Women Journalism and the Indian Newsroom


you ever been mistaken for somebody else

or something else say you’re a doctor

and somebody thought

you’re a dancer or maybe you’re

a priest and somebody thought you are

a gym instructor

ah it happened with me i’m a journalist

and i was mistaken for a sex worker

so i it happened one evening i got a


i was at my work either making a page

newspaper page or editing a copy i got a

call for some from someone

a man and he asked me

lady bird wrong number i kept the phone

there was another call ladybird

wrong number i kept the phone and calls

kept coming

and in a matter of days there were

barrage of calls

all men all wanting to know

if i am lady bird then one day one guy

asked me

ready bird what is your rate

that time something struck me what’s

going on

i waited for the morning and the next


i called these guys back who are you

why are you calling me and where did you

get my number

so one of them’s they said one of them


that he had he saw my number scribbled

on the wall

of a toilet of a restaurant in siliguri

the other guy also found my number in a

toilet wall

in calcutta and another guy found my


in um oh okay the sleeper coat of

darjeeling wheel train

and all of them said so it i presume

that some guy

wrote my number scribbled it

with my pick up name or what would you

call it lady word

so there all these poor guys they wanted

to speak to lady bird

and there i was a boring journalist

working in my desk

making pages and editing copies hardly

anybody wanted to believe me when i said

that is not the case

see finding out is my job and i found

out this also as it turned out

that a former colleague of mine a former

boss of mine

went about doing this writing this

because he thought and he was right

that if men they see a number

lying around and if they think it

belongs to a woman

they’ll have to make a call and they did

and they asked me ladies

so here i am somebody’s ladybird

to tell you what it is like to be

a journalist a small

town woman journalist in a very very

male dominated

profession i uh when i joined

in the very early years in the turn of

the century i was possibly the second

woman journalist in the city a small

city a town

of siliguri darjeeling this town this

you know it’s really nice last time that

i was here

i was here for a meet of journalists and

it was a job you know

me conference of journalists from all

over north bengal and second

there were 70 journalists can you guess

how many were women

two i was one and the other one was from

the hosting side

and she had the most important job of

welcoming the guests

giving them khadas and garlands right so

that’s pretty much

it is heartbreaking for me because from

the time i started out

till that moment two years ago

spanning almost two decades it was

heartbreaking that the story is almost

the same for us women

why when i started out it was

the time of so much positivity

it was like you know media was boom like

it was media boom and there was so much


activity happening and satellite

channels had made it

the journalism profession was so visible

like they were women particularly it was

good time for women to enter the


so many women were coming forward right

where are these women now

this is the statistics that we have in


there was a study then we are very bad

with statistics by the way

there are very few studies in 2010

they found out that one in

four journalists were women only 25


and there was more in 2019 there was

another study done

by united nations women and

news laundry and they found that they

did a survey of

the top positions of the decision uh

you know making roles women held only

five percent of the top decision-making


in uh in newspapers

so that and in case of tv and

and digital media that was slightly

better but considering that we make half

the population

it’s pretty pathetic to have such few

numbers in journalism

she is an egyptian journalist she has

coined this term called

courier femicide she used the term

courier femicide to refer

to the systemic destruction of

women’s careers especially in the

context of me too

she was particularly speaking about

women who either lost their jobs

or were rendered unemployable

because they raised their voice against

voices against

harassment so when we speak of systemic

destruction of women’s career when we

speak of

career famicide

when you speak of career femicide what


exactly the death it’s it’s like a

professional death for a woman right

your career comes to an abrupt end for


beyond a control for reasons that you

are a woman

for the sets like for and and i uh

you know it you must have seen i don’t

know whether you followed the metoo

movement closely or not

i don’t know if anybody is laughing here

or not because some people still

think that it was a joke but it wasn’t a

joke me too movement for the first time

in india and in the world especially

when it happened in india

it confirmed our doubts

that sexual harassment in workplaces

is rampant right this is something this

is the reality that

we live with and you know and what was

it like one after

one when women came forward and their

stories of horror

and what they faced you know what we got

to see

was a very you know there were many

different stories but there was

one particular narrative that one

there is some like the things that they

face with one is gender discrimination

and there’s this power structure

entitled newsrooms with a very

patriarchal power structure

where women are subjugated to

you know exploitation and harassment i

mean you may

say that oh you cannot prove that in

court but heart of hearts

you know that this happens and this has

happened right

so and what now that me too movement


you know we saw most of the women

speaking out were

women of privilege they were women from

urban areas

what about the small towns what about

the smaller towns

in smaller towns we didn’t hear much

about women from there

why is it that because small towns are


women having a good time and men are

really great

do you believe that no there

that’s it but why is it you know and i

you know think that women and we all


particularly small town in the because

we have fewer opportunities

we have fewer opportunities also and

women also live with lot of


newspapers in smaller towns they have

they are in a kind of situation where

you know journalists are often required


collect advertisements and their

salaries depend on that

that makes them very very vulnerable

this is one of the ways in which they

are more vulnerable right

so women in smaller towns they live with

much more vulnerability even smaller

rural areas they are dealing with

uh you know very difficult circumstances

so i would think that they are more

vulnerable they may be more exploited

i did not learn these you know lessons

of gender discrimination at home

i had no idea i learned it in news rooms

can you believe it

it was a newsroom i i understood because

when i grew up

i grew up in an all-female household

i grew up see when my father died and

when i was five it was my mother and my

aunt over there

they brought me up with along with two

other sisters we have five women growing

up we did everything we had nothing like

this is a man’s job this is a girl’s job

i entered the newsroom and a man does

what is called hard news and a woman

does what is called soft news

hard news are those important news crime

and and and this gives you an idea of

what it is like and women oh you’re that

and you know how it works out i can give

you a small example

in 2008 there was this leader from here

in darjeeling he was rising in politics

and he had this great rally a massive

political rally that was organized in


and two reporters were pressed to cover

it to do the political stories

men of course right and

i was like i was pretty senior by then

my work

i said like what am i doing this big

thing happening in my city i’m not doing


i said do a mood story mood story

what is a mood story go and talk to a

few people

preferably women again who have come

there with children

or you know some old woman there ask

them their stories and just write the


but you know fun part the people who are

asked to

listen to the speech and analyze it

people who are asked

the journalists who are asked to cover

the great political event

they didn’t know a word of nepali

right i speak nepali i understand nepali

but i am a woman

so that is how gender discrimination

works in news rooms

and it often and you know the structure

is pretty much like a family

it’s a very and it must be the same in

other professions i don’t know maybe you

must be comparing now how it is

and your work as well but the reason to

speak about journalism is we

think that maybe this space is liberal

because journalism by nature is a very

liberal job we are questioning all the


we are trying to set things right so we

presume maybe we are the right people

but it is not and

the discrimination works like this and

often the structure is like a family

the head of the office whoever heads the

office the mail editor

wants to become your father figure or

the husband figure

someone who wants to have control over

what you do

right and if you’re a woman astounding

level of control they want to have on


and your body right and when you resist

there is harassment because then you

don’t fit in

if you have a problem just go why are

you here this is a man’s job what were

you thinking

you didn’t have to do this okay

so a woman is left with a choice of

either accepting it

or quitting i quit twice

most of my career you know like have

been a freelancer

and this was a decision like today i’m

here in front of you as a free

as a woman journalist most of my career

most of my achievement has been

the work that i’ve done independently

and i do not and as a freelancer it has

lot of its pitfalls a lot of its

challenges but even with its challenges

even with its insecurities i’m so glad

that 10 years ago i decided not to work

with male bosses

so that’s how it has been right so now

what happens is what how does it work

what happens

that when you are you know when these

frictions happen

they when you challenge the when you

challenge the authority

when you don’t want to quit when you

fight we put up a fight ladybird happens

i put up a complaint and i leave and

there is a

i’m a sex worker i’m turned into one

overnight i don’t even realize it

right so that’s how it works

i complain i’m forced to quit

and what happens see what you you guys

must be knowing now how revenge porn


your ex-boyfriends your upload your

photos on youtube and all that

or maybe some pawn site so this guy had

my number what he could do

put it out right so this is a very this

is the kind of sentiments you have

have and it’s unfortunate

so now this is the very important thing

by now i don’t know how many of you are

still interested in listening to me

i have a feeling that you must be pretty

bored or all

at least 30 percent of you think that i

am troublesome

i am the one who created trouble because

the services

that 30 percent you know 30 people

agreed to this question women who

complain about

sexual harassment cause more problems

than they solve

so that is it you know once what

happened like you know my colleague a

former colleague he was like

anu radha what happened to you why are

you doing this woman woman woman

i never did that like you know we all

want to not do

gender things right because we don’t

want to be seen as like

a difficult person we want to jelly we

want to fit in

we don’t want to say that we are having

any so like when did you

start doing this gender gender thing we

always thought you were like a man

we treated you like a man and look at

you woman

you know i was like what so you know

this idea this

so i’m very sorry if that doesn’t really

work well for many people but

but this why i’m talking about it is not

to cast aspersions on anyone

i don’t want to blame my former


or any organization it is not a blame

game here

and it’s not about an individual or an

organization but it is to speak about

that culture

speak about that culture which is hardly


many many people don’t know what it is

like it and i think it is

very important to speak now more than

ever before

because media industry is seriously in

crisis and with those in post code if

govern times it’s even worse

all right and why do we um

there are three things that you know i

really want to stress upon is

why do we need women

in journalism why

right why do we need women in journalism


of this yes please

because of this this is the

it you know in post curvy we all know

the what we faced

hardships we faced women suffered it

more than men

you close your eyes and this is

something you can answer right

but this was the coverage

how much how only 21 of headlines were

dedicated to women

so the stories of women don’t come out

we need more women to tell their stories

but more than that

why do we need diversity gender

diversity and by that and for them you

know it’s not just

women women from the dalit community

women from religious

minorities we need all kinds of women

here we need women

from all backgrounds we also need

persons from other genders we need


why why we need because we need to

unbiased the news

because only when we have various


news becomes unbiased it becomes fair

and as a consumer of news

it is in your interest to read news that

is not biased right

that is why and i think you know this is

the time we

really need solutions almost a quarter

of the centuries

you know 21st century is over we cannot


a situation like you know i had two

years ago in darjeeling where there are

only two women

in 70 that’s pathetic we need more women

and i

and if we treat women with respect


give them what they deserve there will

be more and

more women coming in workplaces need to

be safe

we cannot have unsafe workplaces we have

to give

and most importantly we need to listen

to women

we don’t listen to them if we if they


we want them out oh she talks too much

a good woman is the one who talks less

we are raised to be good girls right

well good girls don’t ask don’t


and that is what happens in newsroom

also i know journalists are not

you know they don’t think women

journalists are deserving of sympathy

because they think oh they’re strong

they’re fighting for everybody

can’t they fight for themselves but that

is not how it works

so women you have to make space for

women you have to

allow more women to come in and work


express freely and when they complain

listen to the complain and don’t blame

her why do we trust men more than women

as one case of sexual harassment and the


thought is why is she trying to frame

him what happens to his career

they’re more bothered about his career

but what about your life

what about a woman’s life you’re

destroying her life but you don’t think

much about her

we think we are more bothered with

careers of men but maybe we can

it all needs a slight orientation you


just change of little change of

perspective a small change of

perspective and treat women’s career

with equal importance

we don’t do that we think for a woman

it’s easy to quit

and go we think why is she not leaving

you know

always with him let’s not put that

challenge on her

leave or either you stay here or you go

let’s not do it to her

let’s say that how can we make it better

how can we

get you more involved right so and to my

female colleagues especially in small


we are so few in number as i said like i

was only

one and there was another one and you

know that’s still very few and i go them

i just look around how many are there

you know all i want is seek yourselves


you know gang up just gang up if not in

this town you’ll have more women in

other towns form a network

find a voice because when we speak

collectively we will be heard and me too

was that example

we really need if you are a senior

mentor a junior get somebody

and and trust each other if we don’t do


men will never do it for us right

with these words i end my

talk thank you very much for listening

你有没有被误认为其他人或其他人说你是一名医生,有人认为你是一名舞者,或者你是一名牧师,有人认为你是一名体操教练啊,这发生在我身上,我是一名记者 我被误认为是性工作者,所以我发生了这样的事 一天晚上,我接到一个电话,我正在工作,要么制作一页报纸,要么编辑一份副本 号码我保留了电话还有另一个电话瓢虫号码错误我保留了电话并且电话不断来电几天之内所有男人都想知道我是否是瓢虫然后有一天一个人问我准备好 鸟 你的费率是多少 那次让我震惊 发生了什么事 我等了早上 第二天早上我给这些人打了电话 你是谁 你为什么打电话给我 你从哪里得到我的电话号码 所以他们中的一个 他们说 他们说他看到了 我的号码写在西里古里一家餐馆的厕所墙上 另一个人也在加尔各答的厕所墙上找到了我的号码,另一个人在嗯嗯,好吧,大吉岭轮式火车的睡衣外套,他们都这么说 我想有人写了我的电话号码,上面写着我的接机名字,或者你怎么称呼它为女士字,所以所有这些可怜的家伙都想和女士鸟说话,而我是一个无聊的记者,在我的办公桌上工作 和编辑副本几乎没有人愿意相信我,当我说情况并非如此时,看看找出是我的工作,我也发现了这一点,因为事实证明,我的一位前同事我的前任老板开始写这篇文章 因为他认为并且他是对的,如果男人们看到周围有一个号码,如果他们认为这是一个女人的号码,他们将不得不打电话,他们做到了,他们问我女士们,所以我是某人的瓢虫告诉你 u 成为一名记者是什么感觉?一个小镇女记者,从事一个非常男性主导的职业我呃,当我在世纪之交的最初几年加入时,我可能是这个城市的第二位女记者,一个小城市 一个大吉岭西里古里镇 这个镇 你知道 上次我在这里真的很好 我来这里是为了与记者见面,这是一份工作 你知道我 来自北孟加拉邦各地的记者会议,其次有 70 名记者可以 你猜有多少女性,我是其中之一,另一个是主办方,她最重要的工作是欢迎客人,给他们卡达和花环,所以这对我来说几乎是令人心碎的,因为从那时起,我 从两年前的那一刻开始,跨越了将近二十年,对于我们女性来说,这个故事几乎相同,这令人心碎 就像您知道的那样,媒体正在蓬勃发展,就像媒体繁荣一样,发生了如此多的活动,卫星频道使新闻业变得如此引人注目,就像她们是女性一样,尤其是女性进入该行业的好时机,如此多的女性 挺身而出 这些女性现在在哪里 这是我们在 2010 年获得的统计数据 有一项研究然后我们的统计数据非常糟糕 顺便说一下 2010 年的研究很少 他们发现四分之一的记者是女性 25 百分比,2019 年还有更多 联合国妇女和新闻机构进行了另一项研究,他们发现他们对决策的最高职位进行了调查 呃在报纸上的工作,所以在电视和数字媒体的情况下稍微好一点,但考虑到我们占人口的一半,拥有它是非常可悲的 新闻界的数字如此之少,她是一名埃及记者,她创造了这个术语,称为“信使杀女性”她用“信使杀女性”这个词来指代女性职业生涯的系统性破坏,尤其是在我的背景下,她特别谈到那些要么失去她们的女性 工作或失业,因为他们提出反对骚扰的声音,所以当我们谈到对女性职业的系统性破坏时,当我们谈到职业谋杀时,当你谈到职业杀害女性时,我们到底是什么,这就像一个女人的职业死亡 是的,你的职业生涯突然结束,因为一些无法控制的原因,因为你是一个女人,比如 for 和我,你知道,你一定已经看到了,我不知道你是否密切关注 metoo 运动 我不知道是否有人在这里笑,因为有些人仍然认为这是一个笑话,但我也不是一个笑话 印度和世界上的第一次运动,特别是当它发生在印度时,它证实了我们的怀疑,即工作场所的性骚扰猖獗,这是正确的,这就是我们生活的现实,你知道,之后是什么样子 一个当女人挺身而出,她们的恐怖故事和她们所面临的你知道我们看到的是一个非常你知道有很多不同的故事,但有一个特定的叙述,其中一个有一些像他们面对的事情 是性别歧视,并且有这种权力结构,名为新闻编辑室,具有非常父权制的权力结构,女性受制于你知道剥削和骚扰我的意思是你可能会说,哦,你不能在法庭上证明这一点,但你内心深处知道这发生了,这 发生了正确的事情,现在我也运动了,不幸的是,您知道我们看到大多数发言的女性都是享有特权的女性 他们是来自城市地区的女性,小城镇怎么样? 相信不,就是这样,但为什么你知道,我你知道认为女性和我们都知道特别是小镇,因为我们的机会更少,我们的机会也更少,女性也生活在小城镇的许多脆弱报纸中 他们有他们处于一种情况,你知道记者经常被要求收集广告,他们的薪水取决于这使他们非常脆弱这是他们更容易受到伤害的方式之一,所以小城镇的女性他们 生活在更加脆弱的环境中,即使他们正在处理的较小的农村地区,呃,你知道非常困难的情况,所以我认为他们更 脆弱 他们可能更容易被剥削 我没学过这些 你知道在家中性别歧视的教训 我不知道我是在新闻编辑室学到的 你能相信这是一个新闻编辑室吗 我明白因为当我长大时 -我长大的女性家庭 看到我父亲去世的时候,我五岁的时候,是我母亲和我姑姑在那里抚养我和另外两个姐妹一起长大的,我们有五个女人长大,我们做了我们所没有的一切,就像这样 一个男人的工作 这是一个女孩的工作 我进入新闻编辑室,一个男人做所谓的硬新闻,一个女人做所谓的软新闻 硬新闻是那些重要的新闻犯罪,这让你知道它是什么样的 女人哦,你就是这样,你知道结果如何 我可以给你举个小例子 2008 年有一位来自大吉岭的领导人,他在政治上正在崛起,他举行了一场盛大的集会 一场大规模的政治集会,在 西里古里安 d 两名记者被迫报道政治故事当然是对的,我当时好像我已经很老了 说做一个心情故事 心情故事 什么是心情故事 去和几个人谈谈,最好是带着孩子来的女人 被要求听演讲并对其进行分析的人 被要求报道重大政治事件的记者 他们对尼泊尔语一个字都不懂 我说尼泊尔语 我懂尼泊尔语,但我是女人,所以 是新闻编辑室中性别歧视的运作方式,它经常发生,你知道这个结构很像一个家庭,它是一个非常,它在其他职业中一定是一样的,我不知道,也许你现在必须比较它是如何和你的 像我们一样工作 但是谈论新闻的原因是我们认为也许这个空间是自由的,因为新闻本质上是一项非常自由的工作,我们一直在质疑我们试图把事情做好,所以我们假设我们可能是合适的人,但它 不是,歧视是这样进行的,而且结构通常就像一个家庭 办公室负责人 办公室负责人 邮件编辑想成为你的父亲或丈夫 想要控制你做对的事情的人 如果你是一个女人,他们想要对你和你的身体拥有惊人的控制力,当你抵抗时,就会有骚扰,因为如果你有问题,你不适应,那就去吧,你为什么在这里,这是男人的 工作 你在想什么 你不必这样做 好吧 所以女人只能选择接受或辞职 就像今天一样,我作为一名自由女记者站在你们面前,我职业生涯的大部分时间我的大部分成就都是我独立完成的工作,而我没有,作为一名自由职业者,它有很多陷阱 有很多挑战,但即使有挑战,即使有不安全感,我很高兴 10 年前我决定不与男性老板合作,所以事情就是这样,所以现在发生的事情是它是如何工作的 当你知道这些摩擦什么时候发生当你挑战当你挑战权威当你不想退出当你打架时我们打架瓢虫发生我提出投诉然后我离开并且有一个我 我是一名性工作者,我一夜之间变成了性工作者,我什至没有意识到这是正确的,所以它就是这样工作的 前男友,你在 youtube 和 al 上上传你的照片 l 那个或者可能是某个典当站点,所以这个人有我的号码,他能做些什么把它说出来,所以这是一个非常这就是你所拥有的那种情绪,这很不幸,所以现在这是非常重要的事情,我现在不知道 不知道你们中有多少人仍然有兴趣听我说我感觉你们一定很无聊或者至少 30% 的人认为我很麻烦我是制造麻烦的人因为 30% 的服务 你知道有 30 人同意这个问题 抱怨性骚扰的女性造成的问题比她们解决的问题多,所以你知道一旦发生了什么就像你知道我的同事一个前同事他就像 anu radha 你发生了什么事你为什么要这样做 这个女人女人女人我从来没有像你那样做过,我们都不想做正确的性别事情,因为我们不想被视为一个难相处的人我们想要果冻我们想要融入我们不想说 我们是哈维 嗯,就像你什么时候开始做这种性别性别的事情我们一直认为你像个男人我们像男人一样对待你,看着你的女人你知道我喜欢什么所以你知道这个想法所以我很抱歉 如果这对很多人来说效果不佳,但这就是我谈论它的原因,不是要对任何人进行中伤,我不想责怪我的前同事或任何组织,这不是责备游戏,而是 不是关于个人或组织,而是谈论这种文化 谈论几乎没有讨论过的文化 许多人不知道它是什么样的,我认为现在比以往任何时候都更加重要,因为 媒体行业正处于严重危机之中,如果政府时代,情况会更糟,我们为什么要强调三件事,你知道我真正想强调的是为什么我们需要新闻界的女性,为什么对,为什么做 我们需要女性在旅途中 alism 因为这个 是的 请因为这个 这是你在弯曲后知道的 我们都知道我们所面临的困难 我们所面临的女性比男性遭受的更多你闭上眼睛这是你可以正确回答但这是 覆盖多少只有 21 个头条新闻是专门针对女性的,所以女性的故事不会出现,我们需要更多的女性来讲述她们的故事,但更重要的是,为什么我们需要多样性性别多样性,通过这一点,对她们来说,你知道这是 不只是女性 来自达利特社区的女性 来自宗教少数群体的女性 我们在这里需要各种各样的女性 我们需要来自不同背景的女性 我们也需要来自其他性别的人 我们需要多样性 为什么我们需要,因为我们需要公正的新闻,因为只有当我们 有不同的观点 新闻变得公正,它变得公平,作为新闻的消费者,阅读没有偏见的新闻符合您的利益,这就是为什么,我认为您知道这是不正确的 他是时候我们真的需要解决方案,几乎四分之一个世纪已经过去了,我们不能有像你知道的那样的情况,我两年前在大吉岭只有两个 70 岁的女性,这太可悲了,我们需要更多的女性,我和 如果我们尊重女性尊严,给予她们应得的东西,将会有越来越多的女性进入工作场所需要安全我们不能有不安全的工作场所,我们必须给予,最重要的是我们需要倾听我们不听的女性 他们如果我们如果他们说话我们希望他们出去哦她话太多了一个好女人是那个话少的人我们被培养成好女孩对好好女孩不要问不要挑战这就是新闻编辑室发生的事情 我也知道记者不是你知道他们不认为女记者值得同情,因为他们认为哦,她们很坚强,她们为每个人而战,她们不能为自己而战,但事实并非如此,所以女性 你必须为女性腾出空间 你必须让更多女性进来工作 自由表达 当她们抱怨时 倾听抱怨 不要责怪她 为什么我们更信任男性而不是女性作为性骚扰和 第一个想法是为什么她试图陷害他他的职业生涯会发生什么他们更关心他的职业生涯但你的生活怎么样你正在摧毁她的生活但你对她的考虑不多我们 认为我们更关心男性的职业,但也许我们可以这一切都需要一个轻微的方向,你知道只需改变一点点的观点改变一点点,并同等重视女性的职业我们不这样做,我们认为 女人很容易辞职走开我们想她为什么不离开你知道永远和他在一起我们不要把挑战放在她的休假或者你留在这里或者你离开我们不要对她这样做让我们说我们怎样才能让它变得更好 H 我们能不能








我只是 看看周围有多少人


你知道 联合起来 如果不在

这个镇上就联合起来 你会在其他城镇有更多的女性


找到一个声音 因为当我们集体说话时,

我们将成为 听说过,我








演讲,非常感谢 很适合听