Can YOU say these 15 English Tongue Twisters for Speaking Pronunciation Training

hello everyone and welcome back to english with 
lucy today i am going to train your pronunciation  

we’re going to be going through some tongue 
twisters together tongue twisters are sentences  

or rhymes that are really hard to say they’re 
very useful for letters of english because they  

often involve repeating difficult sounds over and 
over again or two similar or conflicting sounds  

over and over again as always i have the free 
pdf that goes along with this lesson it has  

all of the tongue twisters and some extra 
bonus ones that you can use to practice with  

if you’d like to download the pdf click on the 
link in the description box you sign up to my  

mailing list and it will be sent directly to your 
inbox when i was young when i was a child a little  

girl i used to really struggle with certain 
elements of speech and there was one big reason  

my tongue i had and i do have a tongue that is 
much larger than average i will swallow my pride  

and show you my problem my big problem but first 
i need to thank the sponsor of today’s video it  

is lingoda your new language school you can 
attend this language school at your own pace  

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and your discount code what are you waiting for 
right let’s get started with the tongue twisters  

i used to really struggle with the s sound i 
still do struggle a little bit and the reason  

why is i have a very big tongue that especially 
when i was very small was too big for my mouth  

i can also do some tricks anyway i think we i 
think we digressed slightly the point of that  

i was to explain that when i was younger i did 
used to really really struggle with the s sounds  

they used to come out like instead i would call 
myself luthi instead of lucy we call this a lisp  

which is an incredibly cruel word because it has 
the s sound in it so if i used to tell people  

what i had i i said that i had a lip now i still 
have a tiny bit of a lisp and i’m absolutely fine  

with it in fact my first boyfriend told me that 
he thought it was cute so after he said that i  

felt really good about it but i did go through 
times of feeling insecure and i used to train  

myself to kind of push my tongue further back into 
my mouth these tongue twisters that i have today  

are difficult sentences involving these difficult 
sounds that you can repeat over and over again  

they will be a struggle i promise and by repeating 
them and getting your tongue used to being  

in certain positions and your mouth used to being 
in certain shapes you will eventually become more  

accustomed to producing these sounds correctly it 
is possible to a certain extent i did it myself  

with my lisp i have got 15 pronunciation tongue 
twisters for you they focus on different sounds  

we’re going to start with some consonants that are 
commonly mispronounced misproduced by students and  

then we’ll move on to some vowel sounds as well 
let’s start with tongue twisters focusing on the s  

sound and the shh sound as well okay let’s 
start with this one it was very popular when  

i was younger i think it’s quite a famous one 
i’m going to give you some time to try and say  

it aloud for yourself just to practice your 
reading and pronunciation so please go ahead

okay it should be she sells seashells  

by the seashore now if you say it over and 
over again it gets more and more difficult

she sells seashells by the seashore she 
sells seashells by the seashore she sells  

seashells by the seashore hey you wait till i 
get onto the uh and all ones they really make  

me struggle let’s do another one with this set of 
phonemes try this one i’ll give you a few seconds

it should be she thinks she’ll see 
a seal she thinks she’ll see a seal  

she thinks she’ll see a seal she thinks she’ll 
see a seal so those are two really nice ones  

for practicing this and shh sounds let’s 
move on to tongue twisters using the er and  

sound speakers of asian languages tend to find 
these two sounds quite difficult for speakers  

of some languages this will be so easy but for 
speakers of asian languages in particular it can  

be a real challenge try saying this one three 
times okay i’ll give you some time to do it

okay it should be red lorry yellow lorry red 
lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry  

oh i struggled at the end red lorry yellow 
lorry red lorry yellow lorry red l’oreal  

it’s so hard what about this one try saying this 
one three times i’ll give you some time go ahead

okay it should be truly rural truly rural 
truly rural truly rural truly rural number five  

say this one three times to practice 
your uh and all sounds go ahead

okay red blood bad blood red blood bad blood 
red blood bad blood red blood bad blood  

red blood bad blood red blood blood blood oh 
i said blood blood hard okay now i have three  

that focus on the b and v sounds and these are 
usually very difficult for speakers of spanish  

but they’re still difficult for everyone else 
including me so let’s try this first one go ahead

ready veil the bed with the bed valance veil 
the bed with the bed valance veil the bed  

with the bed balance if i said that enough 
times i would struggle what about this one

the view of the valley is very beautiful 
the view of the valley is very beautiful  

the view of the valley is very beautiful  

that was a nice one that wasn’t so hard 
this one however is hard give this one a go

betty loves the velvet vest best vetti vettie 
i messed up already betty loves the velvet vet  

best best oh i’m struggling vetti vetti his cute 
name betty betty loves the velvet vest best vetti  

what is my problem see they’re very difficult i’ve 
picked them really well this last one isn’t with

these are produced in the same way

has voice and is unvoiced give it a go

77 benevolent elephants 77 benelephant elephants i 
already messed it up 77 benevolent evolence ah 77  

benevolent elephants 77 benevolent elephants hard 
if you’re struggling with your and sounds that’s a  

really good one okay last we will look at the f 
and sounds i’ve just got one for you but it’s a  

toughy it is a very tough one so i’m going to give 
you a bit of time to try it before i do it for you

okay fuzzy wuzzy was a bear fuzzy wuzzy had 
no hair fuzzy wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy was he

fuzzy was he was a bear fuzzy wuzzy had no 
hair fuzzy wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy was he  

so at the end we say was he instead of was he and 
finally we have a couple that focus on the f and  

the sounds i know a lot of students struggle 
with these sounds again they are produced  

in the same way but one has 
voice and one has no voice

i’ll let you have a go first be my guest

okay now i shall try i’m going to have to read 
this one because it’s a bit complex the 33 thieves  

thought that they thrilled the throne throughout 
thursday oh it’s the f and er sound that i  

personally find difficult throughout throughout 
the 33 thieves thought that they thrilled the  

throne throughout thursday the 33 thieves thought 
that they thrilled the throne throughout thursday

with this last one we’re looking at 
and you will often hear people saying  

free instead of three or fanx instead of 
thanks it’s easy to get these sounds confused  

and this also forms a part of regional dialects 
an example being cockney thanks have a go at this

okay now it’s my turn through three 
cheese trees three free fleas flew  

while these fleas flew freezy breeze blew 
freezy breeze made these three trees freeze  

freezy trees made these trees cheese freeze that’s 
what made these three free fleas sneeze nailed it  

nailed it means did it perfectly but we often use 
it in a sarcastic way so if something doesn’t go  

to plan and it’s obvious that it didn’t you can 
say nailed it okay we’re done with consonants for  

now let’s focus on some similar vowel sounds 
the first one focuses on ah and uh as in dark

okay how much wood would a wood chuck 
chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood  

i love that one how much wood would chuck chuck 
give a woodchuck could chuck wood did i say that  

right how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a 
woodchuck could chuck wood this next one focuses  

on the e and e sounds and again a lot of my 
students struggle with this many languages  

only have the e sound they don’t have that short 
e sound it’s important to differentiate between  

these two sounds because if you look at the 
words beach and sheet if you were to say them  

with the short if sound they would both be rude 
words i’ll let you try this one first go ahead

okay i slit a sheet a sheet i slit upon a slitted 
sheet i sit i slit a sheet a sheet i slit upon a  

slitted sheet i sit finally the last one this 
focuses on the oi sound oy it’s a diphthong

please take your turn before me

okay i’ll have a go any noise annoys an 
oyster but a noisy noise annoys an oyster most  

any noise annoys an oyster but a noisy noise 
annoys a noise to most what a ridiculous  

sentence ah i absolutely loved this tongue 
twister lesson i hope you enjoyed it too  

i’ve got all of these tongue twisters written 
down on that free pdf you can download that  

and i have included some bonus ones for you 
to try click on the link in the description  

box you enter your name and your email address 
you sign up to my mailing list and i send it  

straight to your inbox and every week you get a 
new free pdf worksheet another big thank you to  

lingoda who sponsored today’s video click on the 
link in the description box and use my code lucy17  

for your free trial and your discount after your 
free trial don’t forget to connect with me on  

all of my social media i’ve got my facebook my 
instagram and my website very exciting there’s a  

great pronunciation tool on there see if you can 
find it i will see you soon for another lesson



一起学习一些绕口令 绕口令是

对英语字母非常有用 因为它们


的声音 练习

如果您想下载 pdf,请单击


我用过的一个小女孩 真的要与某些


,向你展示我的问题 g 问题,但首先

是您的新语言学校 lingoda 您可以

24 7 在家中舒适地

lingoda 有一个互动 课程平均


小组课程仅 8 欧元起他们

跟踪最好的部分是,如果您使用我的优惠券代码 lucy17,您可以体验 7


如果您选择继续,您可以在第一个付费月份获得 20 欧元的折扣,只需

点击 描述框中的链接
使用代码 lucy17 并要求您的免费试用

让我们开始吧 使用绕口令时,

我曾经真的很纠结 s 音,我


我也可以做一些技巧 无论如何,我认为我们我

曾经真的很挣扎于 s 的声音,

自己为 luthi 而不是我们叫的 lucy 这是一个口齿不清的

有 s 音,所以如果我过去告诉

别人我有什么 ii 说我现在有一个嘴唇,我仍然



我的嘴 我有这些绕口令 今天




lisp 自己

做了 学生们,

让我们从绕口令开始,重点关注 s

和 shh 的声音



好吧 她

现在应该是在海边卖贝壳 如果你一遍

卖贝壳 她在海边卖贝壳 她在海边卖

贝壳 嘿你等
我上呃 和他们真正让



她认为她 会看到一个印章 她认为她会
看到一个印章 所以这两个非常

适合练习这个和 shh 声音让我们
继续使用 er 和

这两个声音很难 说



卡车 叫喊 哦,卡车红色卡车黄色卡车



好吧应该是 真正的乡村 真正的乡村 真正的
乡村 真正的乡村 真正的乡村 真正的乡村 第五个

说这个 3 次 练习
你的 呃 所有的声音 继续

好吧 红血 坏血 红血 坏血
红血 坏血 红血 坏血

红血 坏血 红血 血哦,

三个专注于 b 和 v 声音,这些


准备 用床帷幔遮住
床 用床帷幔遮住床



美丽 很不错 不是很难

试一试 贝蒂最喜欢天鹅绒背心 最好的
维蒂维蒂 我已经搞砸了 贝蒂最喜欢天鹅绒背心

最好的哦,我正在苦苦挣扎 vetti vetti 他可爱的
名字贝蒂贝蒂喜欢天鹅绒背心最好的 vetti




试一试 77 仁慈的大象 77 仁慈的大象 我
已经搞砸了 77 仁慈的大象啊 77

仁慈的大象 77 仁慈的大象

真的很好,最后我们会看看 在 f


好吧,fuzzy wuzzy 是一只熊 毛茸茸的 wuzzy
没有头发 毛茸茸的 wuzzy 是 不是很模糊 他

是不是很模糊 他




这个,因为它有点复杂 33 位盗贼


整个 33 位盗贼认为他们在

整个星期四 33 号都让王座激动 盗贼们


免费而不是三个或 fanx 而不是

,这也是区域 d 的一部分
方言 举个例子 伦敦 谢谢 试一试

好吧 现在轮到我穿过三棵
奶酪树 三个自由跳蚤飞

了 这些跳蚤飞来飞去 冻风吹来

冻树使这些树 奶酪冻结 这
就是这三个 免费跳蚤打喷嚏钉在一起它





给一只土拨鼠可以夹木头 我说



木头? e 音他们没有那么短的
e 音,区分

beach 和 sheet 这两个词,如果你

用短 if 音说它们,它们都是粗鲁的
词,我会 让你先试试这个

好吧 我切一张纸 我切在一张切好的
纸上 我坐着 我切一张纸 我切在一张

切好的纸上 我终于坐了 最后一个 这
专注于 oi 声音 oy 这是一个 双元音




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lingoda 赞助今天的视频,点击

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我所有的社交媒体上与我联系 我有我的 Facebook 我的
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很棒的发音工具 看看你能不能
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