How to Make a Study Schedule in English
my name is alicia and in this week’s
lesson we are going to talk about
how to make your own study schedule
in this lesson i’m going to cover how to
one decide how much time to spend
studying to to think about your goals
with your studies uh and three how to
oops how to choose the best way
how to choose the best way uh to
approach your goals so that means
choosing the right materials for your
studies so
we have a lot to cover today so i hope
that it’s helpful
for many people you get some ideas for
what you want to do with your study
time so as you join please make sure to
send a message in the chat
say hello wherever you are i am looking
for you
i see youtube is rolling i will say
hello to you in just a minute
if you’re watching live and on facebook
i will check and make sure that you are
okay too
so as you join say hi please make sure
to like this video and share this video
so other people can find today’s lesson
too that would be super super good okay
am hearing there is some background
noise it might be my computer fan
but let me see if i can fix it as you
join yeah please make sure to like and
so other people can find today’s lesson
okay while we wait a couple
of quick announcements as always
uh first of all i’ll take away today’s
lesson title
uh first of course uh there is free
from you for you if you check the link
below the video if you’re watching on
youtube or above the video
if you’re watching on facebook you can
download a whole bunch
a whole lot of pdf lessons there are a
that i show you a lot here are a few
examples you can download all of these
right now today if you want so i’ll talk
about maybe
some ideas for how you can use things
like this
in today’s lesson so take a look at this
you can get these for free
check it out from the link above or
below the video that’s point number one
point number two is of course if you
have questions for me
if you have questions about today’s
lesson about
uh something different from today’s
lesson whatever you just have an idea
uh please send them to me at
ask hyphen alicia for this series the
ask alicia series
that would be super cool i will read
your question and maybe answer it
so send them there if you have them okay
all right i think that everything is
ready i see facebook is up now too
fantastic okay uh so facebook is here
youtube is here
great i will say hello to you very
quickly oh i lost you facebook
okay hi everybody on facebook oh i lost
facebook again why am i losing facebook
that’s weird
uh adnan chamod mara hello everybody
welcome there
and on youtube mario uh babna hi miguel
great welcome everybody all right i
think everything is ready so let’s
look at today’s lesson topic if you want
to take a screenshot
please get ready so today’s lesson again
is about
oops how to choose how to make your own
study plan it’s very bright today it’s
hard for me to see
okay so here is today’s lesson
flow first we are going to talk about
your goal
to make your own study schedule you need
to have a goal
and you need to think about what you’re
going to use to achieve your goal
then we’re going to talk about time when
you have time how to find time in your
lastly we are going to talk about some
tips some things to think about
some things that i’ve kind of noticed
that lots of students sometimes struggle
especially about consistency always
the same so let’s begin and hopefully
hopefully today you will be able to
create your own study schedule
okay i’ll shift this all right let’s
let’s begin let’s begin so first and
what is your goal so a lot of i’ve
talked a lot about
goal setting on this channel of course
but um so i’m not going to talk about
how to find your goal in this lesson
if you want more information about how
to understand your level
and what you need to study next i have a
few videos on the channel
on the youtube channel you can check up
with some links in the youtube
description for you to check out so
let’s talk about goals so to make your
own study schedule
first think about your goal
what is your goal so i have a few
example goals
here in this blue color pen so
you might have a different goal from
this list that’s fine
but a key point here with all of these
is that they are very specific and i’ll
talk about why in a minute
so maybe your goal is vocabulary like
you want to learn 500 vocabulary words
for example or maybe you want to be able
to understand
a basic conversation so basic
introduction hobbies and so on or
maybe you want to be able to write a
paragraph that’s your goal
or you want to be able to speak about
your hobbies or maybe you want to
learn 10 new grammar points for a test
you’re thinking about
taking in the future so first when you
make your study schedule
think about your goal what is the thing
you want to
achieve so set a goal
so you have a clear target
this means like you know the reason
you’re studying or you know what you
want to achieve
right here this is one point that a lot
of learners i think get stuck
in they say and i see in your comments
all the time you write me messages and
you write me comments and you say
how do i become fluent how do i become
fluent you have to set these smaller
goals so you
understand the step-by-step process like
you can’t just go from zero to fluent
you have to do all these different
things to achieve fluency
right okay so if you have a goal you
have a clear
target then you’ll also know
when you reach the goal this is another
key point
sometimes learners for example
many people feel like they are beginners
like forever
like they think i’m not very good i’m
not very good and so they study the same
things over and over and over again like
practicing hobby vocabulary words
talking about your hobbies for example
and they never go to the next thing
because they don’t feel
confident right maybe this is you i know
i felt this way too
so if you feel like you’ve been studying
the same thing
over and over like push yourself to go
to the next
level when you reach this goal even if
it’s not 100
perfect like maybe you made some
mistakes when you talked about your
hobbies but you did it
right that’s okay so push yourself to go
to the next goal make a new goal
so this is the first step this is the
first point
to consider to make your study schedule
then this is another thing that i think
many people
get lost with what are you going to use
what are you going to use this means
are your study materials for example
flashcards audio lessons textbooks
youtube videos or live stream videos or
movies maybe you have a diary or an
app maybe you’re going to play a game
maybe you have a teacher
so what are the materials you are going
to use
to reach this goal so first think about
these things because these things are
to find time in your schedule which
we’re going to talk about
in part two okay all right so
i’m looking with i’m looking in the chat
to see if you have questions
or comments i don’t see anything yet
yeah some people are writing a who’s new
on youtube says i don’t know my level
i made a video i have made several
videos about how to understand like
your what you should study next so again
please check the youtube
version of this video i can’t update
facebook if you’re watching facebook
you can check the youtube version of
this video the description there for
some links some reference links
i’ll update after this lesson okay so
please check it
so this is the first point your goal and
your materials
so please keep this in mind you can
write it down you can write down a few
goals that might be good
if it helps you so this is part one okay
let’s take a short break and then we’ll
go to finding time how to find
time in your schedule to study okay
um good some people are spreading some
uh chamod on facebook says english songs
with lyrics yeah lots of people like to
music to study it can be really really
fun oh so does a rosio on youtube says i
want to learn all the lyrics from my
favorite band
really nice okay um someone says alicia
are you an english native speaker yes i
am i am a native speaker
okay let’s take a quick quick if
actually this is probably good for
today’s lesson if
this can be another study material so i
just talked about lots of different
things you can use to work on your goals
maybe your goal is like to learn okay
hobby hobby words something like that
but i know a lot of people study for
there’s a business one of these i always
show you guys this one
but anyway you can pick out a few of
to practice vocabulary these are
vocabulary and expression
related pdfs that you can download
so they’re not just vocabulary words
they’re also on the back
here’s a good example there are also
conversation expressions like a set
so you can grab it and finish it for
example my
favorite singer is blah blah so if
like kind of thinking about uh just some
simple practice you can do like print
this out and put it on your desk or
whatever you can grab these so
check them out from the link below the
video if you’re watching on youtube
above the video if you are watching on
okay so that’s part uh one
let’s go to part two if you’re just
joining today we are talking about how
to make your study
schedule we just talked about goals also
if you have not please please please
make sure to like this video and share
it so other people can find today’s
lesson it will help other people find it
okay if you missed it i will show you
today’s lesson boards again so you can
take a screenshot if you like
uh boom okay so first we talked about
your goal what is your goal
so what do you want to do and what are
your materials
how are you going to reach your goal
now let’s talk about time finding time
for your goals let’s go
all right so how do you find time
in your schedule everybody’s different
there’s no perfect answer i’m not going
to give you a perfect answer
but i will give you a tool some tools to
think about
how to find time that’s right for you so
when do i have time this is our question
for this section
so if this is difficult for you
if it’s hard if you can’t sit and think
when could i study
throughout the week it might be helpful
this is helpful sometimes
try writing your weekly schedule on a
piece of paper like from when you wake
up to when you go to bed
like you might find like gaps of time or
time you can use in different ways
like for example i cut when i wanted to
study vocabulary
like japanese vocabulary i cut like my
social media time
and i used it for study time instead so
this was really helpful for me
also important choose a time
that you can always use for study
consistency is important what does
consistency mean
consistency this is a noun i’ve used it
as a noun
here so consistency means doing the same
like repeatedly always so you do the
same thing
every monday or you do the same thing
every tuesday so
making sure to have a pattern like that
is really really
important for your study you can’t just
one time it doesn’t work that way okay
someone says my goal is having eight
hours of uninterrupted sleep good goal
different from today’s topic okay good
so here are a few ideas for when you
could study
perhaps so let’s take a look
first on my commute
to or from work or school
so your commute means your travel your
to and from your work your school maybe
your hobby
your activity of some kind so on your
maybe you don’t have a commute this year
or your commute has changed a bit
but this can be an idea or
maybe during my lunch break during my
lunch break is the time
maybe for some of you while i exercise
like you watch you like to watch youtube
videos or you like to listen to things
while you exercise yeah
oh cool thank you pedro that’s awesome
support in the youtube chat
uh okay or maybe you take weekly lessons
with a teacher
it could be or maybe during my household
tasks like while you wash dishes you
listen to
audio or you listen to music and sing
along or
while you do the laundry or vacuum
something like that
maybe you have time after dinner
etc and so on and others so these are
just a few examples
of time that you might have in your
schedule that you can use
to study the reason i’ve chosen these
is because these are all examples of
time periods i don’t know about you but
for me it’s really really hard to sit
down and say
i’m going to study at 6 00 p.m every day
like i don’t
i don’t work that way it’s just it’s
more about after i complete an
activity or for example when i’m on the
train i study
for this period of time also i know i
don’t like to say
i’m going to finish like 10 vocabulary
words and then go away
for me it’s easier to have a time limit
that that means that this time period
was really easy for me
in my case in my example when i got on
the train
to go to work in the morning i opened my
flash card application
and study until i arrived at my stop
and then i did the same thing going home
i did this for like a year
and my vocabulary it was really
really helpful so a little bit of time
every day
because like 15 minutes in the morning
and 15 minutes in the evening that’s 30
minutes of study every day
and it gives your brain time to review
so give yourself
a chance like to to find something that
works for you
okay i’m looking for your questions i do
not see your questions i see lots of
saying hi hi so let’s continue
to the last point here choose a study
time that matches your steady
materials okay what does this mean so
that means
your study time here needs to fit
nicely with the materials you want to
use so in my example
i said flashcards yeah so it was very
easy for me to pick up my phone
and open my flash card app yeah so that
was great on the train
however if you are like driving a car
to work you probably don’t want to use a
flash card app right
or you probably can’t use a textbook so
in those cases maybe choose an audio
lesson to listen to or maybe
find some music to sing along to so make
you find a time and a material that are
good together
yeah okay all right so
this is part two i don’t see any
uh amy says what flash cart app do you
use i’ve used a couple of them actually
um in my case i was using one
specifically for japanese i don’t use
flashcard apps for english
because i’m not studying english in the
same way that you are
um we have uh oh we have if i’ve talked
about this many times on the channel
spaced repetition flash cards actually
i’m going to talk about this in part
three we have
a spaced repetition english flashcards
on our website at english class 101
space repetition means there’s a small
gap there’s a gap of time
between when you study the words so it
gives your brain a chance to refresh
i’ve taught about it many times okay
onward oh pedro thanks again he says i
thought it was a recorded video
nope i’m live okay uh okay
let’s take one more short break and then
i’ll talk about a few
tips um and some things i’ve kind of
from learners over the years uh that
will hopefully
help you um we’ll take one more quick
break what time is it it’s very bright
today okay i still have some time
good uh let’s go to the break yes i said
i would take a break
so if you missed it earlier i mentioned
there is a bunch of free stuff for you
if you want to study vocabulary this
could be a great way so here’s an
example of something you could do
to study vocabulary let’s say your goal
for this week
is to learn all of the words on this pdf
for example
so maybe you download it you print it
out you put it on your desk or you put
it near you
and you study it every day so there’s
like 12 words here
and then i don’t know maybe 20 words and
expressions on the back this this is an
example like this week this is my
goal so you could use something like
this to learn new vocabulary words and
new expressions
so you can choose whatever you like
there’s a bunch you can download those
from the link below the video on youtube
above the video on
facebook okay
uh what does schedule mean schedule
means your weekly
uh list of activities the things you do
your work your studies your school your
schedule for example
i wake up at 8 a.m and i eat lunch at 12
this is my schedule my list of
and times okie dokie
so let’s go to the last part for today’s
if you missed it today we’re talking
about how to make your own
study schedule i’ll show you again
today’s lesson boards if you want to
take a screenshot
get ready here we go all right we talked
about how to
uh consider your goals and your
then how to find time now i’m going to
cover some tips some things i’ve noticed
um people struggle with a little bit and
some kind of mistakes
that i hear from that i’ve seen and that
i hear
from time to time uh okay
so let’s continue lots of you are asking
vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
so that’s actually the next thing i want
to talk about
sort of so some tips
are first include
time to review and prepare in your
include time to review and prepare why
what does this mean
so by this i mean don’t expect to study
one time that’s you need time you need
to give your brain
a chance to review things yeah for
let’s say for example you have a weekly
lesson maybe this is your weekly lesson
that’s cool so if if you have a weekly
lesson with a teacher
or or with me then you could for example
before class read and listen to
the lesson content read and listen to
the lesson content
so if you have a textbook that means
read the chapter of the textbook
before your class don’t wait to get to
class actually as a teacher
this is one thing that really i wish
students sometimes students came to my
class and they did not prepare at
all and they didn’t have the same level
of progress
as the students that did prepare some
students they did
everything they read the grammar point
they did the homework they had
questions written in their textbook to
ask me during the lesson
they made really good progress so make
sure you prepare
before your lesson it’s really really
then when you go to class be
active ask questions that’s your chance
like your teacher is there
to answer your questions okay so be
active don’t just sit there
and be shy like that’s your opportunity
to practice and learn
then after class review the content that
read it again so listen to it again
or practice the speaking point again
so please make sure to have this review
preparation time in your lessons
then i also like just an idea if you are
this lesson as like your weekly lesson
and you’re like how do i prepare
i don’t know how to prepare at the end
of every live stream
i tell you what the next week’s lesson
is going to be
right so if you want to review or
for the following week go to our youtube
channel and do a search
for that topic there is probably already
a very similar video so i do lots of
that are similar to topics i’ve taught
in the past but i use different example
and of course you have different
questions too so you can actually use
our videos these like my live stream
videos to prepare
and review yeah super cool okay
um i don’t see other questions
uh okay i don’t see any really specific
questions so let’s continue on
uh to the final point here which is
uh watch a read or listen to things
many times to review i saw a question
earlier sorry i missed your name
someone was asking i think in the
youtube chat about
uh audio and podcasts and stuff like
that great
so maybe you want to improve your
listening skills like you think okay
i want to be able to understand this
podcast how do i do that
so maybe you listen many times or maybe
the podcast has a transcript you can
download the transcript
and study the transcript of that listen
to it again
but the key with this type of thing
especially with media listen or watch
review review review review review
so don’t watch a movie one time and
think oh i didn’t understand it i’m
bad at english like you have to study
multiple times if you don’t know the
look it up yeah all right
um okay
i don’t see any other ones any other
some of you are asking unrelated
questions you can send those to our q a
all right let’s go to the last point
this one this is another issue i see a
don’t try to cram for five hours once a
don’t try to cram what does cram mean
cram means you just study
super super hard you study like crazy
for hours and hours
i saw students do this like once a week
they would come to
the school and they would study just
for one day completely one day just in
the school
all the time but that was it like they
didn’t use
they didn’t do other review throughout
the week they didn’t do anything else
this and they told me like this was
their one time for english
maybe they would listen to a little
music or something like that
a tip doing daily study like 15 to 30
minutes of daily study
is better than one super long cram
session your brain needs some time to
information so i talked about flash
cards earlier spaced repetition flash
space repetition flash cards they’re
flash cards so you don’t have to make
them so that means
when you study a word like you study a
word for the first time
and if you get it right great the system
the digital system knows to test you on
it later
in the future because you got it right
so you probably remember it
if you get it wrong it will quiz you
soon so this helps you to refresh the
you don’t know and to maybe refresh
much later the words you already do know
so spaced repetition flash cards are
super super helpful
they’ve been very helpful for me uh
they’re great ways
to efficiently learn vocabulary to study
vocabulary every day we have spaced
repetition flashcards at
you can download uh there’s some core
word lists
so like you can download like the most
words like the 2000 most common words in
english you can download a list of those
and study those so that could be a
really good way to study
uh norman says what if laziness appears
or what if i feel lazy when i need to
review for exams that’s when you need to
have some personal
some personal uh toughness yeah
you need to be a little tough on
yourself if you don’t make a change you
won’t make any progress right
so please make sure to to be tough on
yourself sometimes too
okay uh i’m looking for other ones
um specific to this lesson i’m seeing
lots of
questions coming in about other topics
uh is it better to choose only one
pronunciation american
yes please don’t it generally it’s sort
it sounds strange to mix
pronunciation so try to use one type of
some people are asking what about
pronunciation of words if you want to
practice pronunciation of words
you can try shadowing shadowing means
repeating after someone repeating
quickly after someone
so you can use me if you want to uh
other things you can do
record yourself i know many people say i
don’t like to listen to the sound of my
well you have if you listen to yourself
if you use your phone
record your voice record yourself saying
something like that you heard maybe you
record an example sentence that i said
record yourself then listen to it and
compare it
to my voice you might hear like oh wow
i pronounce that word really differently
so i know many people say i don’t like
to listen to myself
well how are you going to improve it’s
just you
the recording is only for you so that’s
another thing you can do to improve your
which pronunciation is better there’s no
such thing as a better pronunciation
there’s just different ways of speaking
okay questions are getting all over the
so please if you have other questions
send them to me for our weekly q a
series please there’s a link in the
youtube video uh in the description
all right i have to finish there for
today it is the end of my time so i’ll
wrap it up
uh thank you for your questions i hope
that that was helpful for you
i’ll show today’s lesson boards one more
time so you can take a screenshot if you
like here you go
so we talked about making your own study
schedule today
what’s your goal what are your materials
when do i have time
and some tips so review review prepare
don’t forget these things okay so if you
would like to review
for next week’s live lesson for example
i’ll be back next week of course next
week wow november 4th it’s already
next week i’m going to talk about idioms
for around
the house idioms for around the house so
that means some basically idioms you can
use in your everyday life
like just in your house so very like
everyday life use idioms if you want to
search our youtube channel for english
idioms so i’ve taught some
idiom lessons before you can review
check it out and prepare for the lesson
see so i hope that you join
next week of course all right i have to
goodbye there so thanks everybody for
joining that was super super fun that
was a lot
uh to cover but i hope that it was
helpful for you
in finding a way to make your own study
schedule that’s perfect for you
hopefully so thanks oh thank you as
always yes for liking and sharing this
video we had lots of people joined today
that is super super cool
and don’t forget to check out the free
stuff from the link below the video
if you’re watching on youtube or above
the video if you’re watching on facebook
also please check i will go and add some
links to the youtube description
of this video so you can check out some
other resources too so please check that
after the livestream okay i will say
goodbye for this week so thanks very
much for joining again have a good day
have a good night
enjoy the rest of your week and i will
see you again soon