Getting in Alignment



and just

as quickly as that began

and ended so has

our time with covet

i want to share with you a little bit

about getting in alignment

understanding your purpose and getting

in alignment i don’t know about you but

march 2020 came and i was preparing for

spring break i was trying to decide what

it was that i was going to do what kind

of vacation i was going to have

how i was going to experience 2020s

spring break however right before that


i got a call at work

i work at a university and higher

education we were called in

and we were told we were not going to be

coming back

not coming back what do you mean what do

you mean we’re not coming back we’re

going to be working from home and so we

want you to bring your computer in

and we’re going to make sure that you

are prepared to work

remotely and just like that

spring break changed and what i thought

was going to be a week of vacation


a week of what i would probably call

if i was 12 punishment

why because we were all sequestered to


now home is not a bad place to be but

if you’re determining and deciding that

you’re going on vacation

to be stuck at home now changes that

and so i really want to talk a little

bit about

what happened in march of 2020.

many of us got and became

unaligned now i don’t know about you but

i remember when my

i got my first car think about your

first car

mine was a pacer and

for those of y’all that are young and

don’t know what a pacer is google it i

promise you’ll you’ll laugh

but a pacer is much like a skate

with a lot of windows on wheels

and that’s what i had i had a pacer and

it had a cassette not a track because

i’m not that old

but in my cassette player i would play

some of the best music and when we had

something like um oh i don’t know

billie jean or something like sometimes

your hands would go up while you were

supposed to be driving because you know

many times we like to

wave our hands in the air and wave them

like we just don’t care

while we’re driving and there’s this

little thing called

alignment that we don’t really realize

is there

until we take our hands off the wheel

and when we take our hands off the wheel


realize that maybe

my car is going to keep going straight

if my part is aligned it’ll

keep on going down the the lane like

it’s supposed to but if it’s not

you’re immediately going to go to the

right or

to the left now

here’s what happens when we get


and our car veers either to the right or

to the left

the problem becomes that sometimes we

want to

realign it and we do it too hard

when we’ve been dre drifting to the left

and we

over compensate to the right sometimes

we hit the curb

and that’s what happened march of 2020

some of us hit the curb now you say well

coach how did we hit the curb i mean you

know like we were just going through

life and life was happening yes it was

but it

did not happen the way we planned for it

to happen it

did not happen the way we had in our

minds it was going to happen and because

of that

we got out of alignment

now i just want to tell you just for a

few minutes how do we get back in

alignment because

i know some of you are struggling i was


so as we begin to go into alignment

i just want to tell you that i have a

cute little acronym

for a line and i want to just tell you a

little bit about that as we go forward

a we acknowledge

that we are out of balance see before we


get ourselves together before we can get

ourselves fixed up

we have to acknowledge that there is

something wrong i have to acknowledge

and i have to come to the realization

that my life is not on the track that i

thought it was supposed to be on

see if we’re real honest covet just

brought up some things that we already


that we were going too much that we were

doing too much that we’re

in too many meetings that we had our

schedule packed so tight that we could

barely breathe

but march 2020 came and voila

all of our schedules were completely

cleaned we had nowhere to go

because everybody was at home everything

was shut down

and we began to realize that we were

doing a lot

we were at a lot of places we our

schedules were totally packed

and this time of covid helped us to


that we were out of balance

so we needed to acknowledge that we were


of alignment l

i need you just like i need me

to learn how to play and to laugh again

i don’t know about you but sometimes

when we get

to the place where we are struggling and

where we are

really really uh having a hard time with

all of the things that are happening and

all of the stuff that is going on

when we can just turn on some music and

we can just get in the kitchen and we

can jam to the music

when we can dance and we don’t have to

worry about anybody looking at us and

anybody judging us or anybody making any

any decisions for us

we need to learn to play again

we need to learn to laugh again we need

to learn how to be that little kid

that’s still on the inside that really

just wants to break out

we need to learn to live again

to love again in ways in which we have

forgotten because our life was so

busy and we were so out of alignment

i in all thy ways acknowledge him and he

shall direct that path

the message bible kind of says it this

way it says that

as we begin to move forward in christ

we have to know that we must acknowledge


because he’s the one in control see the

biggest thing that we have had

issues with is that we’ve been in

control we’ve been in control of

everything that’s happening we’ve been

in control of our purpose we’ve been

into control of all the things that were

going on

but what we didn’t really realize is

that while we thought we were in control

we really weren’t

and so we’ve got to acknowledge whatever

you choose to call your higher power

i choose to call him jesus

g grace

give yourself and give others grace

you say well why you know we all are

we all are struggling yes we all

are struggling and in doing that we all

need to extend to each other and to

ourselves grace

and what is grace grace is just that

time it is that

expanse it is that unmerited


time and space that we give to

our friends and to ourselves

so that when we have that quick come

back when we

have that meltdown when we have that

time of

not knowing exactly what is going on

we can extend that love we can extend

that peace

to someone else

and in no

just look at somebody and tell them no

i know that it feels like a cuss word i

know that it feels like that you are

swearing at someone when you tell them

no but i promise you if you want to be


if you want to change your life if you

want to be the person that you are

called to be you have to learn the power

of the word no

it’s not a cuss word it doesn’t require

explanation just say

no so if we’re going to align our lives

and if we’re going to get in balance

then it requires us to

understand our purpose and understand

what god has called us to be

see each of us have taken our clues from


out there and we’ve listened to

everybody but ourselves

and it is time it is time for

us to begin to listen to who what what

god has called us to be

who are you and where is your alignment

see when i look at bridgestone and i try

to figure out

because you know i’m not really that uh

mechanically inclined

and i look to see what does it really

mean to be aligned

and it just means that the tires are


angled so that they hit the ground

in the most effective way

if you will acknowledge your situations

if you will learn to laugh and to love

and to

to really have grace for other people if

you will acknowledge

whatever you choose to call your higher

power and

if you will learn the power of the word


i promise you that you will be able to

realign yourself

and fulfill the purpose that you have

[掌声] [音乐] 就像开始和结束一样快,我们与 covet 的时间也一样快我想与你分享一点关于达成一致了解你的目的和达成一致我不了解你,但游行 2020 年到来了,我正在为春假做准备 在工作中 我在一所大学和高等教育机构工作 我们被叫到我们被告知我们不会回来 不回来 你是什么意思 你是什么意思 我们不会回来 我们要工作 在家,所以我们希望你把你的电脑带进来,我们将确保你准备好远程工作,就像那个春假改变了,我认为一周的假期变成了一周的假期 我可能会称我为 fi 是 12 的惩罚 为什么因为我们现在都被隔离在家里了,所以现在家不是一个坏地方,但是如果你确定并决定你要去度假,现在被困在家里会改变这一点,所以我真的很想 稍微谈谈 2020 年 3 月发生的事情。我们中的许多人现在变得不结盟了 你们都年轻,不知道起搏器是什么谷歌,我保证你会笑的,但起搏器很像滑板,轮子上有很多窗户,这就是我所拥有的,我有一个起搏器 它有一个磁带而不是曲目,因为我没有那么老,但是在我的磁带播放器中,我会播放一些最好的音乐,当我们有像 um oh 我不知道 billie jean 之类的东西时,有时你的手会 在你应该开车的时候上去,因为你知道很多时候我们喜欢挥手 在空中挥动它们,就像我们开车时不在乎一样,有一个叫做对齐的小东西,直到我们把手从方向盘上拿下来,当我们把手拿开时,我们才真正意识到它的存在 我们意识到,如果我的部分对齐,也许我的车会继续直行,它会像应该的那样继续沿着车道行驶,但如果不是,你会立即向右或向右行驶 现在离开这里是当我们没有对齐并且我们的汽车向右或向左转向时会发生什么问题变成有时我们想要重新对齐它并且当我们一直向左漂移并且我们结束时我们做得太难了 补偿有时我们撞到路边,这就是 2020 年 3 月发生的事情,我们中的一些人现在撞到路边了,教练我们是怎么撞到路边的 是,但它并没有像我们想象的那样发生 很高兴它发生它并没有像我们想象的那样发生它会发生因此我们失去了对齐现在我只想告诉你几分钟我们如何重新对齐因为 我知道你们中的一些人正在苦苦挣扎 我一直在苦苦挣扎,所以当我们开始对齐时,我只想告诉你,我有一个可爱的小线首字母缩写词,我想在我们前进的过程中告诉你一些关于这一点的信息 a 我们承认我们失去了平衡 在我们能够振作起来之前,我们才能把自己解决好之前我们必须承认有一些错误我必须承认并且我必须意识到我的生活没有继续下去 我认为它应该在的轨道上看看我们是否真的诚实的贪婪只是提出了一些我们已经知道的事情,我们做得太多了,我们做的太多了,我们参加了太多的会议,我们 我们的日程安排得太紧了 我们几乎无法呼吸,但 2020 年 3 月来了,瞧,我们所有的日程安排都被彻底清理了,我们无处可去,因为每个人都在家,一切都被关闭了,我们开始意识到我们做了很多我们在很多地方 我们的日程安排得满满当当,这次新冠疫情帮助我们意识到我们失去了平衡,所以我们需要承认我们没有保持一致。我需要你,就像我需要我学习如何玩耍和再次笑我一样 不了解你,但有时当我们到达我们正在挣扎的地方,我们真的真的很难忍受所有正在发生的事情和所有正在发生的事情,当我们可以的时候 打开一些音乐,我们就可以进入厨房,当我们可以跳舞时,我们可以随音乐即兴演奏,我们不必担心任何人看着我们,任何人评判我们或任何人为我们做出任何我们需要的决定 去乐 再次玩耍 我们需要重新学会笑 我们需要学习如何成为那个仍然在内心深处 真正想要爆发的小孩 我们需要重新生活 重新以我们已经忘记的方式去爱 因为我们的生活太忙了,我们太不协调了 我们必须承认他,因为他是控制者看到我们遇到的最大问题是我们一直在控制我们一直在控制正在发生的一切我们一直在控制我们的目标我们 已经控制了所有正在发生的事情,但我们没有真正意识到的是,虽然我们认为我们在控制中,但实际上并没有,所以我们必须承认你选择称之为你的更高权力的任何东西 我选择称他为 jesus g gra ce给自己也给别人恩典你说得好为什么你知道我们都在挣扎是的我们都在挣扎并且在这样做的过程中我们都需要向彼此和自己延伸恩典而恩典就是那个时候 这就是我们给朋友和自己的不值得的时间和空间 把爱传递给别人,我们可以把和平传递给其他人,而不是仅仅看着某人并告诉他们不,我知道这感觉就像一个诅咒词我知道当你告诉他们不时,感觉就像你在对某人发誓,但我 向你保证如果你想自由如果你想改变你的生活如果你想成为你被召唤的那个人你必须学习这个词的力量不它不是一个粗俗的词它不需要解释只是 说不,如果我们是 要调整我们的生活,如果我们要达到平衡,那么它需要我们理解我们的目的,理解上帝对我们的呼召,看看我们每个人都从外面的每个人那里得到了我们的线索,我们已经听过 除了我们自己之外的每个人,现在是时候让我们开始倾听上帝呼召我们成为什么样的人了,当我看着普利司通时,你的定位在哪里?我试图弄清楚,因为你知道我 不是真的那么机械倾斜,我想看看对齐到底意味着什么,这只是意味着轮胎是倾斜的,以便它们以最有效的方式撞击地面,如果你承认你的情况,如果你 如果你承认你选择称之为你的更高力量的任何东西,如果你学会了“不”这个词的力量,我向你保证,你将能够重新调整自己 并实现你的目的