How to Pronounce ON TOP OF THE WORLD IDIOM American English

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the idiom on Top of

the World.

I’m on top of the world! What does it mean?
It doesn’t mean that I’m hanging out at the

North Pole. It means I’m really happy, I’m
overjoyed. Maybe I just got a new job, or

won the lottery! It feels like everything
is going my way.

This picture comes from an illustration that
shows many different idioms for expressing

happiness. Click here or in the description
box to see them all in my Kaplan International

Colleges sponsored blog post.

Let’s study the pronunciation of “on top of
the world”. First, let’s look at the rhythmic

pattern. Which are the content words in this
idiom? Content words are nouns, verbs, adjectives,

and adverbs. In this sentence fragment, that
would be TOP and WORLD. ON, OF, and THE are

function words, less important for understanding
the meaning. So TOP and WORLD will be longer,

and will have the shape of a stressed syllable:
top, world. ON and OF THE will be quite different,

flatter, lower in pitch. So we have short,
long, short, short, long. da-DA-da-da-DA.

On Top of the World. da-DA-da-da-DA.

ON begins with the AH as in FATHER vowel.
You need to drop your jaw for that. Then the

tongue goes to the roof of the mouth for the
N, on. Luckily that’s where it needs to be

for the T consonant. All we have to do is
close the teeth, stop the air, then release

it with the jaw, on to-, to-. Here again we
have the AH as in FATHER vowel. Here it’s

in a stressed syllable, so it will be longer
and come down in pitch, to-. Then we have

the P sound. It’s ending the word, and the
next word begins with a vowel, so we want

to link this ending consonant to the beginning
vowel. On to-pv. So we’re going to link it

to the schwa, almost as if it begins the next
word. With OF we have a choice. We can either

say the V sound, or drop it. If we drop it,
uh-the, we simply have the schwa, the voiced

TH, and the schwa. So to make that TH between
the two sounds, you just need to quickly and

lightly bring the tongue tip forward, of the,
of the, of the. Since it’s so fast in these

unstressed words, you may find that the tongue
tip doesn’t push through the teeth much. That’s

ok, just make sure it’s not lifted, at the
roof of the mouth like a D, or pressing down,

like for the Z sound. It should just be straight
forward, pressing against the teeth. Uh-the.

If you say the V, it’s a little more complicated.
The bottom lip comes up and touches the bottom

of the top front teeth before the TH. So,
in slow motion, we have of the, of the.

And finally we have ‘world’. This can be a
really tough word. It has an R sound, and

a dark L. Some people have a hard time making
WORLD sound different from WORD. Here’s a

trick. It’s a one-syllable word, but you can
try to make it feel like two syllables. It

begins with the W consonant sound, so your
lips need to make a tight circle for that.

Then we have the UR as in HER vowel and the
R consonant. The UR vowel isn’t separate from

the R consonant. It’s just one sound. It’s
basically the R consonant acting like a vowel.

So don’t try to make an extra vowel sound
here, wor-, wor-. The tongue should pull from

here, for the W, where the tongue tip is down and
forward, wor-, straight back to the R. The

tip shouldn’t be touching anything for the
R, and the jaw doesn’t need to drop much.

Wor-. Now we have the Dark L, which will feel
like another syllable. To make the dark sound,

we want to pull the back part of the tongue
back, here. So the tongue goes from this position,

where the middle was raised, to something
flatter as the back part pulls back. Then

lift your tongue in the front to the top,
so the flat part is touching the roof of the

mouth, dd, dd. This is to make the D sound.
World. The most important thing to practice,

to make this word different from WORD, is
pulling back the back part of the tongue for

the dark part of the Dark L. Also, don’t forget
the shape of a stressed syllable. World. It

should go up in pitch a little at the beginning,
and then down in pitch. World.

On top of the world. da-DA-da-da-DA

Practice your English. Make up a sentence
with this idiom and post it as a comment below.

Or, better yet, record it, and post it as
a video response to this video on YouTube!

I can’t wait to watch.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s


我在世界的巅峰! 这是什么意思?

北极闲逛。 这意味着我真的很高兴,我很
高兴。 也许我刚找到一份新工作,或者中

了彩票! 感觉一切


幸福的成语。 单击此处或在描述
框中查看我的 Kaplan International

Colleges 赞助的博客文章中的所有内容。

世界之巅”的读音。 首先,让我们看一下节奏

模式。 这个成语的实词是
什么? 实词是名词、动词、形容词

和副词。 在这个句子片段中,那

。 所以 TOP 和 WORLD 会更长,

top, world。 ON 和 OF THE 将完全不同,

更平坦,音调更低。 所以我们有短,
长,短,短,长。 达-达-达-达-达。

世界顶级。 达-达-达-达-达。

ON 以 AH 开头,如 FATHER 元音。

N,上。 幸运的是,这

就是 T 辅音需要的地方。 我们所要做的就是

用下巴释放它,对-,对-。 在这里,我们又
看到了 AH 和 FATHER 元音一样。 在这里

,音调下降,to-。 然后我们

有P音。 它是单词的结尾,而

元音。 上光伏。 所以我们要把它链接

到 schwa,就好像它开始下一个
词一样。 有了OF,我们就有了选择。 我们可以

说 V 音,也可以放弃它。 如果我们放弃它,
呃,我们只有 schwa、浊音

TH 和 schwa。 因此,要
在两个声音之间发出 TH,您只需要快速

轻轻地将舌尖向前,of the,
of the,of the。 由于这些非重读单词的速度如此之快


像 D 一样在上颚抬起,或者

像 Z 音那样向下压。 它应该是笔直的
,紧贴牙齿。 呃。


在 TH 之前接触上前牙的底部。 所以,

最后我们有了“世界”。 这可能是一个
非常艰难的词。 它有一个 R 音和

一个暗 L。有些人很难让
WORLD 听起来与 WORD 不同。 这是一个

技巧。 这是一个单音节词,但你可以
试着让它感觉像两个音节。 它

以 W 辅音开头,因此您的

然后我们有 UR 作为 HER 元音和
R 辅音。 UR 元音不与

R 辅音分开。 这只是一种声音。 它
基本上是像元音一样的 R 辅音。

,wor-,wor-。 舌头应该从

这里拉,对于 W,舌尖向下和
向前,或者,直接回到 R。对于 R,

,下巴不需要下降 很多。

工作-。 现在我们有了 Dark L,感觉
就像另一个音节。 为了发出黑暗的声音,

回来,在这里。 因此,舌头从

后部向后拉时更平坦的位置。 然后


上颚,dd,dd。 这是为了发出 D 音。
世界。 练习的最重要的事情是

使这个词与 WORD 不同

黑暗 L 的黑暗部分。另外,不要忘记
重读音节的形状。 世界。 它

然后音调下降。 世界。

世界顶级。 da-DA-da-da-DA


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