How to Pronounce MAN vs. MEN American English

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the difference between

the words ‘man’ and ‘men’.

These two words are similar, but not the same.
Thanks to those out there in the Rachel’s

English community who have suggested this

These words have a different vowel sound.
‘Man’ has the AA, and ‘men’ has the

EH. But it’s actully not quite as simple
as just comparing these vowel sounds. When

the AA vowel is followed by a nasal consonant,
like N, the sound changes a little bit. We’ll

get to see that when we watch these words
up close and in slow motion.

For ‘men’, the lips start closed and we
engage the vocal cords for the M. Mmmm. Then

we open into the EH vowel, me-. The jaw drops
a good bit for this vowel. The tongue tip

is forward and down, lightly touching the
back of the bottom front teeth. The middle/front

part of the tongue lifts towards the roof
of the mouth, but it doesn’t get too close.

Make the middle of the tongue wider as it
lifts. Eh, men. Then the front of the tongue

simply goes up to the roof of the mouth for
the N, men. It stays wide and flat, the back

is relaxed. Men, men.

‘Man’ starts the same way, with the lips
closed, mm. Now we have the AA vowel, which

changes into the UH vowel before we get to
the N. So for the AA vowel, the jaw drops

and the tongue tip stays forward, lightly
touching the back of the bottom front teeth.

The back part of the tongue stretches up,
aa, maa-, maa-, maa-. Lift the top of the

lip just a little bit. If we were making this
a pure vowel, it would sound like this: AA,

man. But that’s not how we say it. Even
though that’s what it says in the dictionary,

Americans relax it before making an N. So
it sounds and looks like this: ma-uh-n. Did

you see how every thing relaxed? My lips relaxed,
and my tongue relaxed down, ma-uh-n. We do

this with the AA vowel when it’s followed
by N. Then, to make the N, the front part

of the tongue simply goes up to the roof of
the mouth, ma-uh-n. It stays wide and flat,

the back is relaxed.

So the difference between these two words
is: ‘men’ has a pure EH vowel. And ‘man’

has a modified AA vowel, where we start with
the AA but relax into the UH sound.

Let’s compare these two words up close and
in slow motion.

Here, the tongue position is almost the same.
For the AA vowel, the back of the tongue is

a little higher. Now we’re just going to
play the EH vowel. Notice how the tongue flips

up to the roof of the mouth for the N. Now
we’ll play the ‘man’. See how the tongue

relaxes down in the back before the N.

Now we’ll watch the two together. The word
‘man’ takes a little longer because the

vowel changes.

Here, the tongue position is almost the same.
For the AA vowel, the back of the tongue is

a little higher. Now we’re just going to
play the EH vowel. Notice how the tongue flips

up to the roof of the mouth for the N. Now
we’ll play the ‘man’. See how the tongue

relaxes down in the back before the N.

Now from the front. Again, the tongue position
looks almost the same here. But the tongue

does look a little higher in the back for
‘aa’. Now watch how ‘man’ take a little

longer as the tongue relaxes in the back.

Men. Man. [2x]

I hope this video has made the difference
in these two words clear. If there’s a word

comparison you’d like to see, put it in
the comments below.

Also, I’m very excited to tell you that
my book is now on sale. If you liked this

video, there’s a lot more to learn about
American English pronunciation, and my book

will help you step by step. You can get it
by clicking here, or in the description below.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using
Rachel’s English.



感谢 Rachel 的


‘Man’ 有 AA,‘men’ 有

EH。 但实际上并不

当 AA 元音后面跟着一个鼻辅音时,
比如 N,声音会发生一点变化。


为 M. Mmmm 使用声带。 然后

我们打开 EH 元音,me-。 对于这个元音,下巴会

下门牙后部。 舌头的中部/前

抬起,但不会靠得太近。 抬起

。 嗯,男人们。 然后舌头的前部

简单地上升到 N 的上颚
,男人。 它保持宽而平坦,

背部放松。 男人,男人。

紧闭,嗯。 现在我们有了 AA 元音,

在我们到达 N 之前它变成了 UH 元音
。所以对于 AA 元音,下巴下垂



稍微抬起嘴唇的顶部。 如果我们

man。 但我们不是这么说的。

美国人在发 N 之前会放松它。

你看到每件事是如何放松的吗? 我的嘴唇放松了

我们在 AA 元音后面
跟着 N 时这样做。然后,为了发出 N,舌头的前

上颚,ma-uh-n。 它保持宽而平坦


是:‘men’有一个纯EH元音。 并且“man”

有一个修饰的 AA 元音,我们从 AA 开始,
但放松到 UH 声音。


对于 AA 元音,舌

后部稍高一些。 现在我们将
弹奏 EH 元音。 注意

N 的舌头是如何向上翻到上颚的。现在
我们将扮演“人”。 看看舌头

在 N 之前是如何在后面放松的。


对于 AA 元音,舌

后部稍高一些。 现在我们将
弹奏 EH 元音。 注意

N 的舌头是如何向上翻到上颚的。现在
我们将扮演“人”。 看看舌头

在 N 之前是如何在后面放松的。

现在从前面看。 同样,舌头的位置
在这里看起来几乎相同。 但是“aa”的舌头

。 现在看看


男士。 男子。 [2x]

清楚地说明了这两个词的区别。 如果


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