
    Real Discomfort Real Change

    Isabelle Snyder a local high school student inspires the community around her to push through discomfort and to pay attention to issues t...

    Change your Heroes Change Your Life

    Heroes shape our lives and give us an example to emulate but have you ever asked yourself if your heroes were right for you Do they have ...

    How can we all Be The Change

    NOTE FROM TED TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail ...

    Let us bring the change

    Yogita Bihani is a young and talented woman who has become a beacon of inspiration for everyone who knows her. Yogita started her career ...

    The era of the bully is over

    Simon Fleming has driven a national initiative to tackle behaviours like bullying undermining and harassment. HammerItOut is inspiring ot...

    Resistance as a Pathway to Change

    Think that resistance means youre headed in the wrong direction Think again. Author and corporate citizen Melinda wells shares her provoc...