Neha Jaiswal talks about how each and every one of us has within ourselves the potential to achieve success. Neha in her talk has effecti...
Witty. Content Creator. Artist. In this hilarious and insightful talk Shreyas talks about the unpredictability in life through his journe...
Eleanor talks about the need to embrace vulnerability as a way to build resilience something she wish she knew when she was at school. E...
In this fun talk Tiffany explores the challenges of having an accent and why in the end the best thing we can do is love the way we talk ...
Artist and conservation activist Jessica Potter uses her unique illustrations to develop an understanding of the natural world. Her recen...
Why are we so addicted to stories of the apocalypse even in times when the world is falling apart Jennifer Zhou explores the ways in whic...
Does your accent reveal your identity Have you ever felt like you were being treated differently because of your accent In this talk Adri...