想法的词,这些将是 10 个 你可以用来在想法之间转换的词在演讲和写作中都非常有用 let’s go 也是一个你可以用来添加信息的词我今天早上去了商店我也去喝咖啡了 用于根据您的发音进行对比或对比以区分以显示两条信息之间的差异一个好的模式将是一个但是例如我喜欢tonkotsu拉面但是它的卡路里非常高所以我不吃 另一方面,这通常也是正确的另一方面,我觉得在演讲中比在写作中更常用它被用来呈现故事的两个方面或某些信息的两个方面,例如我 我正在考虑今年某个时候访问台湾,但另一方面,我也在考虑访问泰国,所以仍然使用 like but 或 like even thou 这个词可能很常见 gh 所以你是说即使有一些其他因素,比如我这周真的很累,或者即使我有很多作业要做,我仍然想和我的朋友出去,或者我仍然想看一个 这个周末的电影,所以还有这个其他的,这可能会让这个其他动作很难做或很难做或其他什么,但即使有这个,你仍然有这个,所以也许这两个被用作一对我仍然想要 晚点出去,即使我很累,然后是的,这是一个非常有用的词,我们在讲很多故事时使用,例如,如果我可以讲一个关于我今天早上起床的故事,我刷牙然后我 做早餐然后我做了一点工作然后我洗了个澡然后我做了一些你会经常听到的烹饪等等等等然后我然后我们然后你等等等等真的是真的 对排序有用,所以我认为除了 bes 之外是一个有用的词 ide 所以它通常用在一个模式中 但除了那个活动之外,我同时做的不太好,或者你可能会同时听到类似的表达,这意味着当你同时做动作a时,可能在其他地方动作b正在发生这个 经常在讲故事时使用,例如,上周我整个星期都在办公室工作,而镇上的同事在没有我的情况下举行聚会,所以这两件事同时发生,但可能同时彼此分开 同样好的同样我自己根本不会真正使用这个词它经常在介绍之后使用嗯类似于在正式场合中的乐趣都是我的所以也许有人说你 你知道,嘿,上周末见到你真是太好了,非常感谢你来参加我的烧烤活动,你可以说是的,同样很高兴在你的家人中见到你,所以同样意味着我有同样的感觉或者我有同样的想法 一种友好的短语,但就我个人而言,我并没有真正使用它来在想法之间进行转换,嗯,我只是使用,我想,但不是那样,我会改为使用它,所以改为使用它,而不是我想要的,而不是 be 可以用来表达你的计划或你想做什么我今晚想吃中餐而不是意大利菜所以你基本上提出了两种选择所以而不是代替或代替的手段所以我应该喝 今天早上喝了很多水,但我喝了很多咖啡,这是真的 si 喜欢在写作中使用 plus 与点 a 和点 b 相关的另一点,你可以说另外点 c,所以你就像建立一个论点,此外可以用来结束这个论点,我们的新营销计划最后运作得非常好 一个月我们注意到产品 a 的销售额增加了此外我们已经获得了很多新客户这样的东西所以你只是你正在快速提出一系列彼此相关的想法你可以使用除了完成它 好的,所以这是连接想法的 10 个单词的结尾 我希望你能使用很多这些尝试混合它使用各种不同的单词很好非常感谢观看这一集,我们将再次见到你 下次为 更多有趣的东西,再见[音乐],只要我准备好了,欢迎回到每周单词,我是艾丽西亚,本周我们将讨论常见的错误发音错误哇这周我们将讨论常见的错误发音单词单词 经常发音不正确这很有趣我喜欢把第一个词读错第一个词是夸张夸张嗯这不是夸张虽然说夸张只是意味着夸大某事或使某事炸毁让它真的很极端听起来很有趣 我的朋友在谈论她的人生故事时使用了很多夸张的东西 tar antarctic 真的 哦,我想当你快速说出这个词时,你可能会忽略南极的第一个 c 所以不要说那不要那样说南极 非常寒冷的地区 北极是地球上的北方寒冷地区 南方是南极洲 他们有点像一个打嗝的词 他们是南极洲 oh uh in a sentence i’m thinking about take a 去南极巡游你觉得我需要企鹅套装吗等等不是等等哦是的好吧我听说我经常听到这个 ek x 的东西 etc 只是用在列表的末尾来暗示你的意思是其他的东西所以 清单不仅限于您列出的事物 其他事物也可以包含在其中,因此在例句中,水果的类型是苹果,橙子,桃子等,还有其他的,所以不要说等等,这是不正确的,等等 下一个词是珠宝什么不是mones 下一个词是珠宝首饰 我想我可能对这种发音错误感到内疚 那第二个 e 发声 re it should be jew ellery uh in a sample sentence 也许你会说我正在为我妈妈买一些珠宝作为她的生日珠宝 生病了,你需要吃药,医生会给你开处方,有些人可能会说,哇,好吧,我什至没有注意到,我正在这样做,而我告诉你们不要这样做,这是令人尴尬的处方,医生给你开处方 不是处方 呃,当你去医生办公室时,医生可能会说这是你的处方 很好 我们已经了解到,我显然无法按照它们的发音方式发音一些单词,所以请继续努力 你的发音我也会努力提高我的发音谢谢你本周加入我们每周的单词我下次再见再见欢迎回到每周单词我的名字是艾丽西亚本周我们是 来谈谈经常引用的电影台词哦我希望我知道这些我会回来很多人喜欢尝试做一个阿诺德施瓦辛格的印象这来自电影终结者阿诺德施瓦辛格扮演未来的机器人这真的 很棒 你可以和你的朋友一起使用它 你可以在日常生活中使用它 你必须离开某个地方 但你想以一种有趣的方式告诉人们你打算回来 你可以说我会 back inconceptable 口齿不清地说这个,如果你看过电影公主新娘 inconceptible so to ceive of something you can think about 把它放在单词的开头就表示 can’t con or not able to conceive of something you 想都不敢想你不能相信换句话说这是一个词,意思是我不能相信或者这只是荒谬所以你可以在任何时候使用这个你只是被某件事震惊了哟 你简直不敢相信正在发生的事情你可以说不可思议这是一个非常好的电影主播将费雷尔最近的一个说这个呃他说我立即后悔这个决定我立即后悔这个决定这是一个很长的短语但是 这意味着您刚刚做出了选择,并且您很快就意识到这是一个错误的决定我不应该这样做您可以说我立即后悔这个决定但语气平淡有点好笑 接下来是电影森林阿甘正传汤姆汉克斯在这部电影中的一句名言,他的角色有一句名言,妈妈总是说生活就像一盒巧克力下一句是你永远不知道你会得到什么,所以这指的是挑选一个 从一盒巧克力中取出一块巧克力,也许你见过一种花哨的巧克力,里面有许多不同风格的巧克力,当你咬一口时,你经常不知道里面有什么 ide 所以这个角色在说生活也是这样的,你可能会尝试做一些不同的事情,但你永远不知道会发生什么,直到你真正尝试去做,所以这是一个有趣的短语,如果你的朋友有 以某种方式在他们的生活中遇到麻烦 你可以试着安慰他们或让他们振作起来,说妈妈总是说生活就像一盒巧克力 下一句来自电影阿波罗 13 号 一部非常著名的太空电影 名言是我们拥有的休斯顿 问题休斯顿指的是美国宇航局控制中心的控制中心,著名的宇航员曾被引述说,只要你在工作中或与你的朋友和家人遇到问题,无论你能说什么,我们都有问题,休斯顿我们有问题意味着你’ 我只是想提醒你周围的其他人有什么问题你可能需要帮助,所以这通常不是一个非常严重的问题,尽管我应该说所以不要像这样使用它 医疗紧急情况将其用于您知道的事情,例如哦,我没有鸡蛋了休斯顿我们有一个问题您知道如果您正在烹饪非常轻松的东西是好的,这就是一些著名电影报价的结尾,所以请尝试使用 如果你喜欢其中一些,它们很有趣,如果你在正确的时机使用它们,它们会非常有趣,人们通常会欣赏你在谈话中使用这些有趣的参考,非常感谢你加入我们 一周,我们下次再见,再见,这里看着你,孩子,即使经典的再见线有点欢迎回到每周的话,我是艾丽西亚,本周我们将用奇怪的复数形式做词 这是一个很好的做法我打赌让我们开始吧天线天线的复数形式是天线我想我会说天线天线我想我可能实际上只是说天线例如旧电视机上的天线会不会有点像厕所 k 像这样,我们称之为兔子耳朵,你必须调整兔子耳朵你必须调整天线以使电视上的信号更清晰地进入错误他们的头上有天线下一个词是千禧年复数 是千年 一千年是一千年 一千年是一千年 一连串的几千年被称为千年 你可能会说自从地球形成以来已经过去了几千年 仙人掌是下一个词 仙人掌是一种植物 这些 是仙人掌的手臂吗?我做不出仙人掌的树干哇,你可以在屏幕上放一张图片,而不是我神奇的仙人掌仙人掌的复数是仙人掌或仙人掌我想我更倾向于说仙人掌所以当 你去沙漠 你可能会说 小心仙人掌 如果你踩到一个它真的会伤害你 下一个很有趣 我不认为我曾经用过这个词的单数形式 如果你有 一个游泳池,或者如果你 如果你有一段时间没有清理过池塘或其他任何东西,如果你有一段时间没有清理它,就会在它上面或池边堆积绿色的浮渣,藻类细菌和喜欢生活在水中的东西有一个 单数形式,我只是我第一次看它 uh ox 的复数形式是 oxen 这些动物过去是用来耕种的 我不知道它们现在很多了 我没有太多的个人耕作经验 horns huge horns 是的,好的,接下来是结束 uh 复数形式的单词有奇怪的复数形式,所以当你尝试在对话中使用它们时请记住它们,并使用正确的复数形式谢谢你本周再次加入我们每周 下一次我们会看到你更多每周的话 奇怪我们下周再见更多有趣的信息保重再见哦不好吧欢迎回到每周的话我的名字是艾丽西亚本周我们将讨论常用的拟声词这将是一个有趣的我们 简短地谈论了象声词放大在上一集的每周单词中我们将再谈一些关于更多的谈论更多关于更多的我们今天将谈论更多第一个词是哔哦哔哔是任何一种 电子声音或汽车声音,也出现在流行的美国卡通 wiley coyote 和 roadrunner 中,roadrunner 通常会说肉肉汽车声音通常会为电子设备发出哔哔声或喇叭声,但是哔哔声变得有点机器人我们 '''''''''''''''''''' '' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ight ringing sound 这个词在假期里经常被使用,尤其是圣诞节感恩节新年任何叮当的声音通常被分配给像歌曲这样的铃铛叮当铃例如是这个叮当的完美例子就是铃铛发出的声音 一句话让我们看看你可能会说她的手机上挂了一个小铃铛,所以她走路的地方都叮当作响 真的很烦人 好吧 下一个词是重击 重击是指重击的东西 举个例子 住在公寓里的人 在我头顶上经常砰砰地砸在地板上听起来好像他们正在掉一些重物或者他们踩得很重 接下来是飞溅 任何落入液体中的东西 落在液体中会产生飞溅 那是那种来自水或 任何其他液体真的我们称之为飞溅声还有一部流行的汤姆汉克斯美人鱼电影叫飞溅,这与他摔倒无关 我爱上了一条美人鱼 今年夏天我跳进游泳池时引起了巨大的轰动 这有一种双重含义 哦 神秘 下一个是脱口而出 意味着要快速说些什么 我一听到这个消息就脱口而出就像 我脱口而出这个秘密我再也忍不住了,这意味着你只是说了一些话,而没有考虑脱口而出这个词的第一部分那个模糊的声音听起来像是某种东西,它只是有点意外地溜了出来,然后 刺耳的脱口而出,结尾的 t 就像是一种决赛,就像我的天哪,我刚刚说了一些我已经滑倒然后我说了些什么,哦,不,我没想到那好吧 那个,所以我希望你学到了一些新的拟声词,下次你可以试试 谢谢你加入我们每周的单词,我下次再见再见 想从你的第一课开始说真正的英语 注册你的免费生活 在englishclass101.com上的帐户嗨 嘿,欢迎回到每周的单词我的名字是艾丽西亚,这周我们将讨论感叹词这会很有趣让我们开始第一个词是呸呸也许你对某事感到不安或者你厌倦了交易 当人们说他们会回去走开时,人们经常会像这样举起手 bo humbug 是一个非常非常著名的感叹词 uh 这个感叹词的用法来自故事 圣诞颂歌 一个角色说 ba humbug 在所有这些让他心烦意乱的事情中,下一个感叹词是 aha 用于当您对某事感到惊讶或对某事有一个好主意时,例如坐在工作中实际上也许您不应该在工作中这样做,因为您的同事- 如果您对自己的想法感到非常兴奋,工人们会认为您疯了,您可以像这样用手指去,然后去啊哈,我有一个下周的演示文稿的想法,好吧,下一个是meh,我认为这只是bec 过去很流行我不知道它开始被使用我认为它开始更多地在互联网上现在它已经开始用于日常生活中男人只是当你对某事不太兴奋时 你去参加一个派对你的朋友问你怎么样,你说是的,我去了这很漂亮,实际上我们把它当作形容词使用,或者你可以把它用作一个单词感叹词 meh meh meh 好的,下一个词是 oo 是一个非常有用的工具,你可以在很多情况下使用哦 它是一个问题或当我感到惊讶时,所以当我的朋友告诉我类似哦,嘿,我有这个好消息时,我会说哦,只是作为一个问题来引起别人的注意,我可能会说哦,你看到那个新消息了吗? 电影上周对我来说是一个句子的开始,好吧,下一个词是嗯我们我们 e 当我们在思考某事时,当我们需要一分钟来考虑我们的想法时,它可以用在句子的开头,或者就在你自己思考的时候,嗯,什么可能是一个很好的例句,然后结束那些 都是感叹词那些都是感叹词尝试使用它们如果你在整个演讲中正确地使用它们,它会帮助你听起来更自然,更流畅,嗯,你的口语能力所以给他们一个尝试再次感谢 本周加入我们,我会在下一次见到你更多每周单词再见开始大家好欢迎回到每周单词我的名字是艾丽西亚本周我们将看看一些常见的英语习语让我们开始第一个单词或短语 而 is about to about to 表示你将开始某事 你将开始做某事 例如我将开始向你解释这个成语 嘿 好的 下一个单词或短语 成语 下一个成语是 wa y 他们在这里使用的词是顺便说一句,这是一种过渡到与您正在谈论的内容相关的另一个主题的方式,例如本周我要去参加一个聚会,顺便说一下,您听说过下周发生的聚会吗 所以它们有点相关 好吧 下一个成语在某种程度上是这样 一种情况可能有两个方面 也许有些事情是消极的,也许有些事情是积极的,另一方面,我经常听到这种情况,另一方面,这只是一种表达方式,或者分享一个故事的两个不同方面 例如,另一方面,我认为我的同事在聚会上真的很烦人,他真的很有趣,所以你可以用这个短语展示两个可能不同的方面 next is a fact as a fact as a fact as a idiom this is 说真的还有很长的路要走 或者实际上它听起来更正式一些,因此您可以在商务会议中使用它,例如,商务会议上的每个人都可能对上个月的销售情况有点不确定,您可以通过说我知道每个人都这样开始您的演示文稿 对上周或上个月的销售业绩有点不确定,但事实上情况有所改善,到此为止 这些是您可能会在英语中听到的一些常见习语 试一试它们非常有用,您可能会听到很多 他们中的一些人在谈话中非常感谢您本周加入我们,我们下次再见,了解更多信息 再见,欢迎回到每周用词 应该很有趣,让我们先开始吧,哟,这个有点随意,以防你无法分辨出用于亲密的朋友,如果你和他们有一种愚蠢的关系,也许是家人j ust quick short easy to do in a sentence yo what’s going howdy howdy uh 传统上与牛仔文化联系在一起 我想你应该弹班卓琴 或者你刚下马 我不知道 我不时用你好 你好,你好,你好,那是我的班卓琴,是的,你可能会说你好,伙计们,欢迎来到烧烤店,下一个是嘿嘿是一个很好的友好短语你通常可以用干草挥手微笑,如果你不这样做,看起来很开心人们可能会这么想 你情绪低落 人们可能会认为你心情不好 What’s up is the long form of sup 这并不是字面上的意思,如果你想搞笑,你可以说天花板或天空,但这个笑话很快就会过时,很可能是你正在和你说话的人 已经 你之前听说过它只是意味着你在做什么你在做什么用一个句子你有一个愉快的周末吗? 关于这一集 没什么 你怎么样 很好 很好 很好 很好 我不知道我在做什么 下一个好久不见 你可以在你很久没见过对方 您在聚会或活动中待了很长时间,或者任何时候 长时间休息,您可以决定多长时间不是前一天或前一周,可能是几周或一个月,无论您和其他人是否不寻常 当你看到他们的人时,你可以说嘿好久不见,你过得怎么样,这就是结局,所以这些是在几种不同情况下打招呼的几种不同方式,我希望你下次有机会尝试一下 您遇到某人或向某人打招呼非常感谢 或者本周加入我们,我们很快就会再见到你,而不是说停止我喜欢说汤汤大家好,欢迎回到热门词我的名字是艾丽西亚,今天我们将谈论你的 10 个不同的短语 可以用来回答你好吗,所以我们走吧,我很好,第一句话是我很好,如果有人说你好吗,你可以说我很好,试着用一种 乐观的声音 嗯,就像你好吗 我很好 我感觉很糟糕 如果你说我感觉很糟糕 我感觉很糟糕 如果对方是你的朋友或同事 问你为什么会这样,所以如果你想使用我感觉很糟糕确保你已经准备好解释无论如何有人说你好吗,你走了我感觉很糟糕也许我昨晚和我的同事出去喝酒了 工人哎呀,我很好,我很好,我觉得这是其中一种语调练习,我很好,我很好,就像排序一样 向上的语调你很酷,但如果有人说你好吗,你就像我很好,他们就像哦,不,发生了什么,所以你可以使用你的语调,我很好,让它成为一件好事 或者这不是一件好事,但无论哪种方式,这都不是一个非常严肃的回应谢谢你的提问是的,我想这将是一个更正式的情况,比如如果我的朋友对我说你好吗,我就像谢谢你的提问 他们会像我说的我很好或者我做得很好 下一个是,你喜欢最不自然的回应你好吗 更自然的事情 how are you how are you how are you 可以在你回答完问题后再次回复 你好吗 我很好 你好吗 你好吗 我很好 你好吗 我很好 好久没见对方了 我还不错 我还不错 我还不错 你好吗 我还不错 我还不错 sleepy 下一个表达是我困了,如果有人说你好吗,我可能会说我很好,但我有点困,我不知道我只会说我困了,除非它是 我的一个非常好的朋友它是你身边的人你可以说我很累我会说我超级累或者我真的很累我觉得这比我更自然一点 我很困,我很好,如果有人说你好吗,我说我很好,嗯,这可能是我的首选回应是的,我很好,我很好,也许我会重复一遍 微笑,我很好,我很好,是的,谢谢 很好地问你好吗,最后这些是你可以用来回答这个问题的 10 个短语,如果从这个和过去几年我们在这个频道上所做的其他事情中得到一个收获,你好吗? 摆脱那个我很好谢谢你和你当然选择我们今天讨论过的一个 呃,总的来说,如果你坚持这些,你是很安全的,我想非常感谢你观看这一集的热门词汇,我们很快就会再见到你,这意味着我们要去电影院,好吧,大家好 我的名字是艾丽西娅,欢迎回到今天的热门词,我们将讨论必须知道的表示同意和不同意的表达方式,非常有用,所以让我们准确地说,当你同意 100 与别人说过的事情时,你可以准确地说出来,例如拉面 开启 世界上最好的食物之一 我不同意 我不同意 你和他们告诉你的其他人有不同的意见 我认为足球是最好的运动 你可以说我不同意 但要做好准备 在此之后提供您自己的意见我认为足球是最好的运动我不同意我认为足球是哦这可能会导致一些问题足球美国人在我们指的是美式足球时说足球但世界其他地方在他们的意思时说足球 足球也许是当你不知道什么时候你不能做出决定或者你不确定某事是否还好所以有人向你提出意见有人向你说出他们的想法我想明天会下雨你可以说 是的,也许你不确定是或否,但它可能是一种很好的介于两者之间的表达方式,但如果你一直使用可能会听起来很奇怪,听起来你无法做出决定 所以可能非常谨慎地使用 不要经常使用它,它可能是非常常用的软鼻子,这取决于你在与你交谈的人中弄清楚这一点,尽管你这个周末想留在我家,也许我不能' 不同意你更多你完全同意对方并且真的想和他们交流你认为他们刚刚说的是真的非常正确超级正确是的你完全同意这个想法你可以说我可以 ‘不同意你更多我不能否定形式我不能同意你更多意味着我不可能更同意你下周所说的话我们有一个烧烤真的很重要因为夏天就要结束了 那么你的朋友可以说我完全同意这是一个绝妙的主意我会购买股份我认为我们将不得不同意不同意同意不同意这似乎是一个简单的短语同意不同意所以 你同意 其他人 你同意我们有不同的意见 同意不同意 我会在讨论结束时使用这个表达方式,所以人和 b 有不同的意见,他们已经讨论了很长时间,而人 a 不是 改变他或她的意见 b 没有改变他或她的意见,所以你可以在谈话结束时说好的,我们必须同意不同意,让我们接受我们不同的意见,然后继续谈话,你有一个观点,这是 不一定是同意或不同意的短语,它是更大讨论中的一个小协议,所以也许你已经讨论一个话题很长时间了,你一直不同意另一个人,直到这次这个人说了些什么,你同意了 啊,你说得有道理,所以这个人说过一件事你可以同意你可以说你有一个观点我认为这是正确的,或者我同意那个观点 这正是我的感受 那正是我的感受 意思是我的感受与您的感受相同或我的意见与您的意见相同 这正是我的感受 如果有人非常准确地描述了您的感受,也许您可以使用它,例如,您可以 说我觉得公司真的在朝着一个不错的新方向前进 你可以说是的 这正是我觉得我真的很喜欢新老板 我不这么认为 所以我不这么认为 所以它很软 它不是那么直接 很难,我不同意,但我不这么认为,当然你可以用它来讨论意见,但你也可以在制定计划时使用它,你这个周末要去那个派对吗,呃,我不这么认为 不同意,但它可以用作否定短语和对某事的负面回应用作意见时 我认为中文是最难学的语言 你可以说我不这么认为 所以我认为阿拉伯语是最难学的语言 是 你是对的,是的,你是对的意味着你 你是对的,是的,我同意你的看法 可能是不正确的 你知道意大利辣香肠披萨是世界上最美味的披萨吗 是的 你是对的 你也可以改变它 那是正确的你可以用你的观点来专门谈论这个人本身 但这是对的 是的 那是对的 信息是正确的,我想,所以我想是的,所以这是一个协议,但我想这是一个不稳定的协议,所以这就像你真的不想做出决定,呃,但你并没有强烈的感觉同意或 不同意你可以说我猜所以通常用这种语气说我猜所以你知道我们并没有真正说我猜所以通常就像你不能完全做出决定或者你不想做出决定 是的 你可以说我猜所以嘿我们今晚要





相当礼貌的表达 例如,您







意见,所以我’ 恐怕我不同意,或者我









绝对意味着 100%







想去 这个周末的海滩是的,绝对

绝对 哦,这就结束了,所以






非常感谢 观看这一集的







