Stop T vs No T American English Pronunciation

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the difference between

a Stop T and no T at all.

Sometimes I get questions from people asking
what the difference is between a Stop T and

just leaving out the T. Other people say,
“I can’t hear the Stop T at all.” It

sounds like nothing. So today we’re going
to sort out the difference. A Stop T is different

than dropping the T.

A Stop T is when you stop the air, but don’t
release the T sound. For example, the word

‘wait’. Wait. First I’ll say it with
a True T. Wait, wait. Now I’ll slow it down

so you can hear the stop that happens before
the release: Wait. Did you hear the stop?

Wait. Now I’ll say it with a Stop T. Wait,
wait. I bet you can hear the difference between

a Stop T and a True T. Wait, wait. [2x]

Now let’s compare the Stop T and no T at
all. We’ll compare ‘wait’ and ‘way’.

Except for the T, they have all the same sounds.
I’m not releasing the T, but I am stopping

the air, which makes it sound different. Wait,
way. Wait, way. How would you describe the

difference? Way, wait. The word ‘way’
is just a little longer, and the voice falls

off more in pitch. Way, way, wait. With ‘wait’,
we stop the air. So it’s shorter, and the

sound stops before the voice falls off in
pitch. Stop the air with your throat. Also,

depending on the context, you might lift your
tongue into position for the T. But that’s

not actually necessary to stop the air. Way,

Let’s look at some more word pairs. You
identify what you’re hearing.

Which word are you hearing?

It’s this word, can’t. Can, can’t.

Which word are you hearing?

It’s this word, stay. State, stay.

Which word are you hearing?

It’s this word, know. Note, know.

Which word are you hearing?

It’s this word, feet. Fee, feet.

I hope this video has made the Stop T more

If there’s a word or sound you need help
pronouncing, put it in the comments below.

And don’t forget to sign up for my mailing
list for more information on speaking better

English – it’s free. Click here or in the description below.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.


Stop T 和 no T 之间的区别。

Stop T 和忽略 T 之间有什么区别

“我根本听不到 Stop T。”

听起来没什么。 所以今天我们
来梳理一下区别。 停止 T

与放下 T 不同。

停止 T 是当您停止空气但不
释放 T 声音时。 例如,

“等待”这个词。 等待。 首先,我会
用 True T 来表示。等等,等等。 现在我会放慢速度,

:等等。 你听到停止了吗?

等待。 现在我会用 Stop T 来表示。等等,
等等。 我敢打赌,您可以听到

Stop T 和 True T 之间的区别。等等,等等。 [2x]

现在让我们比较一下 Stop T 和 no
T。 我们将比较“等待”和“方式”。

除了 T,它们的发音都相同。
我没有释放 T,但我正在

停止空气,这使它听起来不同。 等等,
路。 等等,路。 你会如何描述

差异? 方式,等等。 “方式”这个

在音调上下降得更多。 等等,等等。 随着“等待”,
我们停止了空气。 所以它更短,

。 用喉咙堵住空气。 此外,

舌头抬到 T 的位置。但这

实际上并不是停止空气的必要条件。 方式,

让我们再看一些单词对。 你


就是这个词,不能。 可以,不能。


就是这个词,留。 状态,留下。


就是这个词,知道。 注意,知道。


就是这个词,脚。 费,脚。

我希望这个视频让 Stop T 变得更加



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