Weekly English Words with Alisha Words that Dont Rhyme

I’ve just received information that this
might be a weird one, so let’s start. Okay,

this is… Weekly Words. Oh, sorry! Hi, welcome back to Weekly Words. I’m Alisha, and I

have already look at the first slide for this
week, and I’m very sorry. The title of this

week’s Weekly Words is words that don’t rhyme with anything.

The first word is “film.” “Film,”
in an old-fashioned camera, for example, or

another word for a movie. In a sentence, “Did you see that film last week? I heard that

it was really good. It was nominated for Academy Awards.” “Film.” Let’s go.

The next word is “month.” “Month.”
Months are the months of the year: January,

February, March, April, “Month.” Really?
“What’s your favorite month?” My favorite

month is October because I like Halloween, and it’s autumn in the northern hemisphere.

“Oblige.” “Oblige” means to “make
someone have to do something.” “I was

obliged to attend the seminar on behalf of
my company.” “Oblige.” Mary J Blige.

If you’re watching, Mary J. Blige, hi. Maybe she needs tips for her next song, which words

she shouldn’t use. I trust you guys.

“Cusp” is the next word all cusp “Cusp”
refers to being “right on the edge of something,”

like you’re just about to make a change between two states, so let’s see, in a business setting

you might say, “Oh, we’re on the cusp of
a major breakthrough with this new project.”

It doesn’t rhyme with anything. “Cusp.”

“Chaos” is the next word. “Chaos”
just means there’s “no order.” There’s

nothing that’s holding everything together
in some arrangement at all. It’s just confusion.

It’s madness. It’s crazy. In a sentence, let’s see, “My office was in chaos this morning

because the power went out. We had no way to contact our

clients.” “Chaos.”

End! That’s the end. Those are all words that don’t rhyme with anything. I really tried

my best. There are a lot of words that don’t rhyme with anything, so if you’re writing

a poem, or if you’re writing music, please
don’t use these at the end of your lines,

unless you want to. Okay.
Thanks for joining us this week. We’ll see

you again next time for more Weekly Words.

可能是一个奇怪的,所以让我们开始吧。 好的,

这是……每周词汇。 哦对不起! 嗨,欢迎回到每周词汇。 我是 Alisha,我




电影的另一个词。 一句话,“你上周看过那部电影吗? 我听说

它真的很好。 它被提名为奥斯卡金像奖。” “电影。” 我们走吧。

下一个词是“月”。 “月。”

二月、三月、四月、“月”。 真的吗?
“你最喜欢哪个月份?” 我最喜欢的


“答应。” “Oblige”的意思是“让
某人不得不做某事”。 “我

我的公司参加研讨会。” “答应。” 玛丽·J·布莱奇。

如果你在看,Mary J. Blige,嗨。 也许她需要她下一首歌的提示,

她不应该使用哪些词。 我相信你们。

“Cusp” 是所有 cusp 的下一个词 “Cusp”


你可能会说的商业环境中, “哦,我们正处于

它不与任何东西押韵。 “尖头。”

“混乱”是下一个词。 “混乱”

以某种安排结合在一起。 这只是混乱。

这是疯狂。 这很疯狂。 一句话,让我们看看,“我的办公室今天早上很乱,

因为停电了。 我们无法联系到我们的

客户。” “混乱。”

结尾! 这就是结束。 这些都是不押韵的词。 我真的

尽力了。 有很多词不押韵,所以如果你在


除非你愿意。 好的。
感谢您本周加入我们。 我们
